Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1151

Two or three days after the Lakers defeated the nets, it seemed as if the entire NBA had entered a turbulent period. First, Garnett\'s regular season reimbursement was suspected of returning this season, and then Yi Jianlian changed his host. After that, the green shirt army was defeated by magic in the first game without Garnett, which seemed to confirm the suspicion of the outside world that they could not do without Garnett.

However, no one thought that this was just the beginning of a series of turbulence. The following day, the first Cavaliers in the East lost to the Pacers who were not strong teams in the East. James played an abnormal role in that game, only got 15 points, 7 rebounds and 6 assists, with a shooting rate of only 32%, which was the most pulling hip game of the season, which was also the second home defeat of the Cavaliers this season 。

And the most important thing is not just to lose a game. After losing the ball, the Cavaliers have lost nine games. This season, there is only a theoretical possibility to surpass the bulls. So James left without attending the press conference after the game. This is rare for him who has always had a good relationship with the media. It can be seen that this game has hit him.

On the same day, the second place nuggets in the West were defeated by the old and spicy Mavericks by 4 points. The Mavericks are currently ranked sixth in the West. The Nuggets all lost in the previous two games, and they were defeated by a big score. However, this time, they completed the amazing reversal when they were 16 points behind in three quarters at home. Dirk Nowitzki had 43 points and 13 rebounds to beat Anthony.

Three of the top two teams in the East and West have lost in the same round for the first time this season.

ESPN humorously said: "the Lakers are now the hope of the village."

Yes, no one thinks the Lakers will lose against the eagles. After all, although the eagles are a playoff team in the East, and they are ranked sixth in the East this season, they are not really a strong team in front of the Lakers.

In addition, the Lakers were in good condition and won three consecutive victories again. Although this was an away game, the team was strong and powerful, and the team finally came out of the previous two rounds of injuries. This visit to Atlanta Zen master also expressed the desire to win.

However, they just didn\'t expect the poisonous milk of ESPN!

"Oh, roar! Ji Feng fouled again! Joe Johnson on the free throw line

Yes, this scene happened in the third 45 seconds of the first quarter. The roar came from the live commentary of the Hawks\' home court. To be honest, you can feel his excitement and happiness across the screen, because this is Ji Feng\'s second foul in this section!

"WTF!" Ji Feng is all Meng, this is the first time that he has been blown two fouls in such a short time, and can this ball TMD be a foul??? So he looked at the referee without understanding, but the referee ignored, and then Kobe pulled him away

"This It\'s too dark. " Yang Yi was helpless. Just after Joe Johnson broke through, he was blocked by Jifeng at the last moment. The referee whistled before Ji Feng could celebrate

But Ji Feng can only rest, and the Hawks side of the natural momentum, even hawk King Joe Johnson and Smith played like a fish in water, while the Lakers rely on Kobe and the inside double tower to play against each other.

However, no season peak has a great influence on the Laker\'s tactics. In short, the coordination is less, and more is the singles in various positions.

But the most powerful thing about the Hawks is their resilience. It\'s not a boast that they can push the green team to the seventh game last season, so the lake people have been very passive.

At half-time, 45-53, the Lakers were eight points behind, Jifeng was fouled three times in the first half, only played 10 minutes, got 4 points and 6 assists.

The Lakers, who hadn\'t played against the wind for a long time in the second half, launched a counterattack under the leadership of Ji Feng. As soon as Ji Feng came up, he showed his determination with two three points in a row, and stopped the Hawks.

However, the Hawks are more determined to play Ji Feng\'s position after a pause. Smith or Joe Johnson will find Ji Feng with the ball. Their purpose is Sima Zhao\'s mind. Everyone knows that the referee\'s scale is small today, which is beneficial to them. They want to continue to make Ji Feng\'s fouls.

However, Ji Feng obviously noticed this point, defensive action is very careful, but can\'t stand, these guys are running to make fouls, and Joe Johnson and Smith feel good tonight, if they don\'t defend well, it\'s easy for them to throw in!

So Ji Feng had 5 fouls in 3.5 points in the fourth quarter, and Zen master angrily dropped his tactical board

At this time, the difference between 5 times and 6 times is not big. The goal of hawks has been achieved. If Jifeng doesn\'t want to leave the court, he can only reduce the defensive action and ferocity.

In the end, the Lakers failed to beat the Hawks, lost 103-107, and won the fourth game of the season, ending their three consecutive wins, reaching 43-4.

The loss of the Lakers also means that the East and West lose all the first two in the same round, which is rare in any season.

After the game, angry fans besieged the ESPN website to shut them up

However, the Laker fans extended cordial and friendly greetings to the chief referee. It has to be said that the loss of referees accounted for a lot of factors, and several times the home post was too obvious.However, Ji Feng is open-minded. I have to admit that the Hawks\' tactics are very appropriate. In addition to the continuous away games of the Lakers, their physical strength has been greatly affected. As for the home post, there is no way. Duncan can can be sent out on the bench several times in his career. NBA referees are so wayward, so losing is not unacceptable. Of course, the court still needs to be recovered Yes, Ji Feng only said in an interview after the game that the eagles are welcome to Los Angeles.

And Jackson didn\'t talk about referees too much after the game, he just said vaguely: "obviously, we have too many fouls. After all, Jifeng only played 22 minutes, which is his minimum playing time this season, but he still got 18 points, 10 assists and 8 rebounds, so it may be the bench to stop him."

Sure enough, there is no reason to punish him.

When asked about the next plan, the Zen master said, "this damned race is finally coming to an end."

Yes, after the Hawks, they had only one game left in six games. After the game, the Lakers flew to Oklahoma to meet the last opponent of the Grammy tour, thunder!

This is also the season peak and Durant\'s first meeting!

This season, the thunder chose wesbrook, and Durant and Jeff Green formed the thunder three little combination, but still did not change their league position, but everyone can see that the thunder is not far from the rise.

However, their first task this season is to put on bad, if they can get high-level draft in the draft, they are likely to become a force that can not be ignored in the League within five years.

After all, Durant\'s progress this season is obvious, while wesbrook\'s performance is average, but his talent is practical. After all, he is only a grade one, and we can\'t ask anyone\'s grade one to be as abnormal as Ji Feng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!