Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1149

At 10:00 a.m. on February 5, U.S. time, that is, when the charter plane of the Lakers just arrived in New Jersey, a news from NBA officials instantly blew up the American sports circle, and then quickly spread to the world.

By the time the team arrived at the hotel, the news was already well known, and the Internet was instantly occupied by this news.

"Wow! WOW! Whoa, wait, guys, watch the news quickly. It seems that something terrible has happened. " When he packed up his bags and went to the hotel restaurant for dinner, Farmar took his mobile phone to the front of the team, brushing the Internet news as usual. Then he suddenly made three strange noises, and one turned and yelled to his teammates behind him.

"Fuck! Aren\'t you tired? Do you know you should be gentle with the old people?" This series of actions scared the old fish walking behind him. Fisher kicked Farmar and took out his mobile phone: "listen to me, man, if there\'s no big news you said, I\'ll play karuba with my brothers!"

"Believe me, this is definitely the biggest event in the NBA this season." Said Farmar firmly.

And a few seconds later, fisher made the same kind of yelling

This finally successfully attracted the attention of all the Laker players. Even the hungry Ji Feng stood and took out his mobile phone and opened a website to see what big news appeared.

but after opening the website, the big title on the front page immediately attracted Ji Feng\'s attention, which read: "NBA big event, wolf king is injured again! Regular season reimbursement! It\'s doubtful whether the playoffs will return

"Trenching!!! True or false Jifeng takes a breath of cool air, which is really a big event!

Not to mention much else, this event is enough to change the ecology of the whole league and even the ownership of the final finals. Ji Feng quickly opened the news to see what was going on!

The earliest report came from the Boston Herald. In the morning news, they reported that Garnett, who scored 10 points and 8 rebounds in 28 minutes after the green shirt game yesterday, suffered from knee discomfort again. After the doctor\'s examination, it was confirmed that Garnett was likely to have a recurrence or even more serious injury 。

The green army made an appointment for the nuclear magnetic resonance (MRI) overnight, and the specific results will be released later. According to the nuclear magnetic resonance report received this morning, Garnett\'s injury situation is not optimistic!

And they also reported the words of some insiders, according to a source: "now his knee condition is too bad, he can\'t play at all, now even walking problems."

There is even a statement that is said to be an internal doctor appeared in the relevant reports: "his injury is really very difficult, most of the time you need a good rest, so that the injured part can get temporary pain free, but sometimes it is very difficult to achieve no pain."

There are even rumors that Garnett is about to lose his surgery season.

According to an informed source, Garnett has been looking for some treatment methods to enable him to play, until he finished the season before surgery. In recent weeks, Garnett\'s recovery treatment has played a certain effect, he can walk smoothly, and successfully recovered, playing well, but later his pain increased, knee injury repeatedly uncertain, because His desire to return to the competition has become a bubble.

These reports are undoubtedly saying that Garnett\'s injury has reached a very serious point, and different from the previous injury can be treated conservatively, the operation seems to be inevitable.

Knowledgeable fans naturally know that knee injury and surgery together means what, let alone this season can not play, after Garnett may be very seriously affected.

This news caused a lot of green shirt fans panic, many people went to the green army official verification, and also went directly to the green army training base gate in the morning.

Then, at 10 o\'clock, the green army official held a press conference, which confirmed the news of Garnett\'s knee injury recurrence, and said that the team was discussing the treatment plan with the doctor, and the specific results would be announced later.

"But what we can be sure of is that no matter how the treatment is, we won\'t see Kevin on the court until the playoffs The green army\'s spokesman at the end of the day dropped a bombshell!

So, the whole basketball circle exploded!

"Wolf king! The green playoffs are in doubt - Sports pictorial.

"Serious knee injury, Garnett suffered the most serious injury in his career!" - daily sports daily.

"It\'s changing in the East! Can the green army break through from the east - the guardian.

Even Chinese media have reported, while Su Qun analyzes the situation of the green army after the loss of Garnett in his column. He thinks: "the green army without Garnett is no longer complete. Although they have pierce and other elite players, they still have no problem in the first four of the playoffs, but in the competition with Cavaliers and magic, they no longer have an advantage, It\'s hard to predict the outcome! "

Yang Yi also said: "the green army has lost its deer, and the eastern part of the army has entered the mode of competing for the deer. Magic and Knights have encountered the best opportunity!"There is no doubt that Garnett\'s injury has a far-reaching impact. Originally, everyone was still optimistic about the yellow and green war in the finals this season. However, Garnett\'s injury suddenly made the finals in suspense. The green shirt soldiers who lost Garnett were not sure whether they were against Howard\'s magic or James\'s Cavaliers. On the contrary, they were likely to become the weak side, The suspense in the East became bigger.

And James fans are very excited, now occupy the eastern first Cavaliers seem to have the best chance to return to the finals, 23vs24 seems to play in the finals more and more opportunities!

And Warcraft fans are also happy, magic seems to have a chance to return to the finals after 14 years!

The fans of the green shirt army are very uncomfortable. Even though they are ranked second in the east at this time, they are not afraid of Cavaliers and magic. They have absolute confidence in the three giants. However, it seems that the situation is not so good. Although pierce has already told the media that they will play in the finals and wait for wolf king to return, the fans are still in a state of seven to eight Next, lost wolf king green army can really stand in the Finals again.

"It\'s going to change in the East." After watching the news, Ji Feng sighed with some sigh. The injury was more fierce than the tiger. The green army was in big trouble.

Ji Feng knows that Garnett\'s role is too lethal for the green shirt, especially in the fierce playoffs. Without Garnett, the green army may not be able to beat those two teams. , the fastest update of the webnovel!