Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 775

Yes, on the day of the first defense announcement, the long lost hot bar reappeared in Los Angeles. This time, she also came in the name of work. Of course, the main purpose was to watch her boyfriend\'s finals!

In fact, she has already regretted that she didn\'t come to the Western games. When Avril hugged Ji Feng at the end of the game, she didn\'t feel too sour. So when there were two or three days before the start of the competition, she couldn\'t wait to finish her domestic work and came directly.

Jifeng is already familiar with picking up people at the airport. He takes the hot bar to the car and drives all the way. He returns to Jifeng\'s house in 30 minutes.

Then there is the scene that you can see now. Two people are lying lazily on the sofa, and the hot bar is lying on Ji Feng\'s chest. His face is red and his lips are bright and attractive. He has been bullied by Ji Feng for a while.

"Haha! That\'s it! I\'m lucky to see me here, and I\'ll be with you. " The hot bar said, a little complacent tone, and then small face rubbed Jifeng two times, looking for a more comfortable position.

Sure enough, as long as Jifeng is in, it is a safe and comfortable place.

"Yes, yes, our hot bar is the little sun, where you go lucky, by the way, you don\'t have to hurry to go this time, let\'s watch the finals together?" Season peak feels the hair of hot bar to say.

It\'s easy to change from thrifty to extravagant, but it\'s hard to change from extravagance to frugality. It\'s good to be away from my girlfriend. I\'m afraid Jifeng won\'t be able to sleep any more when she comes and goes. For such a soft big pillow, Jifeng must stay for a few more days.

What\'s more, Jifeng has prepared a surprise!

But the specific thing, or need to wait until the game is over!

Think of here, Ji Feng is more likely to win the championship. If this thing loses the ball, don\'t say surprise, it will be too much to eat.

"Yes! This time I\'m here to be your nanny. This time I\'m going to Boston to cheer you on. Don\'t worry about what other people say! We must beat those guys Hot bar raised small fist to say.

"Ha ha, that\'s nice. But I don\'t know if you accept the" hidden rules "or not."

Finish without waiting for the heat to answer, Jifeng directly kisses the past, the night is getting deeper, everything is in silence.

The next day, Ji Feng was accompanied by a small follower. The Lakers said that they were used to it. However, due to the finals, the hot bar could not stay in the training hall for too long. Fortunately, there were so many stores around him that Ji Feng had already made arrangements and the hot bar went shopping happily.

And the Lakers simply celebrated for Jifeng and Kobe. The two of them were selected into the first defensive lineup, which is something to celebrate at any time.

And it should be a new record for the Lakers and even the league.

Moreover, the best rookie line-up of the season announced earlier, the season peak was selected by all votes. At the same time, Ji Feng, who was selected as the best rookie lineup and the best defensive period, is undoubtedly the biggest winner of this season.

And the best rookie lineup of five are: Ji Feng, Durant, hofford, elsholton and Jeff Green!

However, this lineup for Jifeng is not news at all, TNT bluntly said that Jifeng seems not to belong here at all.

However, there is one more important thing today, that is, the NBA will announce the NBA\'s best lineup this season!

Unlike the best defensive lineup, which is jointly selected by coaches of all teams in the league, the league\'s best lineup is selected by sports journalists and TV commentators from the United States and Canada. Once a season, it was originally just a one-time and two-way team. In 1988, it was expanded to three. This is also the most authoritative summary of the performance of all players in the league in a season.

The players got 5 points in the first line-up vote, 3 points in the second line-up vote, 1 point in the third line-up vote. The five players with the highest score were selected into the first line-up of the NBA best lineup, the players ranked 6-10 were selected in the second lineup, and the players ranked 11-15 were selected in the third lineup.

When the scores are tied together, the number of the best lineup will be increased. When the first line-up is increased to a 6-man lineup due to the scoring tie-in, the second lineup is still made up of five players.

This juxtaposition happened only once, with Bob Davis and Dolf Shays getting the same points in the 1951-1952 season.

The average rule is that there are two forwards, one center and two defenders. There is no point between point guard or point guard, nor power forward or small forward.

Today, the record of the best lineup is held by Laker veteran Jabbar, who was selected for the best team 15 times, followed by Malone, who was selected 14 times.

Behind them, Kobe, Duncan and Shaquille O\'Neal are seen as the most likely players to match or even surpass their record.

And the biggest point of this time is still No. 3 position. Who can be selected by Ji Feng and James!

In the history of NBA, there have been six amazing players who have been selected for the best team in rookie season for a while.

The first is Bob Petit in the 54-55 season. Many people may not have heard of this superstar, but in that time, which is even older than ancient times, this man won a championship, two regular season MVPs, and was selected into the best lineup for ten times. It can be said that from the beginning of rookie season to 1964, petit was almost absent for a while, and his debut was the top one Representatives.Then there was Elgin Baylor in the 58-59 season. The tragic figure Baylor was also the peak figure when he came out. What we remember most vividly is that eight runners up in the eight finals, and the retired team won the championship. However, his personal strength is beyond doubt.

Then there is Wilt Chamberlain in the 59-60 season. In rookie season, he can contribute 37.6 points and 27 rebounds per field, and the men who get MVP in rookie season, and Oscar Robertson in 60-61 season. The rookie season\'s data is terrifying 30.5 points, 10.1 rebounds, 9.7 assists, and only 0.3 assists can achieve three double per game.

Even if Ji Feng is abnormal enough, the era is different from today, but in recent years, there are still two people who have done it.

79-80 season\'s Larry Bird, the famous coquettish prince, rookie season 21.3 points 10.4 rebounds 4.5 assists 1.7 steals into a burst.

The other one is Duncan. How strong is Duncan? The data tells you that the players who let half the league play bad and scramble at the beginning, naturally made amazing performance when they entered the league. Duncan averaged 21.1 points, 11.9 rebounds, 2.7 assists and 2.5 blocks per field in rookie season. He was selected as a rookie, and the best lineup was for a while, but unfortunately, the best defensive lineup was second in history The man who is close to the rookie Trinity!

Now Jifeng has achieved two, is the closest to even break Duncan record players.

Media fans are waiting anxiously. For more than ten years, will such monsters finally be born? Seriously, with the changes of the times, such players will only be less and less. For so long after Duncan, no one can do it. Can Ji Feng break this record!

"Coming, coming!" Kobe takes Jifeng\'s shoulder and seems to be more nervous than Jifeng. Although he is very strong, he is definitely the representative of backwardness. His rookie season is on the bench, not to mention into the best lineup. Now his brother has a chance, naturally he is very concerned.

"NBA 2007-2007 season, the best time: magic, Howard! Celtic, Garnett, Los Angeles Lakers, Kobe, Hornets, Chris Paul, and Cavaliers, LeBron James

"Grass! What a few! " Gasol angrily threw the shirt out of his hand.

But the TV host hasn\'t finished yet: "and, the Lakers, Jifeng!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!