Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 817


The Lakers lead the green shirt by 10 points in a single quarter, taking the initiative in the key G5!

And Jifeng is undoubtedly the biggest contributor to this wave of lead, he has also been praised by the whole team of the Lakers, all kinds of head bashing, buttock slapping and so on rush to Jifeng without money.

The madness of the Laker players can be understood. Look at Ji Feng\'s performance, 18 points plus 7 assists. In other words, almost all the scores of the first quarter of the Lakers are related to Ji Feng. Ji Feng perfectly undertakes the two roles of starting point and ending point of attack. The 18 points in a single section also set a new record of single section scoring in Jifeng finals, which is 25 points away from Thomas\' smile assassin The finals record is only 7 points gap, if not after the green shirt army can be called crazy bag, Ji Feng is likely to go further, but anyway, this is also a perfect comeback performance!

Jifeng\'s brave play also let all the fans who worry about the bad state of Jifeng before the game are relieved. Even if the game is over now, it is impossible to say that he is not in good condition if he gets such data in a single game in the finals.

A lot of Boston media, who advocated the poor state of season peak before the game, were slapped in the face. If the state is not good, what is pierce who scored 1 point

And Smith is very single, admitted in the live broadcast room that he really underestimated Ji Feng.

"I have to admit it now. Ji Feng is different from other people. He can create miracles on the field

"Ha ha ha, I told you that Jifeng will not let you down." Barkley laughed at his side and said, at the same time, he also praised his wit in his heart, and more firmly believed in Jifeng unconditionally in the future.

The Laker fans here are happy. After two games of silence, they can finally celebrate freely.

And the green shirt army once again encountered problems in their own home, a single quarter lost very, this is more serious than the problem encountered in the last game.

And there is a more serious thing in front of the green army, that is, the reason why you were 13 points behind in the last game was because of Pierce\'s brave play in the second half, and in the last quarter, it was two three points in a row.

Not to mention that this kind of thing can\'t be copied, the biggest problem is that the season peak is not there. Pierce is simply taking whatever he wants when facing Vujacic. No one in the Lakers can match him at all. He just needs to adjust his state and feel well. However, this game is very obvious, in addition to his own state, he also needs to solve the defense barrier in front of him!

"Give it to me! Give me Jifeng! believe me! I\'ll do it! Give me the pick and roll! I\'ll throw it in, guys! It\'s too early for us to give up! " Pierce clapped himself on the chest on the bench and yelled.

He is also very aware of the situation the team is facing, and he knows that his first quarter is actually abused by Ji Feng. Not only in the defensive end, he can\'t decide Ji Feng, but also he is a bit embarrassed by Ji Feng\'s shadowy steps and crazy physical contact at the offensive end.

1 point!

He would rather be zero, this 1 point is more like Jifeng deliberately sent to hit his face!


Ji Feng will feel wronged if he knows about it. If you can\'t make a free throw, I\'ll blame you

"I know Paul! You have to play harder! Rajan, you control, slow down the pace, don\'t give the Lakers a chance to break fast Said rivers.

In fact, he intended to replace pierce and go to Posey for a try. However, Posey\'s attack is not good, but his defense is better and pierce can calm down at the same time. However, since pierce has said that, he naturally has to give the team leader some face. Of course, he also hopes that Pierce\'s state will recover. In order to win the Lakers, Pierce is indispensable.

But he still lost his backhand. The green army obviously lost his rhythm after being rushed by the first quarter by the Lakers. Instead, he played fast with the Lakers. There is no reason why he should not lose. Therefore, he still sent Rondo to master the rhythm, while the other three played Davis, Eddie House and PJ brown.

The Lakers replaced Jifeng and let Kobe play with the backup lineup. Gasol was still on the court. After all, Ji Feng just came back, and Jackson didn\'t dare to play with him.

Such a substitution is really let pierce pick up, in the face of Vujacic, pierce came up with a free throw line to get two points.

"This is Boston boy!" Pierce, excited, yelled again.

Then Kobe responded to a back up jump shot, pierce came to receive the pass and played what he was best at, back single!

When it comes to the back technique of the third position in the league, in addition to Anthony, it is definitely Pierce. James has not developed a stable back body in this period, but mostly uses his body to crush opponents and score in the interior line.

But although Pierce\'s athletic ability is not outstanding, the speed is not fast, the jump is not high, but his back body technology is very good, in this season is the league\'s top level.

He is especially good at single with the ball on his back in the middle distance, and then he has many choices. He can break through, kill and even occasionally play with one hand.This time, he directly used his strength to open Vujacic, and after he got into the inside line, he made a lay up with a low hand. Vujacic\'s superfluous action, the hitter fouled, pierce hit 2 + 1!

Five points in a row!

Kobe has used his eyes to kill Vujacic. This guy can\'t do anything on the court, except for chasing girls!

However, Kobe still tried his best to fill the hole for him, to the front court after the breakthrough, smashed the ball to Gasol, Gasol small hook bullied a wave of big baby.

However, Pierce is really suffocating. The green shirt army also intends to look for Vujacic. Rondo made several rounds of the ball, and finally came to Pierce\'s hands. This time, pierce made use of the large tonnage inside the line to pick up and remove, and made a wrong step in the middle distance.

Enter again!

Three in three!

Nice! Nice job Rivers waved so hard that he seemed to have the right trust.

"Celtic\'s core finally found his shooting feel, the difference was reduced to 7 points!"

"The peak is not in this season, the No. 3 position of the Lakers is really not good." Zhang said with emotion.

Naturally, Jackson also understood that pierce seemed to have to catch the Lakers and beat him up. Jackson couldn\'t bear to change to Jifeng!

"Don\'t worry. I\'ll avenge you." Ji Feng patted the artist\'s hair.

Peirce wants to stand out, then we have to see if Jifeng agrees or not!

And Jifeng has his own plan. The last injury made him want to strengthen his body. He wants to try it in this game, and Pierce is his goal! , the fastest update of the webnovel!