Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1090

Los Angeles, staples stadium.

The focus of the NBA\'s 25th round is about to start here.

Fans on both sides of the match are familiar with each other. Since the rise of the Spurs in the 1990s, the mainstream of the Western confrontation has been the lake horse war. The feud between the two teams has lasted for the last 20 years. The most recent one was last season. The Spurs and lake people, who are determined to defend the title, met in the west again. The Lakers easily defeated the Spurs 4-1 and finally won the championship The Spurs have once again become a stepping stone on the way to the Lakers\' championship.

The Spurs in the past season are not the same as the previous seasons. Although they also entered the finals, they all stumbled along the way, and the whole season also exposed many problems, and age is the biggest factor affecting the progress of the Spurs.

However, in the off-season, the Spurs did not use too much on the lineup, only veteran Robert Holly announced his retirement in San Antonio, and a generation of key men finally completed his 16 year career in holy city.

Besides, the Spurs didn\'t make any deal, and GDP didn\'t matter. Veteran generals like Finley and Bowen stayed in the team one after another. The biggest deal they made all summer was to get Malik harston\'s signing right from the Suns, and the second round draft right and a cash from the warriors in 2009.

Oh, they also launched the Spurs\' passive skills in the draft - picking up leaks. The Spurs\' management and coaching staff were absolutely eye-catching. They signed George Hill, a 188 cm double guard from Indiana University, on the 26th.

It\'s hard to believe that this guy will fall into such a position in the draft, because he is not a nameless character. In high school, he was known as the "seven Indian heroes" with Greg Oden, mccolley, MacRoberts, Rodney Carney, Eric Gordon and Courtney Lee.

This is quite different from the outside world\'s guess, because this set of lineups has proved in the playoffs last season that they do not have the strength to beat today\'s booming Laker, and if there is no adjustment, there is almost no chance, especially when GDP is one year older and Laker jkj is more mature.

Since the beginning of this season, the Spurs were hit with a blow, three consecutive losses in the beginning, creating the team\'s worst start since 1973, and then the aging spurs also suffered injury, and the injury is their super sixth man, Manu Ginobili!

This attack on the Spurs is self-evident, the most important thing is that Duncan is older. Popovich strictly controls Duncan\'s playing time this season, and sometimes let stone Buddha play as a substitute. Although stone Buddha is still very strong, his physical fitness is his biggest problem, so he is also trying to change the way he plays. The Spurs rely more and more on Parker On the offensive side, he became the absolute core, and Duncan played the role of pseudo core more often.

The transition period is also a painful period, which makes the Spurs only achieve 14-10 record, which is not comparable with previous seasons, and now only ranks sixth in the West.

In this game, Manu did not even enter the list, rookie George Hill replaced him as the first substitute, playing the sixth man position, that is to say, the Spurs can only play with the remnant in this game.

Paralympic, is the away game again, to tell the truth, the Spurs this game is not good at him.

At this time, staples seems to confirm this point. Reporters from more than 100 media in the stadium have replaced their long guns and short guns, waiting to record the moment when Ji Feng made history with the camera.

Before the game, the words "25" were printed at each entrance of staples, which means that Ji Feng will impact Chamberlain\'s legendary record for decades in this competition!

When Ji Feng walked into the stadium, countless flash photos were taken. Many photographers told themselves that this would be a photo worth collecting.

The Chinese media represented by CCTV and Tencent also interviewed Ji Feng outside the players\' channel before the game. It should be noted that Ji Feng, after the birthday party, has an unprecedented influence in China at the moment, and its attention is unprecedented. According to incomplete statistics, this game will attract nearly 100 million viewers nationwide.

Ji Feng simply answered a few questions, mainly focusing on the game. He found that everyone was afraid that he would be out of order because of yesterday\'s Carnival. But in fact, he felt better than ever. Yesterday was a long time no training day for Jifeng. After a day off, Ji Feng showed his extraordinary level in the training class this morning Sometimes the combination of work and rest can really stimulate people\'s greater potential. At least Ji Feng feels that his body is a little lighter.

However, Jifeng did not say die, did not put his flag, this time must refuse poison milk, his milk is a fool\'s talent.

Before the game warm-up, Popovich looked at Jifeng and kept shaking his head. Jifeng had hit 28 goals in a row outside the three-point line, and it was still under the interference of the teaching assistants. What\'s more, it was all hollow nets, and there was no miss in five positions. This talent is really eye-catching.

But at this time Popovich is more headache, he quickly will be responsible for defending the season peak of yuduca called to the side, face to face, Holly retired, Jifeng more difficult to defend.Both start, the Lakers remain unchanged, the Spurs are: Duncan, Oberto, Parker, George Hill and yudhuka!

On the court, with the first five tigers of the two teams stepping on the court, the fans in front of the TV began to expect that what kind of performance Jifeng can play in this game will be decided!

Jump ball!

Bynum won easily, and Duncan was obviously ready to go back.

After the jump ball, the first ball is directly given to Jifeng organization, and the other four tigers are scattered, and constantly involve the Spurs\' defense with running position, so that they can\'t easily attack Ji Feng. The meaning of the Lakers is too obvious. We should deal with the ball for Jifeng and let him score!

In the face of youduka, who once made Jifeng very uncomfortable last season, Jifeng has no fear at all. He cruises at the top of the arc for a few seconds, making a gesture called pick and roll. In the moment of yuduca\'s distraction, Jifeng goes straight into the basket and hits Duncan\'s throw!

Score + 2!

Ji Feng showed his desire to attack at the beginning.

After the Spurs hit Parker\'s pick and roll attack, Duncan Parker\'s flank cooperation, the pick and roll pull out of the open, Parker went into the basket, the hard play was disturbed, Ji fengchong grabbed the rebound.

Rebound + 1!

Ji Feng, who won the rebounds, passed it to Fisher and quickly moved forward. Yuduca was scared to chase back, but it was not true. The Lakers still played.

Jifeng again in the same position at the top of the arc to take the ball, is the same move, Jifeng one step will yuduka over a clean, into the basket under the layup!

Easy freehand brushwork.

After two minutes, Ji Feng broke through 4 times and scored 8 points to stop the Spurs!

"Ji Feng, this is a birthday buff

"Why did the Spurs defend so much? Jifeng\'s breakthrough was so sharp, so fast and flexible. According to the reason, you can\'t stick to the three-point line. How can youduka keep up with Jifeng\'s speed?" Zhang said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!