Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1008

Chris Paul, as one of the players whose 2K only reaches 99 in the new season, has no doubt about his strength. Last season was a really mature year for Chris Paul. The best record in the history of the third and second Western teams in the league has proved his ability to lead the team alone. Unfortunately, he ended up in the Western semi-finals and was reversed by the Spurs under a good situation of 3-2, and the two teams were in the key game There are still some gaps in experience, of course, there is a gap between the coaches of the two teams, and ultimately can only regret to accept the failure.

However, this is the best record in the history of the Hornets, and Chris Paul played well in the playoffs. Paul averaged 24.1 points and 11.3 assists in 12 games. Although he was not as powerful as the regular season, his ability was proved by the 30 + 10 data in two consecutive games against the Mavericks in the first round. He officially replaced Nash as the new league\'s first player in the new season Point guard!

Based on this performance, the Hornets boss will not be stingy. As early as July 4 this year, Chris Paul completed a contract extension with the Hornets, 3 + 1, 4 years, 68 million, which is a League top salary contract, Paul has officially become the core of the team.

In the new season, the Hornets retained the core lineup of last season, and Paul + Chandler + West + Peja\'s starting four tigers were retained. In addition, they introduced No. 3 player James Posey from the high price of the green shirt army, and Scott changed his lineup, and they played the trick of false starting.

Peterson as a real shooting guard, so far this season, the average playing time is only 14 minutes. Generally, he will be replaced by James Posey after only 3 minutes in the first quarter. At this time, Peja will be topped to the No. 2 position, and sometimes James Posey will even play the No. 4 position. The average playing time of Peja and James Posey is more than 30 minutes 。

Well, no matter how the deal is made, Scott\'s habit of killing grass will never change.

And the purpose of this trade is obvious. James is Posey\'s better defensive No. 3 position. They are aiming at the top three teams in the league, and the first to bear the brunt is the Los Angeles Lakers with season peak!

And James Posey\'s joining, theoretically the Hornets\' strength is enhanced a lot, after all, he made up for Peja\'s defensive vacancy. At the same time, James Posey and interior line Chandler, are the kind of team player, defense is excellent, so on paper the Hornets\' defensive strength has improved a large piece, in the fierce competition in the West should be more powerful.

However, since the beginning of the new season, the results they want have not been played out in the eight games played by the Hornets. Their opponents are not strong in eight games, and the strongest is the Blazers, but they have only achieved 5-3 record, especially lost to the League weak team Bobcats and hawks, which makes people surprised.

Even if you win, it\'s hard to win. If you win 15 points in five games, you can win 3 points per game, which is not as much as that won by the Lakers.

Everyone is thinking, what\'s wrong with wasps.

Paul did his best in these games. He played as high as 41 minutes per game, which was the highest in his career and the top three in the league. He could get 23 points per game, which was the highest in his career. In addition, he had 11.6 assists and 2.2 steals, ranking the second in the assists list and the first in the steals list. Chris can still be in the top three in the MVP list.

Although Chandler averaged only 7 points per game, he was able to contribute 2.7 blocks per game, ranking the third in the blocked list. While West\'s average of 18 points per game also reached the standard, Peja\'s average of 15 points was also excellent. The performance of new recruit James Posey was even more amazing, with an average of 18.6 points per game, which was the highest in his career.

The players really tried their best, but the Hornets were still struggling. The reason can only be attributed to Scott.

In short, Scott\'s focus on pick and roll tactics has been studied by most teams in the League last season.

Scott\'s tactics are really too simple, his tactics are simply two key points: good point guard, pick and roll.


It may be that the experience of the player\'s career has given Scott a lot of experience. He has a special love for excellent defenders. In his coaching career, he will find and tap the potential of defenders, from Kidd to Paul.

He is also very good at training defenders. Paul\'s growth has contributed a lot to him, but his ability to control other players in other positions is much worse.

This season, he still plays his set of tactics, which is very familiar to other teams in the NBA, so each team has its own tactics to deal with them.

Moreover, the Hornets defense did not increase with the arrival of James Posey, but James Posey became mediocre, which also had something to do with Scott\'s poor defensive tactics.

Especially in the game of losing to Bobcats, the famous local basketball commentator in New Orleans sent an article to scold the hornets: "it\'s hard to imagine what the Hornets coach Scott painted on his tactical board. They can\'t even do a simple pick and roll. At most, they can\'t do two hands out of the three-point line, and then any one of them will play a poor single and the inside players will hold high positions When the ball is played, there is no one running without the ball to open the space; the only pass of the team is Paul\'s small breakthrough, but there is often no one to receive itOf course, this is an example. In other games, the Hornets played well. At least the problem he said did not appear so serious, but this is the epitome of today\'s Hornets.

On the whole, if the Hornets do not adjust, it will be very difficult for them to compete for the championship in such a fierce competition in the West.

But before the game against the Lakers, Scott was still confident that they would have a chance to break hands with the Lakers here.

And the hornet leader Paul also expressed the competition heart with Ji Feng: "this time I will not lose again."

However, the fans do not hope for Paul\'s words, because Paul has not won in the face of Ji Feng, and no matter in terms of performance or data, he is always steadily suppressed by Ji Feng, which was the case last season and the Olympic Games, and now it is estimated that there will be no exception.

The worst thing is that Jifeng is still younger than Paul, many CP3 fans are very sad, they think Paul may be hopeless in his life.

But the dream still has to have!

With such a dream, Paul led the team to appear on the stadium of staples!

On November 15, the confrontation between the two western powers will officially begin!

"After this game, we can go to Chicago for a holiday," Kobe called in the locker room before the game

That\'s right. This is the last strong team the Lakers face recently. The devil\'s game is coming to an end!

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