Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 824

At the last break, the focus of the fans\' discussion naturally focused on the two attacks in the last 40 seconds of Jifeng. The unsolved three-point and smart quick break made the whole section of the green shirt army in vain. The super performance of 30 points in three quarters also made Jifeng fans very satisfied. No doubt, Jifeng played his best in the first game.

However, the professionals look at the natural difference, Jifeng\'s two attacks are naturally very wonderful, but for the season almost every game will contribute such performance, the two attacks at best is his routine operation, the basketball circle people have long been familiar with.

This kind of performance is like Kobe\'s backward, James breaks through the dunk, Howard grabs 15 rebounds, is their regular performance.

Therefore, the commentators have focused on the defense. Undoubtedly, Ji Feng\'s two successful defense against Pierce is the key to the final 5-0 of the Lakers, and the green shirts undoubtedly suffered a great loss under Ji Feng\'s defense!

"Jifeng\'s grasp of the timing of the snatch is too accurate, you can\'t show any flaws in front of him. Pierce wants to eat only Jifeng head-on is obviously thinking too much, he should use his better back body." Smith analyzed.

"I don\'t agree with you, man. Generally speaking, back is the most effective weapon against Ji Feng, but Ji Feng is different now. Pierce did use his back in the second goal just now, but Ji Feng even carried him to death, so that he could not find the mobile phone meeting for ten seconds, and finally ended up walking. If you see the playback, you can understand why I am doing this Well, in that position, it\'s impossible for a guy without strength to seal Pierce Barkley said.

As the super giant interior of the former League, there is no doubt that Buckley\'s back body technology is beyond doubt. The so-called height is not enough. If Buckley does not rely on his invincible big buttocks and his skillful back body technology, he will not be able to win his own world in the era of super interior blowout.

So he knew how to play in Pierce\'s position, especially when he played an opponent whose weight was less than his own and his height was 55. He thought that there was no problem with Pierce\'s skill just now, so there was only one possibility. Ji Feng guessed all the choices of Pierce, and used his strength to resist pierce and prevent his final hard hitting!

This is too terrible. If Ji Feng is really like what he thinks, the threat of Ji Feng on the defensive side will undoubtedly increase greatly, because Barkley knows the importance of strength to defense.

why sometimes you can see a tall man playing a short one, but he can\'t play. This is the bonus brought by strength. Players with high space are easy to play in strength This is the reason why Yao gained weight, which is why Yao became one of the top two centers in the League after gaining weight!

Ji Feng\'s original defense is known for his anticipation and skill. He is a little weak when facing strength players, which is why he often blows up with players like Anthony Anthony. However, when such a peak is combined with enough strength to match Pierce\'s inner line.

1 + 1 is more than two!

Jifeng will transform into a super defense machine!

Although Buckley is not sure whether it is, after all, it was just a defense just now, and he doesn\'t rule out eating dumplings during the Spring Festival. So Buckley didn\'t say all of his ideas, but decided to observe and observe in the fourth quarter.

As the strategist, rivers, Ji Feng\'s threat is even greater in his heart, and others can\'t see it. But he can see clearly that the reason why lamanwu was passed to pierce is that Ji Feng sold Rondo a flaw and made a double attack on Garnett, so that Rondo, a defender who pursues the rationality of playing, has almost no second kind Choice, he can only pass to pierce.

This is no doubt more frightening than his strength and defense!

When is the most terrible routine!

Soon, they had a chance to test their conjecture, and the fourth quarter finally started with the attention of fans all over the world!

At this time, there is nothing to hide between the two sides, except that the green shirt put pierce on the bench, and the Lakers replaced Fisher with Walton.

When the Lakers came on the court, naturally, there was a hiss, especially when Ji Feng appeared. It was obvious that Ji Feng left a deep impression on the green shirt fans today.

First attack!

The ball right of the Lakers, the attack of the fourth quarter of the Lakers is basically concentrated on the outside double core JK, so the green shirt army naturally uses close pressing to limit them!

Jifeng side replaced by James Posey, the tall swing man of No.3 and No.4, rivers undoubtedly wanted to limit Ji Feng\'s shooting with his height.

In fact, compared with Pierce, Jifeng is not afraid of Posey\'s defense, although he does defend better, but the movement speed is indeed a little slow.

However, rivers did have something. James Posey marked the man, while the others started to tilt towards this half of Jifeng as soon as he got the ball, so as to play regional defense for the others.

But the first attack Jifeng is not polite, although he has confidence to break through him, but directly called the inside line pick and roll, one step over the face of Garnett decisive points, Gasol big small to a free throw line half shot!You change defense, I will divide the ball, Jifeng naturally has a set of response!

And to the defensive end, rivers really found the difference between the season peak, in a word, the season peak\'s defense is more rigorous!

Because the Lakers actually came up to play the 2-3 joint defense routine. Jifeng was the bottom corner of the right side of the array. Rondo tried to break through from this side several times, but he didn\'t go in. Ji Feng gave everyone the feeling that he was everywhere. One person covered a large area. James Posey couldn\'t move the ball and could only pass it back!

"It\'s too tight..." Pierce, sitting on the bench, muttered to himself. Just now he thought it was his own carelessness that allowed Jifeng to punish him. But sitting off the court, he found that Jifeng\'s defense was really stronger!

This time, if Rondo spirit did not give to the opposite side of Ray Allen, Ray Allen a cold wind to step on the line, the green army attack would have failed.

"Do you understand! Watch Ji Feng\'s defense carefully! Our treasure is on you Said rivers, turning his head to pierce.

Let pierce sit on the bench, one is to let him calm down, and to let him see Jifeng now\'s defensive way, so as to find a way to deal with it!

"I see, coach! Don\'t worry, it\'s up to me! " Said Pierce.

On the court, the two teams have been involved in a hand to hand battle since the first goal. When the green shirt saw that the attack was not smooth, they defended it to death. The same was true for the Los Angeles team. The two teams didn\'t score a point in these two minutes. Basketball kept playing, popping, hitting, and then popping!

On the other side of Jifeng, no one can successfully break through the past, and JK\'s closing makes Ray Allen miserable! , the fastest update of the webnovel!