Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1027

"Three in a circle!? Garnett pretended to be on-line defense, the result is for the season peak, Ray Allen this moment decisively gave up Kobe, also straight to the season peak! The three giants of the green army are defending the season peak Yu Jia\'s eyes widened in surprise. That\'s OK!

"Gambling! How much do you hate Ji Feng If he didn\'t say it, he thought it was the last minute of the finals.

"But the effect is outstanding, Ji Feng now forced to turn a body, to fight for some time for himself, but he has no way to retreat, in front of Garnett\'s big long arm, basically 80% of the pass may be wrong ah!" Cried Yu Jia.

But the audience in front of the TV set was still sleepy and didn\'t enter the state. Now they are all awake. Some even rush to the TV directly and stare at it, for fear of missing even a frame of picture.

While getting up early is making up while watching the ball game, the hot bar directly widens the sleepy eyes, by the way, he pinches the finger of the makeup artist\'s little sister.

"I\'ll go! All three brothers are here! Do you want to be so cruel! " Jifeng instantly perceived the risk, this is the first attack, Celtic even directly three giants all came to attack him, three sides surrounded, this is too much face for him!

But Ji Feng also has to admit that these three men give him great defensive pressure, because they defend very well, especially Garnett. His long arm outstretched directly Jifeng\'s two ways of distributing the ball to Kobe and breaking to the right. This kind of instantaneous defense ability is absolutely superior to the league, while the defensive ability of Ray Allen and Pierce is not as good as that of Garnett, But it is also absolutely above the horizontal line. In addition, the seasonal peak is not prepared at all, so they almost blocked all the choices of the seasonal peak.

And even though the Lakers who saw this scene would have rushed to meet them, they couldn\'t get in under this kind of encirclement!

So the green shirt army this hand lets Ji Feng long time not to have some flustered!

"Put it together!" There is no way out. Jifeng has no way out. Jifeng\'s real eye sweeps wildly and finally finds a tiny gap in the relatively weak defense of Ray Allen. Ji Feng throws the ball under the limit speed and distance.

The basketball flew out of Ray Allen\'s right arm!

Kobe got the basketball!

But in front of him is a smooth road, only the inside line Perkins, so Kobe carries one step free throw line mid shot, nobody defends easily throws!

"Hoo ~" it\'s a relief to see the heat of this scene. At the same time, he waved a small fist at the green army players in the TV: "hum! What about three people! If you can\'t prevent it, you can\'t prevent it! "

"Ah, ah, yes, I can\'t help it. Ji Feng is the most powerful one!" The little sister of the makeup artist can finally take back her hand and look at the red mark on her finger, crying and laughing. What is this.

"That is! They won\'t succeed. They all know that Jifeng can\'t be aimed at! " The hot bar swayed his head with pride.

"But This should be assists, but Ji Feng didn\'t score himself, and I don\'t know if Ji Feng can score 30 points in this game. Look at this, it should be OK. I think everyone on the Internet pays close attention to this. " The little sister of the makeup artist also put her eyes on the TV screen and said that she usually doesn\'t watch the ball, that is, she often looks at it after following the hot bar. Recently, all the news in China is whether Jifeng\'s continuous 30 + can break the record. As a netizen, she has also read a lot of relevant reports.

"Yes, yes." When she heard this, the hot bar nodded, but as a senior fan, she knew that the green shirt army, as the defensive first strong team, was not easy to get 30 points from them, and to see the ball, their attitude towards Ji Feng

Hot bar eyes back to the court, on the court, although Kobe Bryant shot a goal to level the score, but Pierce, Garnett have no expression, on the contrary, two people also high five to celebrate, and off the field, rivers also gave them applause, this meaning can not be more obvious.

They would rather have others score than let Ji Feng score!

It must have been specially arranged before the competition!

"Come on Hot bar, close your eyes and pray for Jifeng. At the same time, I hope I just think too much.

But just at this time, a cry came from the dressing room: "look, look, here and there again!"

The heat quickly opened their eyes, the green team should have scored another goal, 4-2, and it was the turn of the Lakers to attack.

This time Fisher dribbled, did not worry to Jifeng, Jifeng began to slip the bottom line, Bynum incarnated to cover the crotch pie, helped Jifeng delay Pierce\'s step, this was Ji Feng\'s excellent opportunity.


Perkins quickly gave up Bynum, and pierce turned to defend Bynum, so there was no open space for pick and roll.

Unlimited defense!

The green army showed its fangs again!

At this time, Fisher still wants to give Ji Feng. Although Ji Feng is in the low position, and Perkins defends him black and hard, but he is sure to play big Ji Feng. But as soon as Fisher shows his intention of passing the ball, Rondo starts to attack in advance!

"TMD!" Ji Feng was originally in the position, but this time he was not the best choice. All his fingers, Fisher turned to give Bynum.Bynum hit pierce easily on his back.

The Lakers still played the ball, but Ji Feng also saw that the green shirt didn\'t want him to score, which must have been the most adequate preparation.

In order to determine his own ideas, Jifeng again with the ball over the half-time, the result and he thought, but also the instant delay and three people hit!

Jifeng can only in the limit time to the ball to Kobe, Kobe again into the ball!

In the next round, Ji Feng does not dribble, but is ready to play without the ball. The green army changes defense decisively, that is, it does not give Ji Feng any space to catch the ball, and uses double attack to limit Jifeng\'s catching the ball!

In this defense, although the first two teams played 21-21, 5-5 open situation, it seems that the green shirt army did not get any cheap.

But fans who like Jifeng and many Laker fans can\'t laugh, because the first quarter of Ji Feng\'s assists has reached 8 times, which is the largest number of assists in a single quarter this season. However, Ji Feng\'s score is only 2 points, which are still free throws. In other words, Ji Feng\'s game has not scored a single point.

This means that the green shirt defense strategy, a success!

"That\'s it! There\'s no way he\'ll get points here! More determined! Faster! As soon as he gets the ball, he\'s going to defend right away Rivers is very satisfied with the defense of his players, which is what he and the coaching staff plan to do!

Seasonal peak rule!

That\'s what they named this tactic!

They just don\'t want Ji Feng to score. They try their best to limit Ji Feng\'s score. In a word, you can assist, others can score, but you can\'t easily score!

Once there is no limit, foul immediately!

This is a crazy defensive strategy! , the fastest update of the webnovel!