Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1019

"Violence Aesthetics! Rose finished the signature breakthrough in front of Jifeng, and it was a wonderful goal Barkley cried.

From Jifeng\'s point of view, we can clearly see that Ross has folded himself into a Z shape in the air, and his excellent hand feeling is another big weapon for him to throw the ball into the goal box between Radmanovic on the left and MIM on the right!

"It\'s not your fault, man. It\'s my fault." Jifeng saw MIM\'s lost appearance and said that MIM had a good chance to play. Naturally, he wanted to perform well, but rose\'s strength, as long as he rushed in, it was difficult to defend, which was still his problem.

He was so careless that he didn\'t expect Larry Hughes to do such a move, which made him move slowly.

"Need to adjust." The Laker bench, Harper said in Jackson\'s ear, four substitutes on the field, and the opponent has the flavor of strength, he is afraid that Ji Feng can\'t stand alone.

"Oh, no need. We\'ll rotate according to the plan. Let them be happy for a while, and have a look at Ji Feng\'s expression. We\'ll have a good show." Zen master continued to sit on the Diaoyutai, his expression was very relaxed, because he saw that serious Ji Feng appeared for the first time this season.

Really, I haven\'t seen you for a long time!

Yes, the Ji Feng on the field has put off his smile, his face has become cold and cold, and asked his teammates to come back. If you are his iron powder, you will see such a peak in many games, such as the Olympic elimination games, such as last season\'s finals and so on.

And generally when Ji Feng appears such an expression, it means that he wants to really start his own full attack mode.

The legendary killing God Jifeng!

The strength of the team this season has made Jifeng play very easy, and today, Jifeng finally met a challenge that made him feel interesting!

After landing, rose didn\'t know that he had inspired a demon. He was very excited. This is the first time that he successfully broke through Jifeng\'s defense and scored his own landmark goal under the basket. After the goal, his pressure was finally released.

"We can win!" Ross yelled at the fans in the baseline stands, thumped at himself and was drowned by his four other teammates.

After so long silence, the United Center is finally awakened by rose.

"Rough and thin, rose, this is a good ball! There\'s no limit to the future. Although this goal is half of that of Larry Hughes, Ross has seized this fleeting opportunity, which is his ability Excellent goal let Zhang guide can not help but praise.

And the whole Union as the center has finally been ignited. Although it is still backward, they finally see the wonderful performance in the future that they strongly advocate, and they have killed Ji Feng positively, which proves that they are not bragging!

"Rose! Rose! Rose

The shouts of the fans rang through the stadium, and the scene finally became lively.

And in this atmosphere, the game continues!

The referee has enough face, after all, it is home, enough to let the Bulls celebrate 30 seconds, and the big screen is not polite to play back four times.

The Laker baseline ball, completes an attack, has increased the Bulls\' morale, they even spontaneously carry on the full court press, from their body language can see their excitement.

However, Ji Feng still got rid of the basketball, and the bull players calmed down and quickly backed away, because the bull coach was wildly waving his arms on the sidelines for fear that the bull players would blindly press Ji Feng up.

In fact, Jifeng was not ready to rush. His teammates knew that Jifeng wanted to find the court, and had quickly opened up space for Jifeng. Ji Feng had been dribbling slowly through the half-time, and then suddenly several consecutive fast crotch dribbles, which instantly increased the dribble range and made the basketball shoulder height.

"Play tricks." Rose, who is very familiar with Jifeng, thinks Jifeng wants to break through himself with skills, because that\'s what Jifeng is good at.

Ji Feng started to speed up and change direction three times in a row outside the three-point line. Rose reached for the ball without any result. Now it is no longer possible to wrap the ball. If you wrap it again, you can\'t set it. When Jifeng raises his hand again, the ball is pulled to the highest place, and people move to the right. Ross has to guard against it. He is afraid that Jifeng will shake himself.

However, Ji Feng made a quick gravity racket, and his shoulder was dead on Rose\'s chest!

Who did not expect, the season peak unexpectedly chose the simplest method directly!

The front is stiff!

Rose was Jifeng huge force to open the body position, Jifeng simply a step over rose!

"Ah Hoo!" A burst of exclamation from the audience, Ji Feng unexpectedly bumped rose off with one shoulder, and passed a clean step by step!

At this time, the fearless Larry Hughes chose to release the defender ahead of time to defend Jifeng. He wanted to join hands with Gooden to watch Jifeng.

"Good come!" Jifeng still did not slow down, but went directly to Gudeng. In the eyes of all the audience, Jifeng also threw himself into the sky after three strides!


Larry Hughes was teased by Ji Feng in the air, but he wanted to hold Ji Feng\'s arm. He knew how wonderful the goal would be if he scored. He had to foul.However, Jifeng speed is too fast, too flexible!

In the eyes of outsiders, Jifeng is flying, because Larry Hughes has begun to land, and Jifeng is still rising!

The audience in front of the TV hold their breath. What choice is it to dunk when watching Ji Feng?! Do you still have the power to dunk?!

This is the choice that nobody dares to think about!

But that\'s what Ji Feng thinks!

Gooden also counseled, he did not dare to take off, because Jifeng\'s momentum was too strong, he was afraid!

But Jifeng how can let him go, although he moved his body, but Jifeng still hit his shoulder, abdominal contraction, body strength, left hand to protect the ball, right hand four fingers tightly grasp the basketball, hit the basket hard!

Bang Dang!

Ji Feng hits the ball into the basket with Gooden!

The fans were stunned!

Gooden was knocked out of the field by a huge impact, until he hit the sponge mat on the fence and stopped. His eyes were full of confusion.

What the hell is going on? I\'ve been hiding. How come it\'s still the result!

But Larry Hughes is even more embarrassed. Because he tried to hold Ji Feng, he lost his balance in the air. When he got down, he staggered for a long time or he was lying on the floor. Now it seems that he is kneeling directly to Jifeng.

"Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!" Barkley went crazy: "spacer! The real aesthetics of violence is playing with two people in the air and stabbing each other! I have to apologize to Ji Feng! This is the real aesthetics of violence! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!