Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 776

"Wow! What happened? Ji Feng, you\'re selected!? It wasn\'t LeBron just now Gasol had just thrown away his shirt and was about to start spraying those media people who didn\'t know anything about it. As a result, he didn\'t respond to the reversal of the plot on TV. He turned to Ji Feng and called out!

“WTF! It\'s juxtaposition! What the hell! When was the last time? How old was my grandfather then Fisher shook his head in disbelief, his eyes were straight, and he was juxtaposed for a while

"That\'s it! I said these guys won\'t be blind! a burst! The rookie is selected for a while, the big breasted brother of the bull force Like a monkey, Farmar ran straight up and hung on Ji Feng.

Oh, oh, oh!

”Then there was a volcanic eruption in the Laker\'s dressing room.

"Lying trough!"

And at the moment, Ji Feng finally responded, throwing out the famar who was full of gay gas on his body, and then burst out a rude Chinese sentence.

Please forgive him for being so emotional. When he reported James\'s name just now, it is absolutely false to say that he can\'t lose. Although he has always been very low-key, he always said that he can get into the best in the face of interviews and teammates. It doesn\'t have to take a while.

It\'s not that Jifeng belittles himself. He is confident of his performance this season. In the rookie season, he is confident that few people can perform better than him.

However, his opponent is James. James\'s performance this season is good enough, and the data is also very strong. Although it is not as explosive as the record breaking season peak in succession, but with the blessing of the Cavaliers team, the image of the lone hero is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. In addition, he has experienced the accumulation of many seasons, in this selection mode, Jifeng is very vulnerable.

Of course, Ji Feng also knows that he needs to be stronger to surpass James completely. At least his physical strengthening needs to be unlocked.

But Jifeng is more clear, give him another season or two, he is absolutely confident to surpass him, what he lacks is just the accumulation of time.

But to be honest, Ji Feng said that he didn\'t expect to be true. A burst of recognition for every NBA player is a huge recognition, but also absolutely a high honor. He means that you are the best player in the same position this season.

And this season is even more precious under the background that Ji Feng has been selected as the rookie\'s best lineup and best defense for a while, after all, this is the closest time after Duncan to rookie Trinity\'s super honor.

Now, Jifeng and James juxtaposed for a while, that is to say, Jifeng has created a new history!

Rookie year at the same time selected the best rookie lineup, the best lineup and the best defense!

So terrible!

At the same time, Jifeng and Kobe have completed the double season record together!

JK likes to mention the best two of the season!

Now JK fans can directly announce that the strongest two person group in the league is Ji Feng and Kobe, which is officially recognized!

"Boss! I did it! " Ji Feng and the Lakers all lined up to celebrate and hugged Kobe.

There is no doubt that he is grateful to Kobe. He has given almost all his skills and experience to each other without reservation. They have established a deep friendship in one season, and the two training maniacs seem to have met a confidant.

It\'s no exaggeration to say that Ji Feng can adapt to the rhythm of NBA games so quickly, and Kobe plays an important role. After all, if the system is to be snatched again, it also needs a guide, and Kobe is the leader!

"Boy, this is just the beginning." Kobe was pleased to pat Ji Feng on the shoulder and said that Ji Feng\'s performance made him think of himself. When he was selected, he was also very excited.

But now Kobe is more calm, after all, this is the eighth time.

However, Kobe still has a pity, that is, he didn\'t get old Zhan down. Although juxtaposition is also good, if he can push Zhan to the second, it will feel It\'s even better!

"Keep up! Don\'t tie up next year! " Kobe said.

"No problem! In fact, I also think that juxtaposition is a little pit, even if this year, next year my friends will definitely perform better! Let Lao Zhan be happy first. " Jifeng a face deep think ran appearance.

Then the two men went back to the court with the ball to talk and continue training.

Leaving the dressing room, the rest of the Lakers stood in the same place

It\'s amazing

What is it to regard honor as dirt? This is it!

Jifeng two people group out, and the rest of the players choose to continue to watch, big guy does not pay attention to the back does not mean they do not pay attention to ah!

After the first lineup was announced, ESPN announced the second lineup of the season: forward Tim Duncan and Dirk Nowitzki, center forward Stoudemire Jr., defenders Steve Nash and Deron Williams!

And the third team is: forward Carlos Boozer and Paul Pierce, center Yao, guard Ginobili and McGrady!

These 16 people basically include the best 16 of the season!As soon as the news comes out, the Chinese fans are boiling first. In the middle of the night, the whole network is full of excited fans. Jifeng Dayao is selected as the best lineup at the same time. Chinese basketball is going to be developed!

"In the middle of the night, I can\'t sleep directly because of this news. Jifeng is forced! Asia is the first to be strong and invincible. After so many years, China has finally achieved its dream and China has finally made a super giant! "

"Dayao is also very good. Unfortunately, if you don\'t get hurt, you may have a chance to get in at the same time."

"The new year is coming," said two fans of the Lakers and rockets

There are also a variety of star fans, such as the famous Buping Bryant, who sent a group photo of JK on the field, and everything was in silence.

And jifengde famous beauty fan power power also sent a sexy photo of himself wearing Jifeng football shirt, which blinded many fans in the middle of the night.

And these days of good news also let the fans more look forward to the finals, Jifeng with a season almost achieved what the fans expected, now it is a championship!

Different from Asian fans, it is naturally controversial to be in the United States for such a long time.

James fans naturally unhappy and season peak juxtaposition, this does not mean that season peak with a season will soon surpass James!

In addition, before the first small before the fight, so online attack Jifeng people or many.

For example, many rappers who are familiar with James stand out to diss Jifeng.

However, Jifeng fans will naturally be waiting for death. After a season of development, the strength of Jifeng fans can not be ignored. They fight back crazily on the Internet, and a piece of data is put in front of them!

Jifeng\'s record breaking in a season blinded everyone\'s eyes, and passers-by had to sigh with emotion when they looked at it. It\'s a force

Moreover, judging from the voting, Ji Feng and James are really equally divided, and league officials also come forward to say that this is to do things according to the rules, so that people can\'t find fault.

There is no big wave inside the NBA for Ji Feng to be selected for a while. After all, Ji Feng\'s performance is really no problem. If not for a while, it\'s also the second round, and the controversy is part of the award.

With the arrival of June 6, everyone\'s eyes are now focused on the finals! , the fastest update of the webnovel!