Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 784

"Again! it is beyond logic and above reason! Ji Feng hasn\'t given up yet. His crazy choice has brought about a crazy effect. Ji Feng Biao hit his seventh three-point record of the game. He has almost maintained the same efficiency as Ray Allen. Ji Feng is closely behind Ray Allen, and the Lakers are still alive! " Yujia has been crazy in the live room, and the feeling of heaven and hell is fascinating.

Just now Ji Feng missed the key shot, and when Ray Allen hit a record three points, he thought the game would be over for the Lakers, but he didn\'t expect that Jifeng would return in just two minutes, a three-point goal that was enough to make it into today\'s top five.

Too strong!

"It\'s amazing. It\'s amazing. It\'s amazing. Most people can\'t do it, let alone play in front of Pierce. Jifeng\'s strength is too strong." Director Zhang\'s face is gratified and moved. Ji Feng really opened the door to a new world for Chinese players.

"It\'s a cow! Strong The Laker bench also blew up, they saw the hope of overturning, saw the hope of beating super Allen!

"Go on, boy. Let me see how strong you can be!" Zen master holds his arms and looks at Ji Feng. This guy has boundless potential. When you think he\'s finished, he will tell everyone with his actions:

it\'s too early!

"Jifeng! Jifeng! Jifeng

This is staples!

Fanatical fans shout out the name of Jifeng. Several fans wearing the purple gold shirt Jifeng No.1 dance wildly. When the camera lens is swept, they will tear their football shirts. A strong man even holds Jifeng fans high and aims his name and number at the camera lens!

Jifeng ignited fans with action!

On the scene, it\'s hard to believe that the Lakers are still seven points behind, but with a frenzy on the fans\' faces, Nicholson yelled at the camera: "we\'re going to win! We will win! We have seasons

Ji Feng\'s performance gave the fans confidence, he used the incredible performance to conquer the fans in Los Angeles.

Many Chinese fans from afar chanted Jifeng niuqiang and other slogans in Chinese, waving the aid cards and purple and gold scarves in their hands. At this moment, Chinese and English were intertwined, and basketball became the common language of both sides!

At this moment, they cheer for Jifeng together!

CCTV reporter Liu Jia turned his head to watch staples\' fanatical fans in the media gallery. Tears were moving in his eyes. As an old reporter who followed the NBA for many years, he never thought that one day a Chinese player would conquer this place completely, because he knew that inclusive America was in fact very exclusive and discrimination existed everywhere He thought Dayao was the peak of Chinese players, but Ji Feng told him that as long as he had strength, there was infinite possibility!

On the court, the Lakers bewilder this three-point ignited the blood, in the defense, Gasol made up for defense anger to cover Garnett, the big cap made wolf king a little embarrassed.

After the green army sent the ball again, Kobe\'s defense made Allen\'s pass a mistake, and the Lakers seized the opportunity to fight back!

After Kobe Bryant dribbled the ball, attracted three people to wrap and then low handed to divide the ball. Gasol received the ball and pressed Perkins with one hand to complete the individual dunk. Gasol also broke out!

The difference is back to five!

"Jiasao is finally on her way!"

Fans exclaimed, this game Gasol was suppressed too miserably, Garnett is really strong enough, but the ball Gasol attack and defense finally played momentum!

There are two minutes left in the third quarter, rivers called a pause. He has a headache now. Although Ray Allen\'s performance is broken and his hand is very good, Ji Feng is too exaggerated. He originally thought that Kobe was the most difficult person in the game, so he arranged heavy troops. But he didn\'t expect that the most terrible thing was Ji Feng, six three-point. Such a game can be so fierce under the pressure of backwardness.

Only two words, pervert!

At the end of the pause, rivers still did not change players, and their main force was rested for an average of two or three minutes. However, at this time, he obviously believed that the main force, especially the three giants, could not go down, especially Pierce. He just went down for two minutes, and Jifeng scored two three points, which was terrible.

In fact, Pierce is very tired now. After all, he is more than 30 years old. To maintain this defensive intensity, he may need to be helped out after playing. But pierce also knows that he can\'t rest. The freshman across the street is no better than James.

His idea was quickly confirmed. In the last minute of the third quarter, the difference between the two teams was still 5 points. The Lakers had the ball, and the green army\'s offensive in the last round was solved by a steal by Kobe. Today\'s Kobe incarnates as a rational department, and his score is only 13 points. However, he has 7 rebounds, 8 assists, 4 steals and 1 block. He is an all-around fighter.

And Jifeng has got 27 points, JK function seems to be in general.

But this is JK\'s terror, you never know who will do what in this game, it is impossible to defend!

Looking back on the court, the Lakers attack, Jifeng has found that pierce can\'t keep up with his feet, and then he is not polite, running in a large range, with pierce to experience Kirilenko\'s feelings.Then in the top of the arc an anti joint emergency stop and turn, see a lot of coaches teeth are sour, this thing ankle really won\'t break!

But Jifeng passed, and then pierce almost flew out. Jifeng opened the gap, Fisher passed the ball, Jifeng took the ball, aimed at the three points and then shot again.


Seven threes!

The difference is back to two!

“OHMYGOD!” Smith can\'t say anything except shaking his head. What can you say? There are two players who hit three points in the finals at the same time. One is a rookie in grade one. There is no adjective to describe except exclaim.

At the end of the third quarter, the green army was 74-72, with only 2 points left. Everything returned to the same starting line!

"Well done, boy!" The celebration of Kobe and Ji Fengtou, if it wasn\'t for Ji Feng, the Lakers would be more dangerous than expected.

"Let\'s take the victory!" Ji Feng gasped and responded, his physical strength is also very big, but the desire to win supports him, he can still play ten!

"Now the two sides are back in the same starting line. The advantage of two points is almost negligible. The green army and the Laker are really inseparable. Ji Feng\'s brave play made the Lakers recover 8 points difference in a single quarter, 28 points in three quarters, 5 rebounds and 4 assists in three quarters. It\'s hard to imagine that this is Ji Feng\'s first tour of the finals." Barkley said.

"That\'s right, Charles, but Ray Allen is also great. In this game, both sides have focused on the outside line, and they have hit 18 3-points in total. We should know that the green army has only hit 13 3-points in 6 games in the Eastern Conference finals. Today, they have hit 10, of which 9 are from Ray Allen. He has only 2 3 points left from Ji Feng\'s 11 3-point game in the playoffs Distance. " Said Smith. , the fastest update of the webnovel!