Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1007

However, although the eight consecutive 30 + games are very strong, but after all, in the history of the league, there are still many guys who can do this. For example, on the bench of the Lakers, Kobe is chatting with Ji Feng happily. At the beginning, he regarded taking 30 points as if he was taking something out of his pocket.

As we all know, Kobe\'s crazy scoring era was in 2007. In that season, Kobe left a record of 81 points in a single game, 62 points in three quarters, 50 + in four consecutive games, and the top scorer of the season. But in fact, as early as the 02-03 season, that was the year when Kobe really showed his crazy scoring ability. At that time, when he and O\'Neal were still partners, Kobe had cut 30 + in 16 consecutive games It\'s also a record of active players and the highest number in the NBA in the last 30 years.

The most troubling thing is that there are nine consecutive 40 + games, which are also the records of active players. At that time, there was a legend that "when Kobe can\'t get 30 + is called news".

Moreover, O\'Neill was only three injured in the 16 games, and the rest of the Games were won by Shaquille and Kobe. During this period, Kobe still has 16 consecutive 30 + games, which is really rare.

And although there is no clear explanation, the reason why the Lakers dare to let Shaq go in the off-season is because Kobe has brought them enough confidence this season. Such scoring ability is definitely the league\'s top-notch.

This record has been maintained until now, and no active player can break it, because 30 + is obviously not an easy thing, he has very high requirements for your scoring stability.

Jifeng has been very strong for 8 consecutive games, but it is only half of Kobe\'s. just now, on the bench, Kobe said that although Jifeng did well, Jifeng should continue to work hard, just to say the classic oral language of a famous role in the island: you are still far from

Well, it\'s true. Even if Kobe has been very coquettish for 16 consecutive games, he can only be ranked ninth in the league history, and there are many ancient gods in front of him.

Moreover, this record is almost impossible to surpass. He was also selected in the top 10 of the ESPN League, which was the least likely to be broken, because it still belonged to Zhang. I had scored more than 30 points in 65 consecutive games. To know that there were only 82 NBA regular games, and there were no 82 games in Chamberlain\'s era. It is enough to see Chamberlain\'s unification that he could achieve such a degree Governance.

Moreover, not only the number one is daunting, Chamberlain has also won four of the top five, and the top three are all his own, so Jifeng has eight consecutive games and 30 + is really nothing. Of course, Jifeng is also the first player to achieve such a thing in recent seasons.

So after the game, there are also media looking forward to Ji Feng can continue to maintain such data, toward his big brother Kobe\'s record continue to launch impact.

This kind of data also let everyone not care about the result of this game, of course, the Lakers win is easy enough, 106-87, 19 points to take eight consecutive wins, continue to dominate the league.

The hero of the game is still JK, Kobe Bryant scored 33 points, 4 assists, 7 rebounds, 2 steals, Ji Feng has 31 points, 12 assists, 11 rebounds and 3 steals, and the Suns naturally can\'t resist it.

The others were just as good, Gasol had 12 points and 6 rebounds, Bynum had 14 points, Fisher had 8 points and 6 assists, and Ariza had 7 points as a substitute.

In contrast, O\'Neal scored 22 points, the team\'s highest, Shaq had only 7 points and 6 rebounds, and Nash had only 5 points and 6 assists.

So the focus is again on Ji Feng. The press conference hall of the west American stadium is full of reporters asking about Ji Feng\'s questions, but no one cares about the coach of the suns. It makes people wonder who is home here.

However, although 30 + is not a big news, three consecutive games of 30 + triple double is enough horror, which is also very rare in NBA history. After all, three consecutive matches and triple doubles are difficult enough, let alone Ji Feng\'s big triple double.

"Ji Feng has raised the triple pair to a higher level." Kenny Smith said he didn\'t know it was so easy to get 30 + triple before the season peak.

Yu Jia jokingly said: "during this period of time, many fans are worried that Ji Feng won\'t get three doubles or 30 + matches are broken. Some people ask me whether it is easier to get 30 points in a row or 3 pairs."

"At that time, I couldn\'t answer. I could only quote what Jordan said at the beginning: it\'s more difficult to win six Championships. Ha ha, although it\'s a joke, it\'s the same as the question of which is easier to get 100 points in math or English."

"But now, Ji Feng has taught us a lesson with practical actions. Since we can\'t make a choice, we should take all of them!"

At the moment, Ji Feng in the press conference hall was also asked a similar question. The reporter of Phoenix Sun newspaper stood up and asked the first: "Jifeng, you got 30 + triple doubles in this game again, breaking the record of hafferchek, but also continuing to hold the record of 30 + consecutive games. Therefore, I would like to ask for the fans, which is the comparison between the two It\'s difficult. ""Well, it\'s all right. For me, what\'s the difference between triple and 30 + triple?" Jifeng showed his hands and expressed his doubts. He could do both things and asked what he had to separate out. This group of reporters was really strange


Well, you won. The forced pretending is really without trace. You have the strength. You are a force. You are a good man!

The reporter could only sit down in silence.

But Ji Feng turned his head and looked around, Shen Yang\'s face worshipped the little stars in his eyes. This is a normal phenomenon. How could d\'antony look so embarrassed and give himself a thumbs up.

Well, Ji Feng is really pursuing the continuation of these two records recently. He really doesn\'t understand why these two records can\'t be done together

But Ji Feng\'s answer has been sent all over the world

Many famous hostesses have raised their middle fingers Mom, if it\'s so easy, man, it won\'t be long ago!

And Ji Feng\'s performance and answer also caused a heated discussion among fans.

"Children make choices, I want them all!"

"Brother has a lot of strength. Which record is better? It\'s all mine! Jifeng is a bull. I\'ve taken it. "

"That reporter is also stupid, the world of Ji Feng is you can understand."

"The so-called invisible disguise force is the most lethal. Although Ji Feng said it was very powerful, you couldn\'t find any reason to refute it, because what they said was true."

And the topic of last season was raised again. This time, who can stop the Lakers!

At the end of the game, the eight game winning Lakers returned to Los Angeles, and they finally ushered in the home game, and their next opponent is everyone\'s old acquaintance, Chris Paul led by the Hornets! , the fastest update of the webnovel!