Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 783

"Come on! Cool!"

Jifeng into the turn after the open arms roar, domineering as before!

Ji Feng enjoys this feeling. He has a certain understanding of playing basketball and the feeling of carry. If there is a green shirt on the other side, it will be several times more happy for Ji Feng, a Laker!

The fans cheered in the stands, and the hot bar jumped up directly, and excited to drum up the red hand.

And the Laker bench is like boiling oil into the ice!

A group of big men first stood up, and then directly fell on the chair after the playback, playing very happy.

While Farmar swayed the towel, more happy than he had scored, swaying and muttering: "you don\'t know at all, how accurate that guy is, how abnormal it is, you\'re in trouble!"

"Super far three! Jifeng didn\'t give pierce a chance to block. He just had time to aim at the basket. Pierce was frozen in place. He seemed to ask with his expression, "Hey, man, what kind of martial arts are you?" Oh, my God, I feel arenas coming Buckley excitedly, this kind of super far three-point is no worse than the stimulation of the sudden deduction, even stronger!

That kind of basketball bag falling sound, really intoxicating!

In today\'s League, the most favorite person to do so is the wizard general arenas. In the previous two years, when he was not injured, he was relying on this super unreasonable three-point ball to suck powder innumerable.

However, Smith thinks Ji Feng\'s ball is more enjoyable: "this ball is so wonderful that you have to admit that he is incomparable both in sense and in effect."

Smith\'s words have been recognized by many fans. After all, this is anwserball, and it is the second consecutive round of response ball. For the Lakers, the key is abnormal. If Ji Feng loses his shot, or he doesn\'t throw at all, it will be a blow to the Lakers, and the momentum of the green army will be improved.

From this point of view, dare to use such a way to hand at this time, Jifeng, really invincible!

Take a look at the Celtics now. Even though they are famous for their iron and blood, they are a little bit forced now. Tony Allen, who has lost his soul on the bench, will not be mentioned for the moment. After all, he has not played much. Let\'s say Pierce, the green army\'s soul, has a stiff expression now. It seems that he has not recovered from the attack of * * 3 points.

In his mind, this kind of playing method is really unreasonable. Which coach dares to let the players throw it like this. If this thing doesn\'t enter, it will be a counter attack opportunity.

But he also knows that scoring is an absolute super ball, and the impact on the situation on the field is not just three points.

"Concentrate! Concentrate! We still have advantages, the situation is still here, don\'t mess up! Don\'t pass the ball! Give me the ball Garnett stood up and yelled, he is the least influential person on the field, after all, is super big, he is also absolutely hard.

"Yes, men! Let\'s go on! He can\'t go in all the time! And we have Allen Pierce, waking up, followed.

Rivers saw this scene also gave up called pause, let the players adjust themselves is the best choice, after all, he can not do much, the ball or players play, the mentality can not adjust, the coach said no more than no sense.

The green army regrouped and attacked again. This time Rondo gave pierce directly and pierce gave Garnett. "Wolf king" faced Gasol on the inside, and then turned over and shot after two steps!


Seeing this scene, Ji Feng was very moved. He was indeed worthy of being the green shirt army, and Garnett was worthy of being the pillar of the green army. It was not so easy to be defeated.

"Not once, twice!" Jifeng asked for the ball again, this time Pierce almost did not leave behind.

But when Jifeng dribbles, Pierce\'s big tonnage can\'t be limited. The closer he gets, the better he has the chance to break through. Jifeng is not polite. He holds the ball on the top of the arc. A crossover swings the space and gets into the inside line to attract the package. After that, Gasol can easily score two points!

Fans some regret, Jifeng and Ray Allen\'s Biao is so over, they haven\'t seen enough!

But soon, the game is back!

After the two sides played iron twice, Ray Allen showed his killer nature again. He hid behind Pierce, and when Kobe\'s season peak double wrapped Pierce, he appeared at the bottom corner, and pierce smashed the ball.

Ray Allen made another three!

Enter again!


"Ray Allen once again set a record of three-point shooting in the history of the finals. It has to be said that he is indeed the best shooter in the league today. No matter whether it is stability or key, he has it. Moreover, he may be the best player in history. Once you get the ball right, you can only pray that he doesn\'t make it." Barkley sighed.

In this way, Ray Allen occupied a great initiative in this match, three quarters and eight three points, which was simply too fantastic in the finals.

And he only shot 10 times, 80% of the shooting rate is hopeless, if not Jifeng\'s 5 3-point, the game may have spent, rather than just 8 points behind.At this time, the Lakers attack, Jifeng forced to get rid of, but pierce pull and drag, Jifeng after the ball forced to shoot, pierce has a slight wrist, Jifeng failed to hit!

"Referee! Isn\'t that a foul? " Ji Feng stretched out his arm and was very angry. The referee didn\'t blow it. It\'s too bloody!

"Shh, Shh, Shh!" The fans also booed the referee, but the home court of the Lakers gave us a wrong judgment and missed a judgment!

"Ohno! Ji Feng missed the second three-point shot of the game. Pierce was suspected of pulling and wringing the ball, but the referee did not say that the green army got the rebound and continued to attack. Garnett took the ball and hit it easily. The Lakers were 10 points behind." Yu Jia said regretfully.

The Lakers will gather around the referee to ask for an explanation, but they are called away by Zen master. If the referee doesn\'t judge the ball, there will be no way to surround the referee. On the contrary, it will cause worse consequences.

But it\'s true that the Lakers are a little flustered at the moment.

"Ji Feng has worked very hard, the goal does not score, the responsibility is not in him." Director Zhang said a word of conscience. In fact, he really wanted to scold the referee, but there was a rule on the stage that he could not take rhythm casually, but he still spoke for Ji Feng.

And the fans do not care so much, the Internet suddenly a curse.

However, Jifeng has calmed down at the moment, and this situation has aroused his anger. How could he admit defeat like this.

"Help me block people!" Ji fengchong said.

Then the green army found that the Lakers began to rotate infinitely, to give Ji Feng a chance to play one.

But Ji Feng, who has a chance, didn\'t make a move immediately. Instead, he jumped out of the three-point line! Step back!

Three point shot!

Sao operation shocked everyone, but this goal is scored!

So unreasonable! , the fastest update of the webnovel!