Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 813

However, the next fifth game of Tianwang mountain, the third away game in the north bank garden, must be guaranteed in the plan of Zen master. As long as no one who has played in the playoffs does not know the importance of Tianwang mountain, it can be said that the team that gets the fifth game first, no matter whether the sixth game is at home or away, the probability of winning is very large.

That\'s why almost all the media in Boston are more optimistic about the Celtics completing the counter attack after winning the fourth game. Just like the heat in 2006, they were 0-2 behind and 4-2 overturning. After all, the current situation is really beneficial to the green army.

So it\'s no surprise that Pierce\'s going to be in the media

Of course, the Lakers also know this, and all the fifth game is particularly important. If they lose another game, although they will return to staples in the next six or seven games, whether the Lakers can recover after three consecutive defeats is not completely guaranteed by him.

After all, 3-2 means that there is no way back, a little mistake may ruin the whole season\'s efforts, so Zen master dare not be careless.

Anyone who says that after 2-3 is absolutely confident to turn the tables, it is definitely a loss of wisdom.

Fortunately, Ji Feng\'s timely return gave him the confidence to win the green shirt away!

And after the morning\'s training, this confidence has increased some, the reason is naturally the season peak displays the competitive condition.

Although Ji Feng was able to return to training after his injury, Jackson and the Lakers were still worried about Jifeng\'s state. Those who have been injured know that it\'s different to be able to train and match the appearance standard.

No matter how strong a star is, he will not explode directly after his injury. He needs to play to find the feeling of the game. As for the number of games needed, it will vary from person to person. Even if he returns to the court in a few days, the feeling of the court will take some time to find.

So Jackson is still worried about the G5 of the Lakers. If the season peak is not as good as expected, it will be too fatal for the Lakers. There will be no place for the media to find excuses. After all, the return of Ji Feng and the complete body of the Lakers will make no excuse to lose again.

However, this doubt disappeared in the morning, and the state of Jifeng can only be described with two words, that is - Bull force!

No matter the rhythm of the field, the vision of passing, the intensity of confrontation, and the accuracy of shooting, Ji Feng seems to have never left the court and is still so impeccable.

If you don\'t believe it, just look at the abused and loveless Vujacic and Farmar. Poor, the latter still wants to take advantage of Jifeng\'s poor state to get revenge, and finally they put themselves in

What a tragedy!

And Ji Feng, in addition to take-off by the impact of protective gear a little lower, the rest of the aspects really can not find any problems, a morning to observe the team doctor thoroughly stunned.

Dr. Stephen didn\'t know how to say it. There was no adjective to describe his mood. He also thought that if everyone who recovered had Ji Feng\'s condition, they might have lost their jobs

"Jifeng! After training, continue to find a masseur to relax. You don\'t have to take part in the afternoon training. You can take part in the tactical analysis in the hotel conference room at night. " After the training, Zen master came and said to Ji Feng.

Today is the 17th, and there are two days to go before G5, so Jifeng has enough time to train. Although Jifeng is in excellent condition today, it is the first day after all, and the most important reason is that there is a media interview in the afternoon. Ji Feng is the nuclear weapon of G5, which is not suitable for such early exposure.

“OK! No problem, coach Ji Feng said with a smile that today\'s training class has also strengthened his confidence. Many injured players will encounter the problem of not daring to use the injured parts to force after the injury. The same is true for Jifeng a few days ago, and today I feel good. Secondly, the support of his left foot has no big problem, which makes him more confident in his later game.

So, after this morning, the entire Laker understood that Ji Feng will definitely return to play G5!

"Let\'s go, boys! Train well. " Ji Feng, who washed up and put on his protective boots, said goodbye to his teammates and moved out of the stadium slowly. Even if he was photographed by the media, he had reason to say that he came to see his teammates, add fuel and come back, so you don\'t have to guess!

"Cow It\'s like walking fast on the field, and wearing protective boots still looks like... " Farmar looked at the back of Jifeng and shook his head. He knew how serious the revenge psychology of Jifeng was.

"Who\'s going to sign up for him at the actors\' Union I think we will see Ji Feng in the cinema as soon as possible! " The old fish stall stall staller and Ji Feng played together for a year. This has increased a lot of knowledge. The coaches used to say that they should use their brains to play basketball. What\'s the meaning of using their brains? That\'s the hell!

"Fortunately, Tony Allen is still banned Otherwise Tut tut. " Gasol smacked his lips.

Amen X3

and Ji Feng, who left the stadium, just joined the hot bar and his team. Today is the last free time before G5. He finally came to Boston. How could he not try the food here, so Ji Feng willfully set out with his sister.

I don\'t know that his teammates have labeled him as an avenger who can\'t be provoked. As for the voice of the outside media, Ji Feng has no time to pay attention to it.The voice of the outside media can also be understood. After all, there are too many things that can be written, guessed and analyzed. However, Ji Feng often appears in the stadium, but there is still no news of his comeback, which makes the media have to carry out various analysis and speculation.

"Will Jifeng return to G5?"!

This topic has also become the most popular topic in basketball circle, almost all fans and media are discussing and expressing their views.

The media has been looking for Jifeng, but Jifeng refused all interviews including domestic media, and the Laker team basically kept quiet about it, and the time went by so slowly

Jifeng\'s condition is getting better and better. On the 18th, the day before the game, Jifeng didn\'t feel any sense at his left ankle. Now he is fully recovered. He participated in the 5v5 game of the Laker team on the same day, playing well!

Time for the 19th!

Familiar venues, familiar teams!

The fifth game between the Lakers and Celtics, which is the most important and crucial game, is about to start!

The north bank garden has long been a paradise for fans. Hundreds of media reporters from all over the world gathered here. Undoubtedly, this match concerning the trend of the championship attracted more attention than the previous four games!

ESPN, TNT, CCTV, Fuji TV, KBS All the TV stations that you can name all over the world have sent out the interview team!

NBA is sparing no effort to promote this, everywhere you can see the game posters and news!

Grand and unprecedented! , the fastest update of the webnovel!