Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1109

Fight for the ball!

Big baby Davis actually won Bynum, he collided with Bynum fiercely in the air, and drove the ball to Rondo waiting in the backcourt before Bynum, Celtic got the first chance to attack!

Of course, this is also normal. Although Davis has 300 pounds, which is one of the top tonnage in the league, even O\'Neal has to be defeated by his size. Here is another interesting thing. Davis and Shaquille O\'Neal are alumni of Louisiana State University. They knew each other long ago. Davis was only 15 years old and was still in high school O\'Neill was first seen in the training camp organized by the University. Davis\' strong body attracted O\'Neill\'s attention. O\'Neill offered to wrestle with him. As a result, Davis lifted O\'Neill with both hands and pressed him to the ground to move.

That\'s enough to see that Davis, despite being fat, is a strong and powerful player, and he\'s much more flexible than he looks.

The green army\'s first attack, because there was no Garnett on the inside, so the recent attacks of the green shirt started from the outside. However, the defense of the Los Angeles team was obviously targeted. Ji Feng and Kobe\'s defense expanded greatly, especially Kobe, who stepped on the three-point line defense, forcing ray Allen to take the ball easily.

Seeing that the outside line was blocked, Rondo had to try his own breakthrough, because he did not have his own basket, but he managed to break in and then successfully attracted the defense to divide the ball. Davis received the ball near the forbidden area line, and then directly chose to make a layup.

But it was embarrassing that Gasol slapped him at the right time

Well, Davis is flexible enough and powerful enough, but as a power forward, he lacks both mobility and personal offensive ability. After all, he is only 206 cm, and he is still a fat man, and the fat man is also a fat man.

A not very fierce but very practical cover, the old fish near the bottom corner received the surprise of the day and quickly pushed back!

Fisher passed the ball to Kobe, and Kobe was holding the ball outside the three-point line. Obviously, he couldn\'t find any opportunities under the defense of Ray Allen. After changing the direction of his crotch continuously, Perkins in the inner line rushed to fill the loophole in the bottom line. However, Kobe\'s consciousness and vision were not very good. A high toss threw the ball into the air, and a domineering figure was on the ground Since, Jifeng from the flank after Bynum pick and roll to shake off the defense, and inside Perkins was called out, Jifeng easily empty dunk!

Staples is in a good mood!

"Perkins! Why do you want to help defend? Good timing! Don\'t leave such a big gap. "Rivers couldn\'t sit down for a moment. He got up at the start of the game and yelled at Perkins, who was back on defense.

This is the biggest impact of Garnett\'s absence, because Garnett has the ability to make up defense, because he moves blocks and has good consciousness, but other people can\'t. just like this ball, he can\'t come back when he goes out, and Davis has no consciousness of filling defense, so the inside line will be empty.

It\'s a dangerous thing to be empty inside when you\'re playing with the Lakers.

The green team turned around and missed a jumper.

Here the Lakers immediately seize the opportunity, Kobe forced Allen, the interior was taken away by Gasol, Kobe easy layup.

Green back, Pierce\'s middle shot is disturbed by Ji Feng, brush the basket and out.

No three shots!

"It can be seen that the green army in this game seems a little nervous, did not let go." Yang Yi commented on the opening performance of the Green Army: "they were completely caught by the weakness of the Lakers, Ji Feng, Kobe are to play inside, a hit a target, no Garnett loss is too big."

Before the words fell, the Lakers made a comeback. Kobe Bryant shot three points in front of Ray Allen\'s interview, but failed. Bynum pressed Parsons to grab the front court rebounds and lay up hard, resulting in the latter\'s defensive fouls, two free throws and two free throws!

The green army called a halt!

The Lakers started with an 8-0 high!

After Garnett left, Perkins was helpless in the interior line. When he went to defend, the rebounds could not be guaranteed, and he was directly defeated by the Lakers!

"Nice brother!" Jifeng and Bynum high fives, this belongs to the dream start, did not expect to play so smoothly at the beginning.

"It\'s time for wolf king." Jifeng sits on the bench and looks next door. Rivers is furious. Wolf king also stands up from the bench and whispers something to pierce.

Jifeng has always thought that Garnett is the secret weapon of the green shirt army today. Rivers is holding back to enlarge the move for them, so Ji Feng played extremely aggressive in the beginning, just to force Garnett out as soon as possible!

The result was beyond Ji Feng\'s expectation, the suspension ended, the green army still did not make the adjustment, Davis was still on the field.

The green army also changed their tactics. The ball was directly handed to pierce. I think they found that the tactics couldn\'t be played, and they wanted pierce to make a personal attack to stabilize the situation.

But Ji Feng\'s defense was great!

Pierce headed a few times, but did not move, only forced to turn back to jump shot, and then ferric oxide, Bynum took the rebound.Bynum to Jifeng, Jifeng did not stop, directly a quarter long forward to the front court, the conversion speed of the Lakers is too fast, Kobe has been waiting for the ball in the front court, Allen is obviously half slow, clear two-point first-line attack, after receiving the ball, Kobe directly a fake move to shake off Ray Allen, into the interior single arm smash!

Bang Dang!

Los Angeles 10-0 dream start!

"Cow force ~!" The home court of the Lakers was ignited by the dunk, a 10-0 start!

What a dream!

It\'s a Christmas War!

It\'s like putting the green army on the ground!

The Laker\'s loyalty suddenly fell into the honeypot.

Stern, who is watching the ball, touches his head. Is his carefully prepared schedule going to be spent again

On the green field, rivers watched Garnett show his hands, and then shook his head helplessly. The strength of the Lakers this season is too strong, and it is at home again. Without Garnett, they really can\'t compete.

Fortunately, on the green side, Ray Allen stood up, he used two pick and roll, around the majority of the court, and finally got rid of the defense. Rondo seized the opportunity to score the ball, and Ray Allen took the ball to help the green team score the first goal of the game, which was still a three-point.

Boston\'s commentators were relieved. It was a goal and saved three points. If it goes on like this, the worst start in history will be changed.

However, a three-point obviously can not solve the green army\'s dilemma. The Lakers are in a hot state tonight, and everyone feels good. After Ray Allen, Ji Feng also shot the first three-point of the game, and then Kobe and Fisher also scored.

With two minutes left in the first quarter, the Lakers hit a 30-15 super attack.

And this time, rivers finally can not help, on the bench, Garnett stood up!

Wolf king is back! , the fastest update of the webnovel!