Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1110

Yes, Garnett has been allowed to play before this game. Although his knee injury has not recovered, it has been greatly improved. In the game before this game, Garnett has been allowed to play.

Garrett didn\'t want to play in Los Angeles, but Garnett didn\'t want to get out of the game.

The interview before the game is not really tactical, Rivers said that most of the reason is because he really did not think about whether Garnett will play.

Because the knee injury is too complicated. For a 32 year old veteran, there is no cure for this kind of thing. At most, it is just for improvement. Admittedly, Garnett has been a famous iron man in the League for more than ten years before his career, he has hardly suffered any serious injury, but this is more troublesome because he is as light as Garnett People who are vulnerable to injury, once injured, are basically catastrophic.

Countless times of history has proved that once a veteran suffers from a major injury, even if he can pay later, his state is definitely a cliff like decline, and the possibility of being injured again increases exponentially. There is no exception. Even if you are a super league player before the injury, you will definitely be reduced to a role player after the injury. Grant Hill is one of them An example.

To be honest, hill is a perfect comeback, how many amazing superstars are ruined by injuries.

So rivers hesitated, of course, he understood the importance of Garnett to the team. Last season, they made it to the finals, Garnett accounted for half of the credit, although the finals MVP is Pierce, but Garnett is the core of the green army.

On the defensive side, Celtic can play the iron barrel defense, Garnett as the core of defense, through the ubiquitous help defense, the other side\'s attack is fragmented; but the offensive end is not very ideal, the team has not played the system, Rondo is not mature, all rely on the three giant singles, the giants lack the ability to cut melons and cut vegetables; the eastern series of game Allen appeared The period of downturn, the team attack out of the obstacles, all rely on kg to carry the team.

This season, the attack has finally improved. Rondo has grown into a flow guard. The system of Rondo + Garnett\'s pick and roll for the attack + Ray Allen\'s non ball running + Pierce\'s flank containment has been played out. The three giants\' rotation of singles is still indispensable, but the pressure of the three giants\' attack is much less.

And they are still strong in defense, they still maintain the defensive level of 2008 season, kg is still the core of defense, it is the best time for them to attack the championship, it is precisely because of Kevin Garnett, the Celtics before kg was injured in 2009 season became the strongest stage of the three giants period, they have been keeping up with the Lakers.

But Garnett was hurt

In these injured games, the green army\'s offensive end has an average of 16 + 9 interior fulcrum, while the defensive end is disastrous. The team lacks a stable interior single point, lack of high and low support and the wall of pick and roll; while pierce and Ray Allen lack the scoring ability of chopping melons and vegetables, the team still has to rely on last season\'s defense to sharpen the opponent, but the core of defense is missing, Celtic are famous for the lack of a key defensive iron barrel.

So their record fluctuated. They were overtaken by the Knights and fell to second place in the East.

Therefore, rivers is afraid that Garnett will be injured again, so he is not sure whether to play Garnett before the game.

But now, rivers still decided to let wolf king play, because this game is too critical, not to say that he is the United States focus on the Christmas War, just say this is the second game with the Lakers, if this game is swept by the Lakers, it will be too big a blow to Celtic.

Moreover, the horror of the Lakers was beyond everyone\'s expectation. The team in good condition was really strong. They easily tore up the green team\'s defense, and let them suffer a lot in the defense end. In this way, they would be knocked out in the half-time, which was no chance at all.


"Oh, we saw that Garnett, who said he would not play before the game, took off his training clothes, rivers also made a gesture to change people. Garnett returned after half a month!" Yang Jian saw this scene and said.

Garnett replaced the first quarter of the basic no performance big baby Davis, officially announced the comeback!

Once on the field, Garnett used his unique way to inspire the team. He clapped hands with each of his teammates, and thumped his chest and roared in the sky. He wanted to use this way to stimulate the play of his teammates.

At this time, the commentator asked tonight\'s commentator Magic Johnson: "may I ask the magician, Garnett\'s substitute appearance, do you think Celtic\'s reserve lineup will change the situation on the field?"

"I think the possibility is very small. It is contagious to strike iron. When they recover the percentage of hits, it is estimated that the game is over. Moreover, Garnett\'s offensive ability has been reduced, and he has just recovered from injury. It is certain that there is a question mark about his state." The magician must be supporting the Lakers.

But once Garnett came on the court, the momentum of the green army was more than enough. Garnett was indeed the guy who could bring about qualitative change.

The first attack, with Garnett, Rondo also seems more leisurely, the green army back to the familiar slow rhythm, 14 seconds to start the attack, and Garnett this fulcrum also liberated the other two giants, pierce finally seized the opportunity to catch the ball, hit the first goal of the game.Although the season peak faces Pierce\'s defense afterward, is also relaxed one changes to enter the interior line, one throws successfully!

But at least Celtic can also use the score to make up, Garnett line up, pick and roll hands, Rondo to break the ball, Ray Allen pick and take the ball to hit three points.

"Yes!" rivers waved heavily off the court, and his gambling seemed to work.

In the last two minutes of the first quarter, the green army did not let the score be further opened. Instead, Garnett led the team to narrow the gap to 12 points. At the end of the first quarter, the Lakers were 37-25 ahead.

In the second quarter, the Lakers pulled Kirby Gasol, while Garnett was still on the court. Rivers seemed to have tasted the sweetness. He wanted to continue to let Garnett drive the team\'s attack, and he also wanted to use him to limit the attack of the Lakers.

It worked. It wasn\'t obvious to defend Pau Gasol, but when it wasn\'t Radmanovic, Garnett played too much. In the first round, he played his first two points with his personal ability.

On the offensive side, he also abandoned Radmanovic\'s point. The latter was good at the middle distance and couldn\'t be used under Garnett\'s top defense. The Lakers can only rely on Ji Feng\'s breakthrough and shooting.

And Garnett also obviously made arrangements for the seasonal peak, once the seasonal peak breakthrough, Garnett is bound to be on the defensive.

So in the reserve play this break time, the green shirt army unexpectedly very surprised to win!

45-37, the Lakers are only eight points ahead! , the fastest update of the webnovel!