Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 774

"Ha ha ha, let you poison us in the media again." The next day between training, Ji Feng looked at the message on the mobile phone handed over by Farmar and was very happy.

As expected, Jifeng did not expect. When interviewed by the media group, Jifeng publicly said Pierce was the best small forward in his heart, which caused a stir.

Especially the supporters of James and pierce, who had been very unhappy in the Eastern Conference semifinals, were more like firecrackers.

It\'s completely blown up!

"Wipe, I\'m really drunk. I won\'t talk about Jifeng. People are very powerful. I can\'t understand what Pierce\'s fans have to say. James definitely won\'t accept refutation. James is the second in the scoring list this season. After Jordan and Oscar Robertson, he has become the third regular field in NBA history, with an average of more than 30 points, 7.5 rebounds and 7.5 rebounds In addition, he has become the youngest player to reach 10000 points in his career this season, which is not much better than Pippi. Besides, he is led by a single core team. How did pierce win the eastern championship? He didn\'t have points

"Don\'t quarrel. Jifeng doesn\'t know the ball better than you do. What people appreciate is pierce who sacrificed for the team. Although the data has been reduced this season, the team\'s record is obvious. How about sacrificing a little bit for the championship? How about giving up the position to Garnett for the championship? Your data is excellent, but your score is not as high as that of Kobe Without Ji Fengqiang, the rebounds can\'t be snatched by Warcraft, saying that you are the second, wronged you

The two sides of the internet fans in a flash into a group, and then including Ji Feng, Anthony, and even Artest fans have joined in. Now it is the period of blowout of No. 3 position. The issue of ranking is naturally the focus of attention, and it is also the most competitive. Unlike the center position, Warcraft and Yao, the sub position is undoubtedly Kobe, and the point guard Paul is different As the army rose, Duncan and Garnett fought.

Today\'s No. 3 position is really fierce competition, and there are all kinds of things to say. Although James had the trend of climbing to the top, no one would dare to ignore the existence of Ji Feng, together with the original Anthony, McGrady and others.

Just think about it!

However, those who know the trade have to admit that Ji Feng has done a good job. He has successfully transferred the enthusiasm of the original discussion of the Lakers and the green army to all the No. 3 positions of the league. The attention of the Lakers has been significantly reduced, which is undoubtedly a good thing for preparing for the finals.

In this regard, the editor in chief of Tuyu pictorial really wants to pat Ji Feng on the shoulder and sincerely say, "well done!"

With Ji Feng\'s participation, their magazine sold 100000 copies more, and the topic discussion remained high. To be honest, he really wanted Ji Feng to join their planning group. His brain was different from that of ordinary people. Others said that Ji Feng was a genius. This is what he learned.

But the green shirt army side is secretly smacking his tongue. Pierce\'s teeth itch with hatred when he looks at the newspaper. Yesterday, James\' loyal fan Rihanna posted his reason on the Internet, and he found out his reason!

He is now eager to rush to the Laker training hall and Ji Feng real person PK, although he has only seen Ji Feng twice, but he knows that this is definitely the plot of this guy.

He wanted to cry. He was shot when he lay down. He didn\'t make the plan of poisonous milk. Why should Mao aim at him!

"Jifeng We must make sure that this account is settled in the finals Pierce broke the newspaper and went to the court to count the opening day of the finals while shooting

Garnett in the next door thinks that if he meets Ji Feng in the future, he should also spray less rubbish. This guy is different from others. It\'s so insidious!

In order to achieve the goal, Ji Feng ignored the comments on the Internet and refused all interviews. Peace of mind training is the right way. As for the complaints of Pierce next door, Ji Feng doesn\'t care. Anyway, the finals will fight for death. At this time, it\'s still waiting for the Chinese new year.

So the outside world suddenly found that Ji Feng, who said this, suddenly became low-key and became the man who couldn\'t find anyone in the previous interview.

But Jifeng wants to keep a low profile, but the strength is not allowed!

On June 4, two days before the opening of the finals, the NBA officially announced the best defensive lineup of the 2007-2008 season!

Jifeng is in the line!

Jifeng\'s fans are crazy again!

Take a look at the best time. They are Garnett for the ninth time, Kobe for the eighth time, defensive player of last year, goalkeeper Camby this season, and Duncan for the 11th time. Then they are the season peak of the best defense as a rookie!

Stars shine!

"Congratulations to Ji Feng for setting a new record!"

"Congratulations to Ji Feng! You deserve it

"The first defense in Asia, great

"Rookies are selected for the first defense, making history! Jifeng is a bull


Everyone expressed congratulations to Jifeng in various channels. Crazy front Club naturally put on lights and decorations, and people from various basketball circles in China also praised Jifeng one after another.

Dayao: "congratulations on my little brother Ji Feng\'s selection of the first defense, you have done it again, I have to congratulate you several times a season!"Su Qun: "the coach\'s eyes are bright, Ji Feng is worthy of his name, looking forward to Ji Feng being selected into the national team."

A Lian: "bull force..."

And Japan and South Korea next door also followed up, also got great attention, South Korean girls have said, this is the real strength of their family Europa!

In the United States, ESPN also commented on Ji Feng\'s selection: "I predicted when Jifeng became the best defensive player. It\'s hard to imagine that the best defensive player is not defending for a while."

"The best defensive lineup of the year is selected by the coaches of 30 teams. Coaches are not allowed to vote for their own players, so Jifeng won 24 first team votes, tied for the first place with Kobe and Garnett. At the same time, he won 5 second team votes, and Jifeng is the first in all."

"This is not surprising. As the stealer king of this season, Ji Feng, who has created a record of steals, has a defensive strength that is obvious to all. He often needs to fight against players who are taller and stronger than himself, but he can deal with it every time. He has a strong ability to limit the score of opponents, and his excellent cooperative defense ability makes him the most blocked outside player in the league, and his blocking field is the league Third, shock the world, he has successfully changed our view of Asian players, his toughness is amazing

Well, when ESPN is serious about one person, it\'s quite out of mind!

It has to be said that the success of the emergence of Jifeng Bao Wen out of the first defense, Bowen became the third position of the second defense.

In addition to him, there are Hornets\' Chris Paul, magic\'s Howard, Pistons\' prince, and sun\'s La Gabel.

"I find that every time you come, you bring me good luck, don\'t you, my lucky star." Jifeng looked at the heat in his arms, doting on said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!