Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1022

Without any suspense, Ji Feng continued to perform his supernatural performance, with 5 consecutive matches of 30 + triple doubles and 10 consecutive 30 + matches. Regardless of the ancient gods, it is the first time in history that someone can do this at the same time.

In fact, even if the big gods are included, it is estimated that only big O can do it.

There is no doubt that Jifeng\'s road to God is still going on!

And the third quarter of Jifeng was also played in the end, because everyone knows that the fourth quarter of Jifeng will not come back, so playing the third quarter is a very normal thing.

And Jifeng did not let his score stay too long, the last two minutes Jifeng a dunk, a three points, again got 5 points, this time was replaced by Vujacic.

Jifeng\'s score of the game was also set at 36 points, 10 assists, 11 rebounds, plus 3 steals and 2 blocks.

Chicago media collective silence, they are biting the pen, thinking about what should be said after the game to save their dignity, after all, they did not less than advocate before the game rose, bulls rise and other topics, and some tabloids even boasted to organize Ji Feng and the Laker records, but after three quarters of the 88-60 score, they were eager to go back to give themselves a mouth.

What\'s more disappointing is the fans in the stands. It\'s nothing to lose. What they are disappointed with is the gap between Jifeng and Ross. They seem to think too simple about the revival of the team.

Rose played a little depressed tonight. You said he didn\'t play well. At least for a rookie who has just played ten games, it\'s not bad. The player who leads the rookie scoring list played very efficiently tonight. At the end of the three quarters, he made 6-out of 12, including 1-in-1 3-pointer, 2-2 free throw, 15 points in three quarters, and 3 assists and 3 rebounds However, there are more mistakes, there are 5, fouls have reached 4 times, but such a data is good enough for that rookie, not to mention facing the defensive level of Ji Feng.

And Rose\'s shot is not much, mainly because the second quarter bulls attack blocked, and he is also the key care of Jifeng, can hit 50% in this way is absolutely not easy.

Take a look at Ben Gordon next door. He played 22 minutes and got 10 points. He made as many as seven mistakes. He was beaten by Kobe, but he was autistic.

However, what is afraid of comparison ah, although rose is already very strong in the Bulls team, but the fans\' expectations of him are obviously more than that, because the comparison between his data and Ji Feng is not too obvious. This score gap doubling is not only a level difference, let alone the fact that people still have three doubles. Considering that Ji Feng has already been 5 triple doubles and 10 matches 30 +, this ability is very good Stronger.

So Rose\'s seemingly good data is not so dazzling, but rather a little mediocre.

If this is the season peak data last season, it is estimated that there is no comparison, the first ten seasons peak has been 20 assists and many 40 + points.

This kind of contrast makes the No.1 player a little pale, but Buckley still said a truth: "it\'s not that Ross is not strong, his potential is definitely ranked on the top of the number one in so many years, but because Jifeng is too strong, after all, Jifeng has raised people\'s expectations for Rookies by his own efforts."

Finally, Barkley also called on fans to be rational, not to compare with Jifeng casually, which will hurt their self-esteem.

Oh, there\'s another thing that\'s enough to upset Bulls fans, because at the end of the third quarter, there\'s another piece of news that\'s exciting for the Lakers and season peak fans.

After this game, Jifeng\'s average per game of this season reached 31.4 points, ranking the first in the scoring list, topping James\'s 30.3 points next door, and reaching 11.9 assists, ranking the first in the assists list. His success surpassed Paul\'s, with an average of 2.6 times per game, ranking first in the steals list. Jifeng once again became the top of the three lists.

It\'s nothing. After this game, the average rebounds per game reached 10.1 times, ranking the top 15 in the league and the first on the outside.

This is nothing, but the fans with good eyes have found the clue. The average field data of Jifeng has come to 31 + 10 + 10!

That is to say, Ji Feng got the average three double data, which is the first player to touch this data in so many years!

This is enough to make fans and commentators crazy. Although this is only the data of 10 games, it makes people see infinite hope. After all, no one can do it for so many years, and it can\'t be done in the season. Therefore, people once thought that there would be no such players. After all, the records of ancient gods are generally too exaggerated.

The final failure of Jifeng last season is the closest in more than 30 years, and this time, Jifeng really touched this data, people can\'t help thinking, will there really be a player to touch the legendary season average triple double!

That\'s a question to wait until the end of the season.

However, the world\'s major media have focused on the quarterly peak data, and it is estimated that there will be relevant records for each game.

The public bull home commentary announced the news at the end of the third quarter, and suddenly there was an uproar. The players on the Bulls\' bench shook their heads, with an expression of disbelief. Does this kind of guy really exist.Naturally, the Lakers are very happy. Ji Feng is accepting the head strike of Kobe, Gasol and Fisher. Meanwhile, Zen master patted Ji Feng on the shoulder and said, "goodjob!"

in his heart, Jackson even felt that he would give Ji Feng a chance to brush the data if allowed this season. This kind of data is hard to come by for decades. It\'s a pity to miss it So it\'s OK to ask the Lakers to help him at the critical moment.

However, Zen master felt that Ji Feng might not need help from others

The fourth quarter of the game, the outside world has not paid attention to the game, the eyes are focused on the season peak series of data.

However, in the fourth quarter, the two teams\' substitutes played back and forth. Although they were pecking at each other, the pecking was quite wonderful. Ariza finally found the feeling of scoring. In the fourth quarter, two three points were scored in the fourth quarter, and the Lakers scored double for the first time in their career.

On the Bulls side, Noah showed his potential. He abused the Lakers\' substitutes in the interior. He got 6 rebounds and 4 assists in a single quarter. This is a rare interior line mainly based on defense. It has to be said that the bulls have done well in the draft for two consecutive years.

At the end of the game, the Lakers won 105-88 points away from the bulls to win 10 consecutive games.

Kobe Bryant scored 16 points, 5 rebounds and 4 assists in 24 minutes, Gasol had 22 points and 10 rebounds, Bynum had 10 points and 7 rebounds, Ariza had 10 points, and the Lakers scored in double.

And Ross got 18 points, Ben Gordon 11 points, Gooden 7 points, Larry Hughes 8 points, Noah 6 points, 4 assists and 8 rebounds.

After the game, rose was obviously a little depressed in an interview. If his words were translated into Chinese, it would be difficult to shake Jifeng. He felt that Jifeng\'s strength was too strong. , the fastest update of the webnovel!