Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1026

At 8:00 p.m. on December 2, Boston, on the east coast of the United States, Celtic players, who have completed a hard day\'s training, are driving from here one by one. They also finished the game only yesterday and fought against the powerful magic team in the East for 48 minutes.

That game is the focus of this round of match, although Ji Feng\'s record of the battle to steal a lot of publicity, but last year the East\'s first and third coaches still attracted a lot of attention.

But this season the magic team is still very strong, Howard is more mature, at present in the rebounds and block list are in the league\'s first position, and far ahead of the opponent, and the field average score has reached the highest level of Warcraft career, so to speak, this is the peak season of Warcraft.

The other Magic players, after a summer of training and running in by van Gundy, finally have some heroic appearance. So far this season, they have successfully replaced the pistons, ranking second in the East after the green shirt, and only one victory behind.

Even though the two teams don\'t dare to win the game directly, it\'s very important that they don\'t want to win the game.

But fortunately, they won, 107-88, Celtic won this two win game, continue to be the first in the East.

However, Celtic won the game was not easy, although looking at the score gap is very big, but in fact, they played hard in the half-time, the magic was still 5 points ahead, Howard in the interior line big kill square, half-time got 17 points, 14 rebounds and 4 blocks, people once thought the magic team would win.

But rivers also fought, he used the main force, that is, no rotation, and the main force of the green army was really competitive and bit it down. Until the beginning of the fourth quarter, after Ray Allen appeared again, he used three consecutive three points to open the score.

This game can be regarded as a tragic victory, rivers only used seven people rotation, Ray Allen played 40 minutes to get 24 points is the biggest winner, while pierce 42 minutes to get 23 points, Garnett 39 minutes to get 16 points, even Rondo and Perkins appearance time are about 38 minutes.

The green army is relying on a strong main line-up to get this victory, so this game is a huge consumption for many veteran green army.

According to the original, they usually had to wait two or three days. Garnett might have taken a sabbatical, but at 2 p.m. the next day, they showed up in the stadium.

Six hours!

This is their training time!

After the collective training, Garnett and pierce still chose to practice. At this moment, in the north bank garden under the night, the sound of basketball passing through the net can still be heard.

And the reason they did it was because of tomorrow\'s opponent, the Los Angeles Lakers, who beat them in the finals!

Back in time, a few months ago, the Los Angeles Lakers completed a counter attack in the finals. They stepped on their bodies to the top of the world. Behind the frenzied celebration of the Lakers, there were a group of unwilling Boston people.

Pierce will not say, this is his career closest to the championship, failure let him depressed for a full month, seriously, only in the finals experienced failure will understand his feelings.

Often wake up in the middle of the night, his mind can\'t help but come up with the scene, he will constantly ask himself, why not throw those key balls, why not push Jifeng to the ground!

Seriously, if he had a choice, he would have pushed Ji Feng away. Even if he fouled, he would not let Ji Feng throw that crucial three-point ball!

But it\'s all over. The glory belongs to the Los Angeles people, and all they get is a sorry greeting. To be honest, pierce doesn\'t want to hear any sympathy because it\'s more cruel to him than to give him a shot.

So he trained with Garnett, who is also looking forward to revenge, for three months this summer, which is definitely the most diligent time in his life.

This season, his physical condition has improved significantly, as can be seen from his more muscular arms. He is sweating in the gym, and tomorrow is the time for the Lakers to pay the price!


December 3!

NBA announced the best of November, the best rookie belongs to rose and Mayo, the best in the east also belongs to Howard, and the best in the west is the least suspense, Ji Feng was elected again.

Los Angeles, of course, celebrates the city, but in Boston, it is full of the desire to fight!

"Next, the legend of Boston! Our leader, the guy who never admits defeat, PI ~ LS ~! "

With DJ\'s roar, Celtic took the lead in the debut!

In the stands, crazy Green Army fans have already filled it. They are spraying rubbish on the appearance of the Lakers. Gunpowder has been ignited before the game starts!

There\'s no doubt that Jifeng and Kobe are the most warmly cared for, and they are also the most important people who broke the green army\'s 17th championship.

The most important thing is that Ji Feng even wants to get the record here, which simply doesn\'t pay attention to them!"Hey! Yellow boy, this is Boston, North Shore garden. You can never get what you want here, forever A 70 year old man in the front row yelled at Jifeng.

However, Ji Feng is still very calm. He has been used to such scenes, and he has been ready for the most difficult preparation like the Lakers. Ji Feng knows that he will be taken care of crazily.

However, Jifeng does not know, his deployment, more than crazy!

The referee throws the ball!

Perkins took the lead, the green army first!

This season, the green shirt\'s lineup has not changed much. Compared with last season, except James Posey, a reliable third place substitute, who went to Denver plateau, the rest of the team remained.

And the reason why they let James Posey away is naturally the rapid growth of Tony Allen. After being punished by Jifeng last season, he seems to have broken through his two pulse of supervision, scoring, rebounding are rising quickly, and defense is better than James Posey. Now he has made a stable position in the third place of the substitute.

As for the tactics, rivers is still the same set of play, iron and blood defense, the attack depends on the big three craay, plus the more mature Rondo, in fact, there is no difference with last season.

The first goal was not unexpected for the Lakers. The green team played slowly, and of course, the Lakers did a good defense, but Garnett still played well and scored two points in the basket.

It\'s no accident that the green team advanced the ball. Ji Feng is ready to receive the ball near the baseline. However, pierce started pressing at the beginning!

"Big delay! It\'s true that the first season of the army is aimed at green shirts Yu Jia said.

But this is not all, Ji Feng suffered, it is simply the target of madness, Garnett went all the way to the top of the arc, when Ji Feng got the ball, Ray Allen also came up!

Three people in an instant! , the fastest update of the webnovel!