Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1021

Jifeng used his own second three points to expand the difference to 20 points, Jifeng this season has not been dominated by three-point attack, the main reason is naturally tactical restrictions, this time from the inside line is still the team\'s first choice of tactics.

After the three-point shot, Ji Feng\'s own data also came to 15 points, 7 assists, 6 rebounds, 3 steals, 68% of the shooting percentage, 90% of the pass success rate, only one mistake in the half-time, as always, very comprehensive.

And next door Rose\'s 7 points, 2 assists and 4 turnovers, shooting percentage of 38%, basically no passing a contrast, the gap is very obvious.

It\'s no wonder that the commentary on Chicago\'s local TV station bluntly pointed out that Ross had a long way to go.

And the Chicago media did not dare to preach about Ross, because even though Ross played Ji Feng at the beginning of the second quarter, on the whole, this half was the teaching Bureau, which was no match.

"Strong, too strong, this guy is really a monster." Oklahoma, thunder\'s dressing room, wesbrook ate the energy bar while shaking his head: "Ross that guy was hammered into this, Jifeng is too terrible."

"You think, this is not that guy\'s strength, also played more than half, that guy crazy, no margin." Durant glanced at the team mate of Yazi who didn\'t seem to be very smart. He was different from wesbrook. He didn\'t think Rose had a chance at the beginning. He didn\'t think Rose had a chance at all. At that time, he played an important role in NCAA. He was a little bit worse than Auden. He was not educated in the NBA. In the final analysis, Rose\'s level was not up to that level.

Ji Feng is one of the best players in the world. Have you not seen that the match has always been advocated by the media and fans. None of the famous players came out to speak. Even the former Chicago stars did not speak for Ross, because they all understood that the strength was far from enough.

"I really want to fight them faster." Wesbrook looks forward to it. He doesn\'t think he can win, but it will be great to play against the strong.

"Don\'t worry, it\'s going to be soon. Don\'t worry. I\'ll catch up with that guy this time." Durant left the dressing room. There was no need to watch in the second half. It was just Ji Feng\'s personal show. He could watch a news in the evening. Now, he is going to practice!

"Hum, talk about me every day. You are the guy who wants to catch up with Jifeng." Wesbrook looked at Durant\'s back and curled his lips. He recognized the strength of his teammate, but this guy was really stupid. He always wanted to be the leader of the League one day


Back at the Union Center, the second half of the game begins.

Out of the ordinary, Ji Feng appeared again, and Kobe has been wearing training clothes sitting off the court, and now is joking with Jifeng on the field.

In fact, at this time, it\'s ok if Jackson doesn\'t go to the season peak. The 20 point difference plus the strength gap between the two teams can make the Lakers play from now on as garbage time.

But Jackson can see Ji Feng\'s desire to attack. After all, rose challenged him before the game, so he simply let Ji Feng play and let Kobe and Bynum take a rest.

The coach of the Bulls next door wanted to replace Ross. He was beaten so badly in the first half that he was afraid that rose would be beaten without confidence. He did not know how many high ranking rookies had been dropped by military training in history.

But rose\'s words changed his mind: "coach, it means a lot to me to play against a team like this."

Looking at Ross\'s solemn expression, the Bulls coach will take advantage of the situation. At the same time, he will continue to comment on Rose\'s status in his heart. This guy will have some achievements in the future. After all, it is part of the growth of superstars to dare to face failure. Now, which superstar is not abused. Oh, Ji Feng is an exception, or he is abnormal. Rookies abuse stars There are few in the world.

But rose\'s spirit is worth affirming, but this does not change the trend of the game, rose was hit again at the beginning of the second half.

In fact, Rose\'s defense is not very good, more depends on the physical talent, and such as their offensive players, ignoring defense is a common thing.

But rose\'s attitude is worth affirming, after all is a rookie, every game is trying to defend, at least attitude is very positive.

Under the active defense of Ross, Ji Feng suddenly moves with the ball. Crossover is one of the most widely used skills that most League guards will use. It is also one of Jifeng\'s signature techniques. However, Jifeng\'s crossover is different this time. Usually, Jifeng\'s crossover is good at speed and deceptive. This time, Jifeng slows down and increases its speed The amplitude of the swing.

And when Ross is ready to break through defense, Jifeng suddenly stops in the middle of the middle, pulling onions in dry land!

Come in!

Jifeng also put out McGrady\'s signature scissors feet, so that rose can not get close.

Rose\'s teeth itched with anger, but he couldn\'t help it.

And Ji Feng seems to be so addicted, in front of Ross, four consecutive choices of dry draw, and even a dry pull arc top three-point ball!Within two minutes, Ji Feng scored all nine points for the Lakers and brought his own score to 24.

And rose also had a cut, with the pick and roll to kill under the basket, causing Gasol fouls, free throws to get two points, but also relying on his own assists to help substitute Noah complete a slam dunk, which can be regarded as a stone to the dull United Center.

Yes, it\'s a stone, because some Bulls fans have already chosen to leave, and only a small group of Laker fans can be heard on the scene.

And at this time, Ji Feng\'s score has been completely unable to brake the car, he again and again broke the bull\'s defense, the bull\'s defense in front of him is really like paper paste.

Ji Feng can score in various ways, break through, dunk, three-point, middle shot. Ji Feng tests Ross\'s defense in various ways. You can even see that Ross has been out of strength.

He even came to a long lost low post after a pick and roll dislocation. His back swayed the defensive Noah with his excellent footwork and scored a wonderful half hook!

He scored 16 points in 6 minutes, and Ji Feng got another 30 + game in less than the third half of the third quarter, bringing his consecutive 30 + games to 10 games. After many years, there was finally a player in the league who was able to win 30 + doubles in a row!

At the same time, Jifeng also took off 10 rebounds, today\'s long lost rebounds took the lead in double, because Bynum was not in the inside line, Jifeng collected the rebounds very well, and the bull hit rate was not high.

And this is not over, because Ji Feng\'s assists still stay at 8, because he is in his own attack in this quarter.

However, the assists are always the least to worry about. At the end of the third quarter, Ji Feng\'s continuous assists Gasol played in the interior line, making Gasol score 20 at the same time, his number of assists also exceeded 10!

34th triple double!

Jifeng has 5 consecutive matches of 30 + triple doubles, surpassing Posey and ranking seventh in the triple double list! , the fastest update of the webnovel!