Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1025

At the moment of the end of the game, more than a dozen of the Laker players rushed to Jifeng. In Ji Feng\'s surprised eyes, Farmar arrived first and held Jifeng holding his hands high. Then, Bynum, Radmanovic and others all held Jifeng in the center with a smile and cried out to celebrate.

"I\'ve played 15 games in a row. Should I treat you in the evening?"

"You are too strong to walk in the private room."

"Cool! Who do I dare to cut that 30 points? "

"It\'s time for the garbage media that boasted about James to wake up. Can\'t you see who is the first in the league now?"

They are naturally to celebrate season peak to set a record. After Kobe, the league\'s longest 30 + Games record has belonged to Jifeng.

What\'s more, Ji Feng\'s 15 consecutive 30 + games have been ranked in the top 10 in history, and only one game away from Kobe\'s record.

"The game is over! The Lakers beat the Timberwolves at home and won 15 consecutive wins since the start of the game. They are also the only team in the League to remain unbeaten in the opening game. They have demonstrated their strong strength

"Jifeng scored 32 points and 6 rebounds and 9 assists in this game, so he became the player with the most 30 + games after Kobe Yu Jia also said excitedly.

In this game, the whole team of the Lakers played for Ji Feng, and Jackson even let Ji Feng play without the ball. The intention was very obvious, because they knew that the Timberwolves were too weak to carry the Lakers to attack the half court with all their strength, so they must let Ji Feng get 30 +, strong team-mates.

But I didn\'t expect that the Timberwolves were much stronger than expected. This game, their shooting rate was very high, and they played against the Lakers in the half-time, so that the Lakers did not dare to play too casually. Ji Feng had a part of the ball right in the second quarter.

But Ji Feng can get 30 + thanks to Kobe, Kobe has long lost 20 points and 13 assists, 10 of the 13 assists are given to Jifeng, when Kobe wants to pass, he can pass well.

But inside the field, burst out a burst of crying, because Ji Feng after receiving the blessing of the rest of his teammates, hugged and bumped Kobe to celebrate, which directly broke the doubt.

Because Ji Feng has won 30 + in a row, many unscrupulous media are advocating the contradiction theory of the Laker, believing that Ji Feng has robbed Kobe Bryant\'s limelight. Therefore, there are many contradictions within the Laker, and Kobe has broken the doubts with his practical actions.

To be honest, Kobe doesn\'t care that his records are broken, and history will always be broken, so that basketball can make continuous progress. This is the rule. If he breaks a record, it will be broken later, let alone Ji Feng.

Not only that, Kobe is even advocating the main task of Ji Feng to continue to break the record. What he just said in Jifeng\'s ear is: "don\'t stop, chamberlain is waiting for you."

Yes, Kobe even hopes Ji Feng can have a chance to touch that incredible record!

And Barkley, who saw this scene, said it was the meeting of history!

"A few years ago, Kobe Bryant cut 30 + in 16 consecutive games around O\'Neal, including 40 + for many times in a row. The original legend boy showed his fangs at that moment. He used this performance to tell people that he has the ability to be the strongest guy in the league. At that time, people said that Kobe would be the future owner of Los Angeles."

"Today, five years later, there is a guy like this around Kobe, who has won 30 + in 15 consecutive games, including 30 + triple doubles in 6 games. Ji Feng also shows his potential as the successor of the league in the future. History meets today." Barkley said.

"The happiest people should be Los Angeles fans. The only difference from OK in those years is that JK\'s relationship is much better than expected, and Jifeng is young enough. He will only be 20 years old in a month. Kobe is at the peak, and they will win a lot of Championships together. Yes, this is not poison milk. I always think so." Smith also officially unveiled his own season blowing appearance.

Although Ji Feng is known as the record shredder, his 15 consecutive 30 + games still triggered an earthquake in the league. It is not only because he is only one step away from Kobe. This inheritance is naturally one of the focuses of attention. But the most important thing is that Ji Feng has already entered the top 10 of this list. Although juxtaposed, which one is terrible enough, because he is the list The only player in the league who is under 20 years old.

Compared with the gods who did it in his peak period, Ji Feng is really too young, which refreshes people\'s definition of starting as the peak, and it also means that Jifeng\'s peak is far from coming. Less than 20 years old means that Ji Feng has incredible potential, which is enough to make people crazy.

Everyone is thinking, what kind of situation can Jifeng grow up to!

This is only time to give them the answer!

And now, all fans, reporters focus on the next game, this is a war of focus that people are looking forward to!

Los Angeles Lakers away against Boston Celtics!

Needless to say, just put out the name is enough to explain the problem, such a confrontation has attracted enough attention!This is the first time that the two teams meet in the finals of last season. At the same time, they are also the first and second place in the championship list of ESPN and other media. At present, the two teams also rank first in the East and West and the top two in the league.

As for the friendship and resentment between the two teams, it is needless to say that after last season, the old feud has not been revenged and a new one has been added. Pierce said the most in all interviews is to return to the finals to beat the Los Angeles people, and Garnett also expressed the same idea.

For this game, the NBA League has been warming up for more than half a month. Even CCTV will broadcast the program preview of this game in every NBA game broadcast. Now, the whole China is full of fans holding small benches waiting for the game to begin.

And this game is also the key to Ji Feng. Besides winning or losing, it is also Ji Feng\'s record game. The whole world is looking forward to him catching up with Kobe\'s record of 16 consecutive 30 + games!

Jifeng also expressed his confidence when asked: "I will do my best, my coach and teammates are very supportive of me, there is no denying that Celtic is the strongest opponent in the league, their defense is as strong as ever, and they have good players, but I am full of confidence."

The green shirt players are also full of gunpowder when they are interviewed.

Garnett: you ask me? Of course, it\'s impossible. In our home court, they can\'t take away the victory or the record

Pierce: "Oh, that guy\'s record will be interrupted here. I\'m sorry, but that\'s our attitude."

Rivers: "there\'s no doubt it\'s a key game and we\'re going to take revenge on last year\'s finals." , the fastest update of the webnovel!