Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1020

"The explosive response ball, Ji Feng dunked in front of rose in his favorite way, all of which were playing tricks on three people. Ji Feng\'s ball was more domineering, not to mention that he didn\'t have to pick and roll. He just passed rose by his own strength. He also dodged Larry Hughes\'s pull and made a slam dunk on Gooden\'s head, which was more domineering than Rose\'s pull rod Dew Yu Jia said excitedly.

"It\'s the perfect combination of strength, physical fitness and technology. If Ross is the primary version, Jifeng is the complete version." Zhang also said.

"Damn it!"

"I read it right."

"Oh, oh, oh, cow! Jifeng is a rookie The bench of the Lakers was crazy. They were holding their breath all the time. After Ji Feng really got into it, they all hugged each other and yelled. Sun Yue also played tricks and flew up and fell onto the chair, making a gesture overturned by Ji Feng\'s dunk.

A dragon passes Ross and then slams every other person. Few people in this league can do it. Even if Ross is trapped by his height, he can\'t finish the spacer on a 208cm inner line head in this way.

Ji Feng fell from the basket, and his eyes were provocative. Larry Hughes was just running for others. His real eyes were clear. Ji Feng\'s eyes were warning. For two consecutive rounds, Larry Hughes was on the blacklist of Jifeng.

Larry Hughes also felt Ji Feng\'s eyes. According to the truth, he is a hot tempered guy. In general, Larry Hughes can\'t help being provocative when others tease you on the court.

But this time he counseled and avoided Ji Feng\'s gaze directly. It was so terrible for this guy that Larry Hughes thought it would be better to leave him alone.

But Jifeng how can let go of this continuous Yin own guy!

next round, the bull\'s bench was affected by the attack of the season Feng, so they passed to Ross or Ross, and he was very anxious to get her face back before the season. But her teammates didn\'t give it up. Ross, who suck into the Lakers\' circle, could only accept the outcome of Radmanovic\'s big hat.

"It\'s too young, rose. It\'s too hard to play five." Yu Jia commented that

but Zhang didn\'t speak and kept staring at the screen because the ball didn\'t go out of bounds, but flew to Ji Feng\'s hand near the free throw line!

"There is a ball!" Coach Zhang is very keen to realize that the ball must not be simple.

Come on!

Ji Feng was the first one, and in front of him was Larry Hughes. This guy didn\'t know when he was in the half-time position. Maybe he was used to playing in the Cavaliers, so he was ready to run back to the boss.

Although this is very pit for the offense, in the Lakers will be spurted, but for the pursuit and defense is not bad, at least to ensure that the season peak is not blue.

"Catch up! Come on! Come on! Back and back So the Bulls coach yelled for Larry Hughes to come back.

In fact, from the body language of Larry Hughes, it\'s easy to find that this guy is very resistant to defending Ji Feng, especially the pursuit and defense. After all, his height, weight and strength are much worse than Jifeng. Even if he has an advantage in position, Ji Feng can face up to this layup. He played with James for several years, and he knows these guys How to choose, this time standing in front of him is really disrelish his body is too good.

But the coach\'s request he also cannot refuse, therefore can only block the route in front of the season peak, tries to defend.

But Jifeng is for him, a clear turn!

So Larry Hughes was a tragedy!


"Ah ~!"

The violent impact brought a sad cry

Larry Hughes was knocked out of bounds by Ji Feng, who was forced to dunk!

Spacer again!

And this ball is more brutal than Jifeng!

Larry Hughes was knocked out by Ji Feng and slid 2 meters away. He was held by a kind reporter only when he ran into the press box. But we can understand how strong the impact is from the slightly painful expression on the reporter\'s face.

And the fans also booed Jifeng, who roared at his chest. Of course, the boo was not big. Many people were still shocked and didn\'t come back to their senses.

“WTF! Murder! referee! It\'s a foul The Bulls coach went to the referee and started talking.

But the referee\'s gesture was firm: "two points work!"

Although Ji Feng took the initiative to contact Larry Hughes, it was allowed by the rules. Ji Feng did not raise his feet or swing his elbow. Larry Hughes did not have the conditions to make a hit with the ball. From any point of view, it was an absolutely good ball. It can only be blamed for the poor health of Larry Hughes.

At least a lot of people in the Bulls\' stands have begun to dislike Larry Hughes, saying that he is not only average in playing skills, but also poor in health. If you look at Ji Feng and then look at him, it\'s full of sense of difference.

Well, black people are physically strong!

Larry Hughes:

He is really miserable, trying to defend, but also by diss body is not good, this for men\'s lethality is simply not too big.

The head coach of the bull called a pause, no, the score was 12 points, and Ji Feng\'s hand was too terrible, and then the bull\'s momentum would be lost.After the suspension, he quickly changed to the main force, and Ji Feng was replaced by Zen master to have a rest. Ji Feng got 6 points in five minutes.

After two minutes of rest, Jifeng returned to the field again, the difference was widened to 17 points by Kobe and others, and 3 points to 20 points.

In fact, 17 points were scored two minutes ago, but the Bulls played tenaciously in these two minutes, because who knows that although 20 and 19 are only one point away, but this is not the same psychological feeling, so in order to have hope in the second half, the Bulls hope to maintain the difference.

So the lake talent changed to Jifeng again!

Zen master specially told Ji Feng the tactics. He wanted to enlarge the difference!

Right to the Lakers!

This is the last attack of this section, the Bulls all press defense, especially for the new season peak put a high attention, but Jifeng this time to the ball to Kobe, himself down.

Rose follows, he thinks this is home, this ball will be Ji Feng to play!

That\'s right!

However, Ji Feng is not ready to dribble this time, but to play without the ball!

So Jifeng sneaks the baseline. At this time, Kobe chooses to break through. The Bulls feel that Jifeng is a feint for Kobe, so they choose to pack Kobe!

Kobe in the three to kill the inside line, but at this time, Jifeng after two pick and roll to the three-point line!

Kobe\'s back of the head pass!

Jifeng open three!


The light\'s on and the ball\'s in!

Three points!

JK connection! ‘’


The Lakers extended the gap to 20!

"Offensive teaching ah, the Laker\'s tactics are too wonderful, and Jifeng and Kobe\'s cooperation is as good as ever. As for Ji Feng, he is more like showing his diversified offensive means in front of rose."

"Three points, jump shot, breakthrough, dunk, Jifeng has too many things in his arsenal. Although Ross has a strong breakthrough, he has to become a kaleidoscope to go further." Yu Jia said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!