Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1089

December 17, an ordinary morning in Los Angeles, but the whole night of snowfall last night changed the whole Los Angeles with a new color. The winter sunshine sprinkled on the snow on the roadside, and the road in the early morning made the city of Los Angeles have a different flavor. However, the passers-by are still in a hurry. No matter what happened yesterday, today they still have to rush for life.

Ji Feng wakes up from the deep sleep, gently puts aside the heat bar which is wrapped around him like octopus, looks at the beauty\'s mouth murmurs twice, then turns around and falls into the deep sleep again.

Ji Feng walked out of the bedroom and went down the stairs to the room. The room was cleaned up. However, traces of yesterday\'s party still scattered in some corners. In the air, there was even a trace of passion and enthusiasm of yesterday. A balloon on the roof seemed to reflect yesterday\'s madness, which made Ji Feng\'s mind unconsciously recall yesterday\'s Carnival.

Perfect party!

There is no doubt that yesterday\'s party definitely impressed everyone. From noon to evening, champagne, hot songs, vigorous dancing, endless food, excitement and passion lasted for more than ten hours here. Even the elder sister who had activities in the afternoon did not hesitate to postpone the activities until 6:00 p.m.

After the stars left, the Laker players completely let go. They used this place as a celebration stage after winning the championship. The champagne was sprayed everywhere and the Zen master retreated silently. He still couldn\'t play, but he still stayed until 10 o\'clock. Most of the time, he stood quietly and watched the players go crazy. He enjoyed such a moment.

And until 12 o\'clock, this grand party finally ended, Ji Feng also officially entered his 20-year-old!

The party in the mansion is naturally lively, and so is the outside world. The influence of Ji Feng\'s birthday across the Pacific Ocean makes people on both continents crazy.

The best birthday party in history!

Many media can\'t wait to make such a headline. Although this is very big, in fact, it is impossible to refute it. Let alone the huge gathering of stars, the support and birthday wishes of Jifeng fans from all over the world are enough. Besides ordinary fans, there are also a large number of them Road stars, and even many business tycoons. For example, the chairman of Ali personally sent a short message to Jifeng. They sent their blessing to Jifeng in different channels. In the end, it became a trend.

The birthday party after that let everyone see Ji Feng\'s terrible contacts. When the magician left, he said to the media that it was an honor to be invited here.

In a word, the birthday party also made many people regret that they didn\'t come, especially Conley. Seeing a big star on the Internet walking into Jifeng\'s mansion, he felt his heart dripping blood, especially after seeing his goddess Annie Hathaway walk in, he cried and fainted in the toilet.

Regret ah, at the beginning he should not pretend to force, for the goddess, teammate friendship is an egg.

He made up his mind to go next time!

Many people in Hollywood, on the other hand, are secretly sorry that they have missed a great opportunity to expand their contacts and popularity.

Besides eating, drinking and having fun, the party\'s social attribute is also an important part. Just like Ji Feng, after a party, no one knows that he has accepted two important invitations. Moreover, James even helped him negotiate two high-value endorsements worth 20 million a year. This is the function of the party.

Of course, there is also the exposure rate. How can those Hollywood stars expect to participate in a birthday party is more exposed than the ordinary award ceremony. All newspapers and websites throughout the day are full of news about Jifeng\'s birthday party, and those stars are naturally among them. Iron man producers are very happy because Downey\'s appearance, along with their new film, has also won It\'s a great surprise to get a lot of attention.

The east wind of this grand event also blew to his new house as Ji Feng thought. His new luxury house in bel air was also talked about with great interest. The media also vigorously publicized it. With Carlisle\'s help, it has been well known here. It is estimated that before long, it will become another choice for rich people to buy houses.

However, for ordinary fans, they are more concerned about tonight\'s game. This evening, the last consecutive home game of the Lakers, they will meet their old opponent, San Antonio Spurs!

This is also the first battle after Ji Feng stepped into the age of 20. With the attention of Jifeng in the past two years, everyone wants to know what performance Jifeng will have.

After all, after birthday, many stars are used to pulling crotch. For example, O\'Neill once killed four sides on the night of his birthday to get a career highest score of 61 points. After a party, he immediately got 19 points. 19 points were definitely a failure for O\'Neill, who was 30 + 15 at that time. There are many examples like o\'rou, so people naturally want to see Ji Feng\'s performance.

In particular, Ji Feng has 24 matches and 30 + at the moment, and one more match will be equal to Chamberlain\'s ancient legend. Everyone also wants to see if Jifeng has the motivation to continue chasing the peak after his birthday.This is also the main topic of many basketball newspapers this morning, which also triggered discussions on the forum.

Of course, most people still think that it doesn\'t matter if it\'s broken. After all, Jifeng\'s 24 games have been very terrible, personal data is unprecedented, and I don\'t know how many records have been broken. Moreover, the team\'s 24 game total win should not be too high. Therefore, even if this game is broken, it will not hurt much. At most, it\'s just some regrets.

Of course, some people also remind Ji Feng not to be confused by such praise.

"Pa!" Ji Feng closed the computer: "how can I be distracted by praise from the outside world, or I don\'t know enough about me."

Jifeng will not be distracted at this critical moment. It is the most important to focus on winning and getting better data. As for people\'s praise and fans\' cheers, there is a long way to go. Ji Feng is not in a hurry for this moment.

After all, basketball is constantly challenging and surpassing. Ji Feng thought it would be OK to break a record, but every time you break a record, another record will be put in front of you. If you want to achieve the feathered fan, silk scarf, talking and laughing, Ji Feng knows that more hard work must be done behind this, and it is impossible for Ji Feng to relax his requirements easily.

Against the Spurs this time, for Zhang Dashuai\'s record, Ji Fengshi is sure to win ~! , the fastest update of the webnovel!