Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 816

Peirce was speechless by Ji fengyao, and Garnett on the other side eased his knee.

"Fuck, this boy is still so strong after a week\'s injury. Shit, I don\'t know how this muscle grows." Garnett rubbed his ribs, which he had just made up for. There was a fierce collision with Ji Feng in the air.

However, the victory or defeat is obvious. Garnett just did not take advantage of it. Instead, he suffered a dark loss. Jifeng held his right hand high, but his left hand was not idle. The shadow elbow slowed Garnett down for half a day. It was the rib plexus. As anyone who has fought boxing knows, where is one of the most developed blood vessels, when this elbow is lifted up, the immortals will also slow down Half a day.

"Ji Feng\'s first goal showed his own state, breaking through pierce and fighting Garnett in the air inside without losing. This proves that Ji Feng didn\'t play casually today. It\'s definitely prepared." Zhang gave Ji Feng a thumbs up.

If we don\'t say that pierce is lost, we can say that the inside line and Garnett prove the confrontation, which is impossible for the general outside line. Although Garnett is thin, but the confrontation ability is absolutely outstanding, just look at what Gasol has been suppressed into in this round of series.

Jifeng this ball, enough cattle!

The green army chose to find the inside line. In this round of series, when the two sides were fully occupied, only Garnett had the greatest advantage. No one expected that before the game. Gasol was not in the state in this round of series, or Garnett\'s strength was really strong. In this season, even Duncan could not say that he would win Garnett.

Gasol had a hard time. The scores of several games were not high, and the rebounds were even blasted by Garnett. Especially in the two games of Jifeng\'s absence, the external defense was weakened, which led to more responsibilities for assisting and supplementing defense, which made Garnett play more comfortable.

Garnett holds the ball, turns around, hits Gasol head-on, two-step dribble and then leans back to jump shot. Gasol can only block loneliness, a typical Garnett style attack.


The green team\'s goal caused the North Bank Garden\'s voice, many fans cried out: "what about Jifeng, we have Kevin!"

It seems that the pressure from the return of Ji Feng is really not small

But soon Ji Feng proved that the Laker with him is really different!

The Lakers attack!

According to Zen master\'s arrangement, Fisher controlled the ball to the front court, and the green army suddenly found that all the Lakers were helping Ji Feng to pick and roll, which made Pierce, who was defending Jifeng, miserable. It seemed that he was not playing Jifeng, but the guy playing Cavaliers!

Yes, Zen master is to learn from the knight James method, let Jifeng unlimited one-on-one, all kinds of big play small, all kinds of small play big, in any case is dislocation attack, give full play to Ji Feng\'s various abilities!

You can\'t prevent it!

I\'ll see how you can prevent Jifeng!

However, it turns out that the green army is really unable to prevent such a move!

Flank 45 degree cross line dribble one step over Perkins, three step small throw!

The bottom corner pick and take the ball directly dry pull three points again!

On the other side of the bottom corner to catch the ball, feint a shot, directly worship the Buddha after the strong protruding baseline, meet Garnett super big rod again.

Ji Feng scored 4 goals in a row to get all the 9 points of the opening of the Lakers!

Although Garnett is a strong point in the green shirt army, it is impossible to give Garnett every ball. Garnett\'s characteristics are not crazy offensive ability. The Laker defense is very targeted. Jifeng\'s return to JK\'s outside line is still powerful. It\'s hard for the ball to get to the inside line. Rondo was forced to make a three-point race. You can believe it!

This led to a 9-4 run by the Lakers. The forced green shirt could only choose to include Ji Feng on both sides, but Ji Feng can not only attack!

Ji Feng breaks through, pierce and Allen double encircle, but Ji Feng passes the ball directly from the man\'s seam, the empty Kobe catches the ball directly into the inside line, and forcibly eats Perkins to cause the latter\'s foul, with 2 penalties.

As Buckley said: "the only drawback of this ball is that Jifeng has one less assist, the others are absolutely flawless."

Smith next door said helplessly, "so how can the green shirt choose to let Kobe go..."

This question is no problem, but there is no way, Jifeng is from that direction of breakthrough, you want to attack outside the only choice, Rondo a few meters away from it.

But rivers is also aware of the problem, he called a short pause, pause back to Jifeng attack when the double team encountered!

For the first time, Ji Feng scored the ball, but Fisher failed to make it. Rondo caught the rebound and pushed back to fast break. A coquettish grasp of the ball made him a successful layup.

Rondo wants to incarnate his guidance today. He has got 4 points.

But the second goal, when Garnett and pierce again in the baseline near the encirclement break in Jifeng, Jifeng directly behind the ball!

The basketball passes between them precisely. When they land, what they see is Gasol\'s one arm dunk behind them!

"Do it! Cool Gasol landed and roared, muscles on his arms swelled. To be honest, this is the best attack Gasol has played in five games!However, it is obvious that Jifeng\'s ball making continues. This time, Kobe is benefiting. After Jifeng attacks Gasol, 45 degrees of open space, Garnett quickly comes up to make up for the defense block, leaving Jifeng vacant is almost like suicide.

but the release is not directly launched, but a fake action, and then dribble behind, uncle Garnett to this behind dribble can not make complaints about the time, Ji Feng\'s action stopped in the middle, the direct wrist trembling, basketball flew out!

Cross the green shirt army two people\'s near, accurately find Kobe from the bottom corner!


Kobe gliding and chopping!

Two more!

"Well done!" Kobe\'s high finger season after scoring.

It\'s JK connection without solution again!

"The hand feels hot at the same time, the pass is still so sharp. If you don\'t wrap, I\'ll attack by myself, and if you clip me, I\'ll pass. It\'s too hard to understand! Pierce\'s defense is very fast, and he\'s still under a lot of pressure Barkley said.

In the first quarter, the green army was a little confused by Ji Feng\'s unexplained play, and the whole North Bank Garden was a bit silent.

In the first quarter, peak scored 18 points, 7 assists and 3 rebounds, leading the Lakers to 35 points in a single quarter.

But the green shirt army did not slow down. In the first quarter, only Garnett played normally. He got 8 points, 4 points for Ray Allen and 7 points for Rondo. Pierce was the most frustrated one. In the first quarter, he only got 1 point by free throw, which can be said to be quite miserable.

Jifeng only used a period of time to tell everyone that Jifeng, who is omnipotent on the court, is back! , the fastest update of the webnovel!