Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 815

Blow up!

It\'s completely blown up!

The news that Ji Feng entered the first list only took a few minutes to make the front page headlines of sports news in the United States and China. At the same time, it has become the hottest topic in several forums. This is a miracle when the speed of news dissemination is not as exaggerated as it was ten years later.

"Audience friends! Welcome to the fifth game of tianwangshan in NBA Finals broadcast by CCTV sports channel! I\'m Yujia

"I\'m Zhang Weiping!"

"It\'s 8:30 a.m. Beijing time. It\'s about 30 minutes before the start of the game. We can see that behind Zhang and I, the players on both sides are doing the final warm-up work before the game!"

"Yes, yes! If you turn on the TV now, you can see that Ji Feng, a Chinese player, appears on the court and is training for shooting. 15 minutes ago, the Lakers announced his starting list for tonight, and Ji Feng is on the list! That is to say, Ji Feng came back from the most important away game of Tianwang mountain after 2 injury stops! "

Director Zhang is overdue, with uncontrollable excitement, clearly facing the camera, does turn around and stare at Ji Feng on the court from time to time, and his mouth is almost grinning behind his ears. No wonder many fans have given him a new name - Zhang Jifeng Bryant

It can be said that it is very vivid.

However, this scene has been the understanding of the national fans, many fans have said that in such an occasion to resist the past, Zhang has been very strong.

This is the first broadcast of CCTV on the North Bank Garden Court. After receiving the news, CCTV temporarily increased the time of broadcasting. It started live broadcasting half an hour in advance, and specially arranged a photography team to focus on Ji Feng, who was already warming up on the court at the moment, while Yujia and Zhang Weiping, who had already made preparations for live broadcast on the second floor, directly To the edge of the field, just for a close-up shot of Ji Feng warming up!

But five minutes later, the warm-up time was over. Just as two people were still doing this analysis, Ji Feng happened to pass by here. Ji fengchong, who saw CCTV\'s logo and two familiar faces, waved with a smile and then said, "Hi! I\'ll see you soon

"AAA ~ ~"

the fans are crazy

"Hey! See you soon Director Zhang turned and yelled at Jifeng in Mandarin with Beijing Film flavor, and then turned to the camera: "just now I said Ji Feng didn\'t go into battle with injuries. I don\'t know how it is. It looks like it\'s not bad. It\'s in good condition!"

"That should be what all our fans want, and now I can\'t wait for the game to start!" Yu Jia said.

More than 20 minutes later, the game begins!

Both sides enter!

When Ji Feng ran out of the players\' passageway, he got the most hiss in the field and the shouts of all the fans of Jifeng all over the world.

Ji Feng smiles and waves to the green shirt fans around him. To some extent, the booing of green army fans is better than applause for the Laker players. They boo you and prove that they are afraid of you!

Yes, the green army fans are really afraid of this legendary rookie. This year, they saw too many miracles in Ji Feng. He seems to be a man connected with miracles.

Ji Feng stepped onto the court at the moment, looking at his smile, I do not know why, many green shirt fans in the heart is a sudden, always feel that this guy today to do something different.

The Lord of the rings appeared here for the third time. He witnessed the green army winning two games in the first two times. Today, he came to witness the three consecutive wins. However, seeing Ji Feng, Bill Russell\'s original confidence was shaken.

"It\'s really strange that this guy has just recovered, how can he be in such a good state." Bill Russell looks at Jifeng and mumbles to himself.

As a famous veteran at that time, Bill Russell had never seen any intrigues. They used all kinds of tricks on and off the court, so he didn\'t care whether Ji Feng played tricks or not, because the green army must be prepared.

In fact, Ji Feng\'s sudden appearance really made the green army a little bit forced, especially rivers. After all, the tactical arrangement was based on Ji Feng\'s absence. Ji Feng\'s appearance was a bit routine.

But fortunately, there must be a record in the finals, and the green shirts are also people who have experienced big waves, so they have already entered the competition state before the game.

However, after Ji Feng went on the court, Russell felt different. It was a kind of pressure on momentum. It was clearly a smile, but a second later, you would be stabbed by him.

Intuition told him that the night would not end so smoothly!

"Starting list of both sides! Laker: Center Bynum! Power forward Gasol! Point guard Kobe, point guard Fisher, small forward, Ji Feng

With Yujia\'s enthusiastic introduction, all the players from both sides appeared on the court, and the starting rate did not change. Naturally, the camera was aimed at Ji Feng and his left ankle.In the camera lens, Ji Feng\'s left ankle only has an ankle protector, which belongs to regular protection. NBA players sometimes like to wear it when they are free, so most commentators understand that Ji Feng should be cured!

Big picture!

This is the thought of all the commentators. No doubt, everything before was smoke bombs. The Lakers and Ji Feng together, the field coat road everyone!

"However, although Jifeng is really surprised to be on the stage, it is worth paying attention to the state of Jifeng and whether it can immediately adapt to the atmosphere and intensity of the north bank garden." Said Smith.

"Yes, but I think that even if Ji Feng\'s state is not 100 percent, as long as he stands on the field, it is a threat, and his role is there." Buckley, as always, supports the season peak, but has some reservation in the state.

In such a fanatical atmosphere, the game begins!

Bynum used to fight for the return of season peak, the first attack of the Lakers!

Jifeng took pierce outside the baseline near the run, the speed is not fast, seems to be looking for a chance to catch the ball and throw three points.

"I guess you can\'t! Than you, you ask you a breakthrough me! You can\'t, boy Pierce uses garbage to test the state of Jifeng.

Jifeng ignored it, but went straight to the bottom line. There, Bynum had already incarnated as a great Xia of Wudang, helping Jifeng to pick and roll!

Pierce was blocked by Bynum, Jifeng came out to receive the basketball smoothly, just as Pierce was ready to lay out the cover, Jifeng did not shoot three points.

Instead, he told everyone with a very large cross over that he had no problem with his left foot!

Pierce guessed the wrong way of defense, so Ji Feng one step over a clean, Jifeng into the interior air after the air confrontation shot!


Get ahead of others!

"You see, I broke through you." Jifeng said to pierce after scoring. , the fastest update of the webnovel!