Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1088

"The song we\'re working on is coming out." Avril summoned the waiter and asked for a glass of water and handed it to Jifeng.

"Ah, it\'s going to happen at last. I thought this thing was going to sink into the sea." Jifeng took a sip of water and looked at Avril. When Ji Feng recorded this song, it was still summer. Several months later, he thought it would not appear this year.

"Do you think it\'s so easy to make an album? It\'s only less than three months. It\'s already fast." Avril rolled her eyes, but she didn\'t want to talk to Ji Feng, a music producer. She had more important things to say.

After last year\'s concert, Avril once wanted to cooperate with Ji Feng to release a chorus track. However, it was prevaricated by Ji Feng at that time. AI Weier\'s invitation to cooperate was rejected by Ji Feng. You know, Avril has never sung with a male singer before, let alone cooperate in the distribution of songs. According to Avril\'s two aspects, Avril has never sung with a male singer, let alone cooperatively release songs This first chorus will definitely sweep the world. It can be imagined that as long as Avril sends out her cooperation intention, those who want to cooperate with her will be able to give staples a lap.

But there\'s no way. Ji Feng doesn\'t mix with the music circle. Of course, it\'s not over after this.

As a result, Ji Feng and Dong Zhou cooperated in a Chinese song in May this year. Daoxiang was released before the start of the Olympic Games. At that time, it set off a very big storm in the whole Chinese music world. It occupied the top of the mainland music list for three months in a row, and fell to the second place only last week. The success of cross-border cooperation between the two major fields also makes people enjoy talking about it It is Ji Feng or the author of this song, which makes people realize the genius of Jifeng.

This song naturally spread to North America. Although not acclimatized, Ji Feng was still recognized by many people, especially by NBA music lovers. O\'Neill also publicized Jifeng on social network at that time.

There is no doubt that this cross-border cooperation is a success, and it also makes people realize the omnipotence of Jifeng once again.

However, the success is a success, but the cooperation with Avril can\'t drag on any more. After learning that Ji Feng returned to Los Angeles, Avril killed Ji Feng\'s house on the same day and stepped on the tea table after entering the door: "Jifeng! Don\'t you say you can\'t sing and are not interested in recording music! Why did you work with that TW singer! Do you look down on my mother\'s music strength? "

The black silk big white leg steps on the tea table, the absolute aura is fully opened, the queen fan Quan, Ji Feng even thought that he replied that maybe the high-heeled shoes would fly to his head

However, Jifeng has long been interested in this idea. His cooperation with Dong Zhou is indeed unexpected. Without the natural disaster, it is estimated that Ji Feng would not have entered the music circle, let alone release songs.

However, since all of them have been done, Jifeng is not a stubborn person, so he originally wanted to take the initiative to mention cooperation with Avril some other day, so this cooperation naturally formed

Of course, Ji Feng didn\'t write words or compose music this time. He just negotiated and went to the Los Angeles studio to record his part.

"Yes." Jifeng nods, making an album is really more complicated than expected. It\'s a day to make an album in a normal year.

"Tell me how to cooperate." Jifeng did not entangle this matter, but asked along with her words.

"How do you know I\'m looking for you for publicity." Avril turned her head in surprise.

"Please, I really look like Xiaobai." It\'s Ji Feng\'s turn to roll his eyes this time.

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot that our genius Ji Feng is also a songwriter." Avril nodded: "propaganda is definitely necessary, this is my ambition, and this is the first time I sing songs with men, naturally can\'t be messed up."

"No problem, I can cooperate, interview and publicity. If we have time, we can also go to several variety shows." Jifeng nodded, not only Avril, he did not want to mess up all of this, since done naturally to do the best.

"Who told you that, isn\'t it right?" Avril looked surprised.

“… How else can it be publicized? "

"Stupid! On stage, of course Avril naturally said.


"Can\'t I go? I\'m dizzy..."

"Of course not! And it\'s not an ordinary stage! We\'re going to Times Square! " Avril raised her small fist and seemed very excited.

“… Times Square, Times Square in New York??! ~"Ji Feng was shocked. Could he have a concert?

"Otherwise, is there any other times square in the world?" Look at the expression of the mentally retarded.

"Of course, man, I\'ve seen the Times Square neighborhood." Inner OS ~

"this Where are you going to have a concert? " Ji Feng decided not to quarrel with her, and then asked, does he remember who held a concert there? The land is not a place to hold a concert at all.

"No, it\'s not just me. Have you ever heard a new year\'s concert?" Avril received it with excitement, and then approached Ji Feng\'s ear and said that he didn\'t know that Derozan was not far away because his heart was going to be broken."I\'ve heard of You don\'t want me to go there with you... " Ji Feng Fu, this is really a special invitation.

New York Times Square has always been the best choice for the United States to cross the new year. The new year\'s tradition here has a history of more than 100 years. Every year, tourists from all over the world come to Times Square in the cold to wait for the crystal ball to fall and fireworks to fill the sky.

On New Year\'s Eve, it is estimated that one million people will gather in Times Square, and millions of people nationwide and more than one billion people around the world will watch the event through live broadcast and other means. This is not an exaggeration. This should be the largest new year\'s celebration event in the world except the Chinese Spring Festival Gala. The mayor of New York who came as a special guest came to attend , will press Watford\'s crystal button one minute before 0:00 to make the crystal ball drop slowly. Although it is painful to wait for dozens of hours, the joy and excitement of midnight bell ringing for fireworks are worth it!

How can this grand event be without singing and dancing performances? Superstar concert is also an important part of this activity. You can see all the famous singers you know here, and it is also a kind of honor to be able to stand on such a stage. Not all singers have the opportunity to stand here, and no one in Asia has ever stood here.

As the most popular singer in the past two years, Avril naturally received an invitation. She will participate in this year\'s new year\'s concert as a guest!

And she wants to move the stage of cooperation with Ji Feng to Times Square in New York!

And Avril is not aimless, this year the Lakers in New York before the new year, just played away!

"How is it?"

"Well, of course I don\'t have a problem, but can it work..."

"Don\'t worry! They will be very happy that you will attend, but don\'t tell others, keep it secret , the fastest update of the webnovel!