Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 812

"Just started?! Do you mean you\'ll be back in the next game A Boston reporter heard Ji Feng say so in a hurry.

"Come back? I\'m sorry, I can\'t tell you, because I don\'t know the exact time. All this needs to wait for the team doctor and the team\'s decision. I just mean that now 2-2, both sides return to the same running line, that\'s not equal to the need to play a three game two win series Ji Feng is very calm reply way.

In fact, he didn\'t need to wear protective boots at all. In the training with the ball by himself and his trainer this morning, he felt much better. After an hour of training, his ankle just didn\'t adapt, and the pain almost subsided, which means that it is a step away from the day when he returned to the field with the team.

Ji Feng will secretly rush to the hospital for the third inspection after leaving the north bank garden, which will determine the final return schedule of Ji Feng.

However, how can Jifeng tell reporters that the outside world is still speculating about the season reimbursement of Jifeng. According to the local media reports in Boston that Jifeng saw today, most of those who support the season peak finals can\'t come back!

Although I don\'t know what Celtic\'s coaching team and players think, Ji Feng has to thank these media for helping him make the smoke bomb plan perfect!

"The Lakers have lost two games in a row, and the next game will still be held in the north shore garden. The Lakers have not won here this season, so what do you think of the future of the Lakers?" The reporter didn\'t hear the answer he wanted, so he asked again.

Although it is a common question, it can be heard by everyone. It is the pride and provocation of Boston media.

The implication is nothing more than that the Lakers have lost here, and Celtics will win the next game. This is a way for the media to support the team, and quietly provocative opponents make the opponents angry.

But a look at this little reporter has no experience, how can Jifeng be a small problem to make difficult to live.

"Yes, the north bank garden is a great stadium. We\'ve lost three times in a row here. We\'ve had great luck in the Lilliputians. They\'ve scored a lot of great goals."


"History doesn\'t mean anything. It doesn\'t mean that we won\'t win in the future. I\'ve always been full of confidence in my team. Moreover, if I remember correctly, Celtic have not won at Staples this season. So if you are 3-2 ahead, does that mean that we will win smoothly After the two home, won the championship? " Ji Feng said with a smile at the reporter who asked questions.

Well, the reporter was speechless by Ji Feng. Yes, if so, would the Lakers be 4-3? After all, lake talent is the one who holds home advantage.

The reporter wanted to refute, but didn\'t know what to say. His face turned red with the naked eye, and finally left the scene in silence.

Ji Feng looks at her back and shakes her head. This reporter can\'t do it. The cultivation is obviously not enough. How can this kind of skin be a reporter.

All right, carry it! next!

"Today, the Lakers missed the game. Many fans said it was because of your absence. What do you think of the performance of the Lakers tonight?" Asked the reporter of sports illustrated.

Indeed, after Kobe Bryant lost his shot, a group of black fans came out with rhythm and said that if Ji Feng was there, he would never miss. Anyway, he didn\'t expect the Lakers to be good and wanted to find trouble all day long.

"I think the Lakers performed very well. We played a great rhythm, but we were unlucky in the end. As for me, I won\'t be able to hit every shot. That\'s what the gods do. The person who said this must be a fake fan. Everyone can see Kobe\'s performance." Ji Feng said.

It\'s true. NBA\'s best shot is far more than scoring. No one can make every shot. And if you kill someone else, you have to be prepared to be killed. That\'s fair.

So Ji Feng is just a little sorry for the loss. He will call back after losing. There are so many problems to look for.

According to them, the Spurs were disbanded by McGrady in 35.13 seconds, but they didn\'t, some just accepted it.

This is basketball, this is basketball!

"All right, guys! Please don\'t disturb the wounded too much! We\'re leaving! "

Seeing more and more reporters around, James took Jifeng\'s bodyguard team and the Laker staff to come to the rescue.

Ji Feng, accompanied by the team doctor, rushed to the hospital for examination. Because he had done a good job in confidentiality in advance, none of the reporters found that Ji Feng quietly joined the team practice the next day!

As for crutches, protective boots and so on, they were all thrown aside!

Ji Feng, he\'s healed!

On June 14, after G4 in the finals, Ji Feng participated in the closed training for the first time. This is Ji Feng\'s return to the training ground five days after his injury!

"I can\'t believe when the team doctors of the Lakers are so skilled!" Farmar was amazed at Jifeng. After 14 days, he could only train in 5 days. Although Ji Feng can only train for one and a half hours, most of them are recovery training. But this is a very obvious problem. This ability is too strong!"It\'s mainly me, man. King Kong is not bad!" Ji Feng puffed his pectoralis tympani, then slapped Farmar open.

"Mainly because I can\'t wait! Those guys, it\'s time for me to give them a little fear. " Ji Feng clenched his fist.

Jifeng was injured by foot pads. It\'s just unbearable. It\'s not the style of Jifeng to have revenge!

The only pity is that Tony Allen is still suspended. It\'s a pity that he won\'t play this game!

"It\'s great to be back! These days, the green shirt soldiers are out of order! The media even yelled four games in a row! I can\'t bear it Bynum came up and said, "he\'s got a lot of confidence in playing well on the field.".

After all, it is no longer the former 8 + 7 pretty boy!

"All right! Train quickly and lose two games in a row. Don\'t you want to turn it back? " "Welcome back to the team," Kobe said! We can\'t wait

"Let\'s shout again! The champion belongs to! "

"Los Angeles!"

Jackson looked at the team with satisfaction, and the return of Ji Feng undoubtedly gave the Lakers a boost in their low season.

After all, the Lakers have never lost in a row before, and they have never lost two away games in a row. These two games have broken the myth that the Lakers have not lost in a row this season. You don\'t have to think about how excited the Celtics are.

But in fact, Jackson is not worried. In his plan, the away game is to win with all his strength, and losing is no big deal. After all, the green shirt team is not an ordinary team, so so far, everything is in the plan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!