Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 814

"Tonight, game 5 of NBA Finals is about to start here! This game almost determines the final champion of the whole season! Now we can see that all the players on both sides have appeared, and the warm-up before the game is in progress. We are familiar with Kobe, Gasol, pierce, Garnett and other superstars (Ray Allen?) All of them are here. Tonight is bound to be a fight between the dragon and the tiger

Four hours before the start of the game, Shen Yang and Tencent sports team appeared in the North Bank Garden stadium. This is the opening time of the media. The media of all countries can enter the venue to take photos of the warm-up training of both sides and conduct interviews before the game.

After opening the camera, Shen Yang looks around the court as usual. Unfortunately, she still doesn\'t see the familiar figure.

"It seems that Ji Feng will not come back." The photographer in Shen Yang\'s team sighed and said that he is a proper season blow. The appearance of Ji Feng has refreshed his whole understanding of Asian players. He can be regarded as playing with Ji Feng one by one to the current senior fans. He hopes Ji Feng can appear in G5, the epic G5.

That was the G5 day Wang Shan of the Lakers and Celtics. The enmity between the two giants will undoubtedly burst out in the most critical game!

In history, he hoped that Ji Feng would leave his name in such a game with the voice of Chinese players. It must be the best memory of all Chinese basketball fans.

It\'s just a pity that Ji Feng\'s injury is more serious than they expected. After all, Ji Feng has never been absent from the field before playing. After all, this is an important process of getting familiar with the field before the game, especially the away game, unfamiliar court, unfamiliar ball frame, and hand feeling also need to be adjusted.

Now they seem to be sure that Ji Feng will not be in the game.

"All right! Don\'t put too much pressure on Jifeng. He and the Laker team are so experienced that they will deal with it correctly. I don\'t want Jifeng to play with injuries even more than playing on the court. " Shen Yang saw her team\'s sense of loss. She also had a sense of loss. Who doesn\'t want his hero to continue to write his glory on the field? This is the most simple wish of the fans.

But Shen Yang knows better that sometimes playing with injuries is drinking poison to quench thirst. In case of deterioration, it will undoubtedly cast a shadow on Jifeng\'s career. She would rather Ji Feng\'s injury be completely cured.

Shen Yang represents the voice of almost all the sister fans of Jifeng. Just before the match, many fans naturally cheer for Jifeng in various ways.

This is the graduation season of colleges and universities, but different from previous years, in addition to graduation, it seems to be a new fashion to provide assistance to Ji Feng. The Internet is full of videos of College beauties wearing the No.1 Laker to cheer Ji Feng.

A beautiful young girl cheered for Jifeng, and became a beautiful scenery on the Internet. However, Jifeng almost became the most unpopular person among boys in Colleges and universities. It\'s too envious to have any!

And to Jifeng refueling this matter, has never been without the entertainment industry, big power power in the opening five hours before the start of the article: "no matter you can play, you are my mind No.1! Come on! Jifeng is a bull

Zhou Dong also wrote: "brother! Bless you! I know you\'ve always been the worst one! Go back to Los Angeles, I bought tickets for Game 6! "

this has made countless fans look forward to the combination of the two heavenly kings in Game 6. Don\'t forget, the songs they cooperated with will be on sale.

And Zhou Dong\'s following is an article envied by black people: "it\'s good to have money..."

Black people also want to go. He also likes Jifeng. However, tens of thousands of dollars in front row tickets are really frightening. This is 2008. Tens of thousands of dollars is really terrible enough.

At the moment, the Celtics players are also observing the situation of the Lakers after their own training. Different from other people, they naturally know that Jifeng comes to the stadium. After all, this is their territory. As soon as Jifeng\'s car enters the stadium, they get the news. In addition to the Lakers themselves, they are most concerned about Jifeng\'s trend.

However, Jifeng still did not appear in the warm-up, which let them breathe a sigh of relief, it seems that Jifeng really can not play, before should be smoke bombs!

"I said, don\'t worry, Jifeng that guy just recovered, even if the comeback can be how." Pierce looked at the green army staff and said, a just recovered Ji Feng, if he can not deal with it, it is too shameless.

"Paul\'s right. Don\'t worry, we\'ll solve it! It\'s good to win three games in a row, isn\'t it James Posey followed.

And just as they\'re talking about it, the Lakers\' dressing room, Ji Feng, has been here for a long time!

"In a moment, you\'re going to scare everyone!" Dr. Stephen said, in his eyes, Ji Feng not only has no protective boots on his ankle, but also has all the protective gear removed!

"Hey hey, I hope the green shirt army guys don\'t be too surprised!" Ji Feng said with a smile that he has warmed up in other places, and there is a system nearby, he will not be affected by the away game at all, so until now, whether he can play or not is still confidential!Until half an hour before the start of the game, the two sides submitted the player list of this game, the name of Ji Feng was in the list!

"Wow!" Looking at the list of technical staff exclaimed, Jifeng first, this is absolutely big news!

"There\'s a good play to see!" After that, the staff began to look forward to the game. Now he is glad that he is a technician. His position is the best in the game!

And when the game is about to start, when Ji Feng\'s name and avatar are playing on the big screen, the whole world is boiling!

The North Bank Garden suddenly became noisy. Many fans in the stands yelled that it was a conspiracy. Many fans held their heads and couldn\'t believe it. Some even rubbed their eyes to see if they were wrong.

"Mom!" Shen Yang jumped up with tears in his eyes. Is this a miracle? It must be.

"What! what! Ji Feng starts! OhMyGod! This is terrible! The Lakers cheated the world

"My God! It\'s the new year for the Laker fans

"Jifeng is a bull! I knew you could do it! Come here and kill all sides

The Laker fans are boiling, and the fans of Jifeng all over the world are boiling. This is the feast of season blowing all over the world!

Su Qun even wrote directly on the social network: "it\'s dawn!"

The most exciting thing at the moment is undoubtedly the Laker fans in the north shore garden. They are excited to see Ji Feng enter the starting line, and directly take out their own banner:

"letsgo! Jifeng! Let\'s do it!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!