Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 777

June 6th!

Los Angeles Staples Center arena!

Today is still a weekday. As a world-class city, Los Angeles has always been one of the city\'s labels for being busy and fast-paced. Therefore, this is the time when people are busy working.

But it seems a little different today!

If you walk on the streets of Los Angeles, all kinds of posters of the Lakers will appear in front of you from time to time. Even the giant posters of Kobe and Ji Feng appear in the center of Los Angeles. The main characters in the newspaper booths, sports newspapers or magazines are mostly Los Angeles players, and all kinds of newspapers printed with the elements of the Lakers appear in the hands of passers-by, For entertainment and sports are extremely developed here, most of the topics discussed by passers-by are also related to the Lakers.

You\'ll also find many more fans in the Laker uniform, with different skin colors and different things in their hands, but their destination is the same!


They are fans from all over the world, and the purpose of their trip is naturally to start the most important series of NBA games of the season starting from tonight!

After four years, the Lakers return to the Finals again. The fans of the Lakers are full of enthusiasm. They want to come to the scene to cheer for their team and their favorite stars!

And for the old Laker fans, after more than 20 years, they once again met their biggest opponent, the oldest enemy, Boston Celtics!

This is a fatalistic contest!

Plus the results of the two teams this season, the gratitude and resentment of the two teams, the star match between the two teams, the topic of the two teams, the transaction of the two teams this season Wait a minute. All of this makes this match a little more interesting.

ESPN has even put this match into history ahead of time, saying that it is a match that no matter how it is played, it is doomed to be recorded in history. Anyone who can appear on the court is doomed to write his name in history!

NBA officials will not let go of this opportunity. With a big wave of Stern\'s hand, a large amount of money has been invested in the publicity. The advertising has been bombing basketball fans all over the world for a whole week, and the elements of yellow and green matches are everywhere they can think of.

Stern has high expectations for the finals, which he thinks is the key to the NBA\'s influence in North America and the world!

"No loss is allowed!" This is stern\'s highest request, he will never allow this finals to have any mistakes.

And the propaganda is effective. Now the focus of American sports circle is all on the upcoming first game.

Nino is a 58 year old company executive. He worked hard all his life. He sat in this position when he was about to retire, which is the biggest praise of the company boss for his career. But today, if you walk into his office, you will find that Nino, who has never been late and left early in his life, left early for the first time today!

"Where\'s Nino!" The boss looked at the empty office in a dazed way. He found that in addition to his newly appointed senior executives, many employees were not seen. There were men and women in this, which made him a little confused. Did something happen in the company that he didn\'t know.

"Staples! boss! They all asked for leave to watch the game. It was a classic match between the Lakers and Celtics. When I was a child, I watched the two teams play from my grandfather\'s place. I can\'t believe they will meet again. Unfortunately, I\'m on duty tonight A glasses man said regretfully that he wanted to run, but he was afraid that the boss could not stand the stimulation

Boss: "well Wow, I almost forgot! I\'ve also reserved tickets for the game tonight, and I\'ll go first, man

Feng Ji turned to pat his daughter on the shoulder, but he wanted to see her go back.

Male employee:.... "


This situation was staged all over Los Angeles, and staples gradually gathered a large number of fans, including Chinese. Ji Feng attracted a large number of Chinese fans to watch the game, as well as many fans from China, Japan, South Korea and other Asian countries.

"The finals open! Who is in charge of the ups and downs? " Tencent also made a huge preview directly, jkj and the three giants separated on both sides, the passionate appearance makes fans can\'t wait to see this match.

"Jifeng! Rookie miracle still needs to do the next war! " In his own column, Ma Jian said that Jifeng as a rookie has completed too many miracles, and now, this miracle season is finally about to usher in the final suspense.

And the forum was also occupied by Jifeng fans, crazy front Club played a big title for Jifeng: "tonight, fight for victory! Jifeng, you are our pride

Among them, South Korea\'s Jifeng fans will send a team to support Jifeng for the first time, which even went on the hot search in South Korea, because there are many idol girls among them, which makes many male stars extremely surprised, but there is no way. Jifeng is so much stronger than them, and even don\'t know how to compare, they can only cry behind their back.

"Q-peak Europa fitting!"The large Korean aid banners appeared in staples, which became a unique scenery outside the stadium. Ji Feng had a real look when he arrived at the stadium for training. He also sent several autographs in the past. He has always been very friendly to the fans.

And this scene also succeeded in attracting a wave of hatred.

Farmar took Jifeng\'s neck and said jealously, "why do you always have such beautiful fans! It is strongly recommended to keep Jifeng away from temptation in order to protect his state! "

"You\'re jealous. Come on, man. You\'ll soon have girls like it." Ji Feng calmly patted Farmar on the shoulder, and then rushed to the dressing room.

Jealousy or something, man has been used to it!

What\'s more, Farmar\'s words didn\'t cause any waves at all, because Kobe and Gasol\'s female fans are no less than Jifeng, they are certainly on the side of Jifeng

But this is just a small episode. When they step into the stadium, their whole mind is on the game tonight.

Like the pre match analysis, this is a game that never allows to lose!

7 p.m!

More than 20000 spectators poured into staples, and as many as 5000 fans gathered in the square outside to cheer for the team!

The front row is still starry, with a random scan of the camera, you can see a TV movie in the big shots, and today, their role is fans!

"Hoo, is it going to start?" Hot bar sitting in the first row, the atmosphere of the court makes her appear a little nervous.

According to the truth, she has been here many times and should have been used to it for a long time. But today, the atmosphere of the finals made her excited.

The excitement reached its climax when the darkness was lit up by the lights of the players\' passage!

"Welcome, our number one! Magician from Asia! Our new king on the court, Ji ~ ~ ~ Feng ~ ~!

"ah ah ah ah ~!"

The atmosphere burst!

The finals are about to start! , the fastest update of the webnovel!