Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1111

The score was only eight points left. At this time, Jackson had no response.

However, the team of the Los Angeles team was somewhat disrupted, and the rotation ball hesitated. Walton in the neutral position had a chance to make a three-point shot, and Jifeng\'s pass was also in place. However, he hesitated and didn\'t take the shot immediately. In the end, he had to pass it back to Ji Feng. Ji Feng had no choice but to make a desperate breakthrough. However, the green shirt army had been prepared. Pierce followed the defense all the way and got into it After the line instantaneous 4 people encircle, Ji Fengqiang throws the iron, Garnett takes the backboard!

"Really tough defense!" The Chinese photographer on the sidelines smacked his tongue. He had just taken a picture of four people encircling Ji Feng in an instant. This will definitely lead to a topic after the game.

What\'s more, Garnett\'s appearance caused a qualitative change in the green army. Now the green shirt army and the first quarter play not a kind of basketball, the defense is tough and targeted, and the attack is also excellent.

The green army attack with the ball, Rondo arc top with Garnett pick and roll, Rondo a right turn did not go from the line of pick and roll, but went in the opposite direction, because he had predicted that Farmar would squeeze through, which hit his heart, and it was too late for Farmar to react.

Rondo went straight into the inside, and Garnett pulled it out and got the lay up!

Wonderful cooperation!

"Playing effectively, that\'s the role of wolf king, in the position of power forward, he is still the top of the league." The commentary said.

"This is the green shirt army!" Garnett and Rondo jumped to their chest to celebrate and went straight to the coach\'s bench.

Jackson finally called a timeout, and the green army stopped the Lakers.

This also let the Laker fans breathe a sigh of relief, they are really afraid that Zen master will start playing snake again. In fact, they think it should have been replaced by Kobe.

However, Zen master is not a fool, he can naturally think of what fans can think of, and the reason why he insisted on not changing is to see what tactics the green shirt army played after Garnett\'s return.

As for the difference, as long as it is still ahead, it is not a big problem.

"How about Jifeng, see what\'s coming." On the bench, Jackson first asked Ji Feng, he let Jifeng play with the bench is to let Jifeng find their weaknesses.

"That guy Garnett is as strong as ever, but he is also the weakness of the green army, and his injury has a great impact on him." Jifeng said while wiping sweat.

Ji Feng has been observing Garnett\'s performance on the court since he came back. Garnett has really made the green army different. The green army\'s defense is stronger, the rotation is faster, and there is also a fulcrum at the attack end.

But Garnett himself is not the best state, his movement speed, especially the ability of lateral movement is weakened and slowed down, which is obviously affected by knee injury, which is not obvious in the defensive end, because the Lakers did not attack him strongly, but in the offensive end, Garnett had several opportunities to pass instead of attacking himself, and the big open position also chose to lay up rather than play It\'s a dunk. That\'s the point.

"Ji Feng is right! Garnett injury is not good, rivers with him is a big gamble, we must seize this weakness, Gasol you, everybody makes the ball for him, Ji Feng, Kobe, you can find the opportunity through the pick and roll. " The Zen master made the arrangement.

In summary, it may be unexpected because the Lakers chose to target the least likely target, Garnett!

At the end of the suspension, both sides changed into the main line-up, and the green army was full of desire. Garnett\'s return made their self-confidence rise sharply. Pierce encouraged his teammates loudly, and they wanted to level the score.

But the Laker side actually came up to give them a downfall!

Jifeng arc top dribble, Gasol out of the pick and roll, Jifeng pick and roll after the momentum to break, Garnett hurried to make up defense, but Jifeng was directly transferred to Gasol, Garnett thought of back defense, but the movement obviously couldn\'t keep up, Gasol picked up the ball by his own three-step layup, causing Perkins to make up for the Fouls of the hitter!

Two penalties, two hits!

The green army didn\'t care. It was just an attack by the Lakers. They organized the attack as usual. However, Jifeng made a successful defense this time. He steals the pass directed by Ron and quickly made a fast break. However, Rondo\'s pursuit was very fast and did not make Ji Feng\'s fast break score.

Jifeng is not in a hurry. Instead, he slows down the rhythm and falls to the position. This makes Pierce, who is hard to catch up with him, breathes a sigh of relief. He finds that in only one year, he can\'t catch up with Jifeng\'s speed.

"Hey, hey, hey! boy! You\'re not going to pass! *****"But Pierce was not idle, and a series of rubbish words burst out.

But Jifeng was not ready to entangle him at all. He divided the ball and went to the bottom line to pick and roll with Gasol, and then Kobe quickly returned the pass!

Ji Feng faces Garnett at this time!


Jifeng face frame attack, continuous left and right shaking and fake action, Ji fengxiu started to operate, which made Garnett think of the terrible fact that he was shaken down by Ji Feng. The most troubling thing is that Ji Feng had already passed, then pulled his right hand back, and then handed it back to his left hand.

I saw Ji Feng\'s third dribble from behind and stopped abruptly. He stopped his body on his side. His body jumped up slightly but did not leave the ground due to inertia.Dream step!

Garnett just felt a cold knee, Jifeng turned over him, and hit the layup!

"Bull force!" Staples a jubilant, low singles Garnett into, Jifeng more and more fierce!

At this time, Garnett already understood that the Lakers are targeting him!

Sure enough, after the game, regardless of whether there is a chance, Kobe, Jifeng will dislocation to his position to try, and once there is a chance, play is not soft.

And the proportion of Gasol to get the ball is obviously increased, Gasol has become the main attack point of the Lakers for a long time.

Gasol also strive to win, a single quarter to get 10 points, three times over Garnett to complete the score shocked the whole field!

"The Lakers have grasped the weakness of the green shirts. Almost all the attacks are looking for Garnett. Garnett is obviously not in the best condition. He has been targeted!" Yang Yi said.

"Shit!" rivers scolded fiercely. He didn\'t expect that the Laker\'s tactics were so bold that they all aimed at Garnett. But it had to be said that this directly caught his painful feet. Garnett was really good at this time. What made rivers uneasy was that Jifeng and Kobe\'s unreasonable breakthrough on the outside line put a heavy burden on Garnett\'s knee. He worried about garnet Specific risk of secondary injury.

So under helpless, rivers can only change wolf king!

This makes the Lakers more unstoppable, season peak, Kobe\'s score will be more crazy, the second quarter of the Lakers played 36-26, one stroke will expand the difference to 22 points!

Ji Feng got 19 points and 12 assists, and made double doubles in half time! , the fastest update of the webnovel!