Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1150

The news of wolf king\'s reimbursement is too strong. All the media have paid attention to this news. For two or three consecutive days, the media are full of similar news, which also leads to the fact that in the next few days, the league teams are not interested in a few transactions before the transaction deadline. Of course, this also has something to do with this year\'s skirmish. After all, it has experienced the madness of the previous two seasons Crazy trading, this year each team did not have any big action in the trading market.

This also affected the attention level of the normal game, the 5 th night the Lakers visit New Jersey against the nets.

Since the nets entered two finals in 2002 and 03, the performance of the nets was not warm from 2004 to 2007. They also tried to make a change by replacing Martin with venskatt, who has stronger offensive firepower. However, the new Troika is still not running in enough. Therefore, they all won the playoff tickets in these three seasons, but they were unable to break through the second round and withdraw from the championship early The battle of the army.

This also makes the nets start to rebuild. The first step is the departure of team leader Kidd, which also means the end of a golden era for the nets.

And now the nets are Carter and Richard Jefferson in the hard support, and this season, although they chose the potential inside line brooklopes, the team finally has a look good inside line.

However, in addition to these three people, you can not find a familiar person in their team. Even in the first round, there are such people as durin and Hassell. In addition to Carter\'s continuous injuries, we can imagine the fighting capacity of the whole team.

Now the nets have degenerated into the league\'s fish bellies. This season, they may not be in the playoffs. Their game with the Lakers is basically one-sided.

And the fact is the same, the nets sent Carter, Lopez, durin, Hassel and Hayes starting, let Jifeng surprised, their team\'s second Jefferson not only did not start, even the list did not enter.

As a result, the nets can only play Carter and rookie Lopez, the list came out, the nets fans heart is half cold, they want to ask this line-up still play an egg, directly surrender is not good!

After half a quarter, the Lakers told them that the reality was more cruel than they imagined. Although it was a long-distance attack, even though they arrived in New Jersey in the morning and resumed training for two hours, they came directly to the stadium to play, but the strength of the Lakers was still terrible.

Jifeng is a spacer. People in Lopez are stupid. They always hear his brother say that Jifeng is terrible, but he has no real feeling. Today, I have learned from him. This is not only terrible, but also terrible!

Have you ever seen the outside line who always wants to dunk on the head of a big center with a height of 210cm!

Half time 67-40, the nets fans have no love, half of the half run, the third quarter almost attendance rate is less than 30%.

In the end, the Lakers easily won the game 123-90 for three consecutive wins.

Ji Feng opened the third quarter and got 26 points, 13 assists and 7 rebounds. Kobe Bryant also scored 24 points and 6 rebounds, Gasol 22 points, Bynum 16 points and 14 rebounds, Ariza 16 points and Fisher 10 points.

The next door only Carter got 28 points, Lopez 13 points, 7 rebounds, durin 11 points and 6 assists.

This game is supposed to be the kind of game that will be forgotten soon after the game, but after the game, a news quickly attracted the attention of Chinese fans, and one of the main characters is today\'s Laker opponent\'s nets.

According to the news from the transfer market, the nets have just reached a deal with the bucks. The Bucks sent Yi Jianlian and Bob Simmons to get Jefferson from the net trade! (in reality, the deal was completed in the summer. Now I put it here. I think it\'s better to let Las go back to its original track. In fact, the nets are a better choice than bucks, but it\'s a pity.)

It also explains why Jefferson didn\'t play in the game, because according to the rules, players in the trade are not allowed to play.

In the United States, because of wolf king news, no one paid attention to the deal. After all, bucks and nets are the bottom teams in the East, and their popularity is not high. Jefferson is one of the three people involved in the transaction in the United States, but it is also limited.

But it is different in China. After all, one of the main characters is Yi Jianlian, so this news immediately became the hottest sports news at that time.

The Internet is also full of fans\' voices of discussion:

"rubbish, bucks, trading our united brother, ah, ah Lian has a better future than the great man without eyebrows."

"Eat melon to eat their own home, too suddenly, Bucks hair, this is only a season to trade, you change Jefferson can get rid of the fact that you are still a bad team?"

"The feeling is OK, rookies still have to go to a bad team, how small the net competition, no one in the fourth position, not just to train for the league."

"It\'s said that the nets will move to New York soon. It\'s better than staying in the bucks."

Naturally, there are different opinions. There are some people who are optimistic and some are not. Of course, there is no lack of sunspots.

Ji Feng got the news at the press conference after the game, which was asked by Shen Yang. After all, they just finished the game and didn\'t know anything. The Chinese media naturally wanted to hear Ji Feng\'s comments.At the beginning of the season peak was still very surprised, how can this suddenly trade? After all, the League played well in this season and a half, because affected by Ji Feng, he integrated into the team well and worked very hard. He could also get 9.7 points and 6.4 rebounds per game, which is a good data in the first grade students. After all, the Bucks always rotate.

However, the biggest problem of the Arab League is injury. It is difficult for him to get injured in the fierce confrontation, which is very difficult to change. Even if you try hard on the training ground, you can\'t change the congenital conditions. However, as long as you keep healthy, the Arab League is still very effective. At least it is no problem to be able to play a start in a weak team.

So the Bucks\' operation makes Ji Feng a little confused. Even if Jefferson goes, the Bucks\' combat effectiveness is also visible to the naked eye. Can\'t they still have any ideas about the playoffs? It\'s unrealistic.

Think of to go to the nets season peak is a good thing for the Arab League, the strength of the nets today we also see, came here the Arab League play space is actually bigger, after all, compared with Hayes, the nets have no reason not to let Arab League play first.

However, these words are not good for the media to say in detail. Ji Feng called Arab League after the game and discussed with him in detail in the phone, hoping to help his career.

In fact, Jifeng also had the idea of letting Las Vegas to the Lakers. The Lakers lacked a point that could stably provide output from the bench on position 4. Radmanovic\'s retrogression this season is too serious.

But the Lakers lack chips, and everything needs to be considered in the long run.

At the end of the game with the nets, the Lakers ushered in the last Eastern opponent of this Grammy tour, the Atlanta Hawks! , the fastest update of the webnovel!