Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 822

But at this time, Ji Feng felt that his right hand, that is, the middle finger of his hand, was swollen. When he raised his hand to see it, he did feel some swelling, so Ji Feng went directly to Zen master and reported his injury.

Zen master quickly let the team doctor help Ji Feng check, at this time the situation is good, can not make any mistakes.

However, Ji Feng didn\'t care much. He didn\'t feel at all on the court just now, which proves that the problem is not very serious. Moreover, as everyone who has played the ball knows, this kind of contusion is too common. Especially when fighting for basketball, it is easy to bruise the fingers. Generally, except for slightly affecting the hand feeling of the hand, the other does not affect.

"Eat radish strip, finger some contusion, but not very serious!" Sure enough, the team doctor took Ji Feng\'s finger and looked at it slightly to understand that Ji Feng\'s problem was just the sequelae of using the front knuckle to cover it vigorously.

, however, had to deal with it a little. The team doctor hurriedly took the spray to the peak of the season, and then another person handed the ice pack to help Ji Feng lower the blood circulation and ease the swelling.

After the suspension, the fans found that the Laker was operating again. Ji Feng, who created the best shot of the night, was sitting on the bench again. Vujacic and the other four main players returned to the court.

However, the Zen master had a good reason. After a while, the news came that Ji Feng needed ice compress because of the slight contusion on his finger just now, but it didn\'t affect the competition after that.

When the news came out, the Laker fans were relieved. If they hurt themselves because of the cover, it would be too much to lose. They preferred Jifeng not to do so. The previous injury undoubtedly made Jifeng fans more worried about the impact of injuries on him.

"It\'s no big deal. Just look at Ji Feng\'s talking and laughing on the bench. This kind of contusion is very common. Any player playing wild ball on the street has encountered it. There is no big problem for professional players." Zhang said that he had bruised his fingers for hundreds of times in his career. Naturally, he knew that this thing was just a little uncomfortable.

"Audience friends, we should also do what we can to cover. After the game, don\'t imitate Ji Feng casually. People have practiced." Yu Jia said.

Ji Feng, who is remembered by the fans, is a blessing in disguise. During the ice time, he covered his head with a towel, sinking his consciousness and returning to the God\'s child space. The Laker bench has long been familiar with Ji Feng\'s special rest, so no one will disturb him.

"Hey! I knew you would come now. "

To the space, Ji Feng found that Yu Jie had been waiting for a long time. In terms of her understanding of Jifeng, she absolutely surpassed everyone.

"Of course! I did my best to finish the task. It\'s not a human task. If pierce didn\'t lose his wits and had to beat me, I couldn\'t find a fool who gave three big hats to others in one round. " Jifeng stands out, by the way, a wave of PIs merciless.

Pierce is shaking wildly on the court at the moment, feeling that someone must be thinking about himself

"And! I\'ve been bullied by those guys for so long. It\'s time for revenge Ji Feng twists his fist and says.

Without much nonsense, Jifeng chose to get it directly. This was the first time that it was completed after several months. The long lost golden light surrounded Jifeng\'s body, and the statues representing the bronze walls and iron walls began to burst into light and rise slowly.

This time the golden light distribution is very even, this is the main defense skill enhancement, the defense originally is a whole body coordinated technology, so Ji Feng can feel his whole body is warm.

After a few minutes, the golden light disappeared again, and the sculpture changed from dim gray to dazzling gold, standing there with the other seven, looking very grand.

This means that Ji Feng has officially completed his eighth skill enhancement task!

The effect of this reinforcement can be seen to the naked eye that Jifeng\'s muscles are clearer, the muscle strength is more cohesive, and the strength of bones and ligaments is increased again, which also means that the injury risk of Jifeng is reduced again, and the resistance ability is more than doubled.

This is not the end. Ji Feng can even feel his arm stretch trend. Everyone knows the importance of arm exhibition to a basketball player. Super long arm exhibition can not strengthen defense at all.

Jifeng after the use of death wound, the effect is absolutely more terrible!

"How do you feel?" Asked the elder sister.

"Nice, verynice!" Jifeng moves his limbs, he can feel the majestic power hidden under his muscles, so he can\'t wait to try his current state.

"Goodbye! I\'ll go first Jifeng jumped in place twice, then waved directly away, G5 is still in full swing, he did not have much time to waste.

Return of consciousness!

Jifeng pulled off the towel and looked to the court. With only one minute left in the third quarter, the Lakers were 78-71 and still had a 7-point lead.

However, the ball is in the hands of the green shirt army, this attack has not finished, Rondo control the ball has come to the top of the arc!

"Garnett! Don\'t let him go around Jifeng swept the green formation at the moment, and immediately realized that pierce was just a feint. The real attacker should be Garnett, who is in front of the inside line at the moment!But Jifeng\'s cry was still late. Pierce made a breakthrough after catching the ball, and then hit the ground to divide the ball. Garnett took the ball and turned to clean Gasol. Then he poured his hands into the box!

The difference is only 5 points!

"I\'ll go. I\'ll give a blessing to the judgment of the situation on the field. No wonder I dare to say that the defense will be invincible after the completion." Although the goal has been scored, Ji Feng is more concerned about his ability to judge the situation on the field.

Obviously, after the completion of the iron wall, his judgment of the defensive situation on the field is more clear!

This is definitely an extra surprise. On the defensive side, if you can understand the opponent\'s attack and defense in advance, you can make defensive response in advance, which is of great help to the success of defense!

"Bullshit, system!" Ji Feng sighs, he believes that this is only the tip of the iceberg with real power.

"Coach! I\'m ready! I can play, "Ji Feng said to Zen master.

"Yes Zen master showed the team doctor to look at the ice bag. Just now, the peak season was not there. The green army\'s momentum was very strong. If it weren\'t for Kobe and Gasol, it would be awesome for them to play for 4 minutes.

"Wow, the swelling is completely gone! You can come out! No effect at all! Jifeng, how do you feel? " The team doctor looked at it and said, for the first time, he knew that ice compress worked.

"Yes?" Jifeng clenched his fist. Indeed, he couldn\'t feel the swelling of his fingers!

It seems that when strengthening his body, he also solved his minor injury by the way! , the fastest update of the webnovel!