Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 782

Tony Allen is a little confused. His confidence has collapsed. He really wants to ask Ji Feng whether he did it on purpose. He just got the time to play, but he was output by this channel. Don\'t ask him, he will have to go back and watch the water dispenser again.

Brutal performance!

In the third quarter, just one minute and forty seconds, Ji Feng hit two three-point goals in a row, scoring six points in a row, helping the Lakers narrow the gap to just five points!

In addition, Ji Feng also hit 4 3-points, 5-for-4 three-point shots, second only to Ray Allen!

And like Ray Allen, Ji Feng\'s three points are also deadly, very critical!

Such a performance made the Green Army take the initiative to call a pause. Rivers saw that the situation was not quite right. It was said that 11 points were hard to catch up with. How could it disappear in a flash.

He has some regrets. Tony Allen obviously needs to be tempered. The stage of the finals is still too big for him.

However, rivers also envies Zen master. This comparison shows that it is also the first finals. Ji Feng, a rookie with both peak and super heart, is really rare.

Moreover, Jifeng\'s hand is too hot. Rivers can\'t laugh at Jifeng now. If he throws like this again, the green army\'s remaining advantage is likely to disappear quickly, so this is not the time for heartache to pause.

"This is the season peak, holding the output ability, the alliance is absolutely the top three." Director Zhang once again incarnated as Ji blowing, praising Jifeng for his performance just now.

At the moment, the green defense coach is also giving them an analysis: "don\'t let Ji Feng take the ball so easily, let him stay away from the three-point line, follow him, pierce, remember, don\'t let him shoot easily, his projection ability is too strong, let him from the three-point line as far as possible!" ",

" Garnett, pierce, you have the opportunity to attack, Ray Allen continues to have no ball, in terms of projection, we are not void of any opponent. " Rivers followed.

The green coach obviously has done a full research on Ji Feng. They know that in addition to Ray Allen, there are also Ji Feng who can play without the ball in the league. Therefore, they deal with Ji Feng as others do with Ray Allen. They keep Jifeng away from the three-point line, and carry out close marking on the outside line, and Jifeng\'s breakthrough is firmly covered.

On the offensive side, since Jifeng is such a bull, it\'s just Wang versus Wang, and will be against general!

It\'s over!

Rivers doesn\'t believe Ray Allen is going to lose to this first grader!

And at the moment, the Laker coaching team also thinks so. They have absolute confidence in Jifeng!

"Well done!" Zen master patted Ji Feng on the shoulder: "next continue to fight like this, throw them to death for me!"

Pause ends!

Celtic attack!

Pierce made a 2 gesture, and then he saw Ray Allen running at all costs, and Kobe followed him. However, the green army placed at least three big men to make obstacles on the road. All kinds of elbows and black feet forced Kobe\'s speed down.

At this time, pierce played Jifeng on his back. After crazy physical confrontation, pierce stopped near the forbidden area. Just as Jifeng was waiting for pierce to turn over and shoot, Ray Allen finally got in place.

Divide the ball!

Outside Ray Allen catches the ball!

Hit again!

The seventh three!

If you remember correctly, this is the record of three-point shot in a single game in the history of the finals!

"Ula! Our Ray Allen Far away in Boston, thousands of spectators gathered outside the north shore garden were ignited. They believe that under such a performance, any season peak Kobe is a local chicken!

At the moment, Ji Feng is ignited!

it is said that the opponent is the first factor to stimulate himself. Today, the performance of Ray Allen makes Ji Feng want to compete with him in three points!

"Six!" The old fish carries the ball to make the gesture, the Laker 5 people quick front fork, Ji Feng, Kobe to fall on both wings, then Gasol moves up, JK two people move clockwise.

Kobe up to catch the ball, Jifeng use the bottom line Bynum pick and roll to just Kobe\'s position!

Then there was the dazzling cooperation, constantly running without the ball, constantly picking and removing, while Kobe was dribbling away Ray Allen on the outside line to avenge his revenge.

"The Lakers look like they want to play outside today." Yujia saw the Laker running position and said that the two big players in the interior line are totally for JK service. It depends on JK\'s cooperation!

At the moment, the green army is a little confused. The two big guys of the Lakers have gone out, and the rebounds are not needed, so hard!

But this side of the voice did not fall, Kobe dribble away defense into the interior, pierce had to make a move inside, after all, Kobe\'s threat is too big, and inside Garnett was called out, the inside line empty.

But at this time, Kobe doesn\'t look at people to the right corner of the ball!

"Jifeng! Three points for the catch


"Ji fengbiao\'s fifth three-point goal of the game!"

"Ball planet! This is the ball planet! If you score three points, I will return one! How beautiful Zhang said.

After Ji Feng Biao, he clapped his hands with Kobe, then looked at Allen\'s direction and patted himself on the chest.The pressure came to Allen. To be reasonable, he was a bit muddled. Since Reggie Miller retired, he has not met a person who dares to compete with him by three points.

Now there is a challenger at last!

Therefore, he also poured out a strong sense of war at the moment, he asked for the ball directly from Pierce, and he had to defend his honor as the first shooter.

Pierce certainly won\'t block it. That\'s part of the NBA, and it\'s about the morale of the two teams!

This time, Ray Allen dribbled the ball by himself, and then used the pick and roll to catch the ball directly after the top of the arc!

Kobe\'s defense is in place, but he still hits it!

However, to the green army fans\' regret, this time, Ray Allen stepped on the line, so it was a long two points, but it was still very wonderful, and Ray Allen\'s shooting rate was extremely high.

But even more ridiculous is coming!

Ji Feng did not play without the ball at all this time. He dribbled the ball and directed his teammates to run.

"Defense! Watch Kobe Pierce yelled, staring at Jifeng.

According to experience, Jifeng dribble is to organize, at this time the green army morale shock, after all, it looks like Jifeng first advised!

"That is to say, who can compete with Ray Allen? Do you think you are Kobe when you are unreasonable?" Off the field Tony Allen to nearby Cassel said, with disdain on his face, as if Ray Allen helped him find the field.

But soon, his disdain froze in his face.

"WTF!" Tony Allen looked dull. What the hell did he see!

After the season peak dribbles to the front court, the dribble speed speeds up abruptly, pierce gets stuck in the position and keeps retreating to prevent Jifeng from suddenly starting a breakthrough.

But Ji Feng two times after the crotch dribble suddenly stop dry pull!

At the moment, there is still more than one meter away from the three minute line!

That\'s what he did!

However, the three-point arc of the hand is very positive, like a rainbow, directly across the air, and then precise bag!

“OHMAMA! ~~~"

the scene exploded! , the fastest update of the webnovel!