Son of God in the Madness of Basketball

Chapter 1006

"Air folding backhand pull rod!

Ji Feng, who played O\'Neal for a long time, didn\'t let the attack end with an ordinary goal. Ji Feng, who killed under the basket, played a piece of sky Teaching in front of Dior, which made Dior deeply realize that the floor flow is suitable for him. Such an action as Jifeng is really not what ordinary people can do.

While Ji Feng and his teammates clapped hands to ignite the passion, the 20000 strong west American stadium yelled loudly. Although this is an away game and Ji Feng just played the three suns in turn, it was conquered. Many girls wrote on their faces that they couldn\'t believe it. Even Xiaosi\'s wife was surprised and opened her mouth, and her best friend had been thoroughly schemed On the contrary, he is shouting the name of Ji Feng.

What is a master? This is called master! It is clear that he can make three free shots, but finally he finds the most handsome backhand pull rod. O\'Neill is as weak as a pillar in front of him. You know, no matter how old O\'Neal is, the skinny camel is bigger than the horse. There are few people in the league who can play with him like this.

Raising feet and crotches, worshiping Buddha, and playing big center forward in the back and forth hips, a series of super mistakes prone actions were used in Ji Feng\'s hands like flowing water!

O\'Neal is very tired. When a small outside line operates like Ji Feng in front of you, he can only choose to stand in place and wait for the baseline service for a while.

It\'s not that O\'Neill doesn\'t work hard. His inertia and gravity will lead him to the most intimate contact with the floor. In order to save his last trace of face, O\'Neill made the most correct choice. He is not Bogut\'s silly hi.

"Ah Qiu!" Bogut in Milwaukee sneezed It\'s like hearing someone say I\'m handsome

As the game continued, d\'antony changed to shaq\'neal and wanted to partner in the twin towers. If no one came forward at this time, the mentality of the team would collapse, although they were not much behind at this time.

The Suns attack, Nash wants to play the fast break run that they are most familiar with with, but rush to the front court only to find that, in addition to him and smalls and bell, the other two people did not keep up, especially O\'Neill, whose heavy body hindered his pace, so Nash had to wait for O\'Neill to settle down or play a slow pace.

But it\'s hard for Shaq. His technical characteristic is that he needs to run. Now, if he is allowed to play big Gasol with his back, his height, weight and arm span are not superior, which means that he still has to play O\'Neill. However, O\'Neill, who is running fast, can\'t push Bynum with young strength.

The final attack or Nash deal with, he forced three points, in exchange for a shot, today he felt very cold.

In this way, the Suns suffer. It\'s hard for the Suns to play inside. Nash doesn\'t feel the outside. Kobe Bryant, like the year before last, continues to take advantage of the pick and roll dislocation opportunities to single Nash. It\'s not only Kobe but also Ji Feng who is constantly looking for dislocation opportunities. Among them, Barkley laughs directly when he bullies Nash near the baseline.

Nash was targeted too miserably, which made d\'antony very rare 3.5 points ahead of time for NASH, let Nash rest.

But in this way, the sun\'s attack was completely destroyed, and only a few people\'s individual singles could be relied on. The attack was very simple, and the hit rate could be imagined.

In addition, O\'Neal was punished by Jifeng and his hand fell suddenly. The Lakers also played shark chopping tactics, which made O\'Neal walk on the free throw line for three consecutive rounds. O\'Neill was one out of six free throws

So soon, the difference of 7 points was expanded to 15 points. Before the end of the third quarter, Ji Feng used the sun\'s fault to make a fast attack, and the sun\'s defense was torn up by Ji Feng.

High! When the ball reached the free throw line, the body was able to soar. He swung his arm round and made a circle in front of him. He smashed the windmill with a swing arm. His skill was amazing!

This deduction brought the difference to 17 points, and the Lakers beat the Suns by 13 points in the third quarter!

77-60, the Lakers lead into the fourth quarter!

The best player in this quarter is Ji Feng. Ji Feng\'s inside and outside shot in this section is the biggest contributor to the Laker\'s small wave of high tide. He gets 10 points, 4 assists and 4 rebounds in a single quarter. After three quarters, Ji Feng\'s data comes to 21 points, 10 assists and 10 rebounds. Jifeng has three doubles in three consecutive games, and has successfully surpassed hafferchek, occupying the eighth place in the history of triple doubles with 32 triple doubles And it\'s only one game away from the 33 games of another famous player Posey.

At the beginning of the fourth quarter, the Suns were desperate to replace Shaquille O\'Neal, and played with Leo Dior, Nash with bell, plus Grant Hill and d\'antony. Finally, he thought of his running and running.

In the first leg, Nash six seconds after half-time, his speed tore open the Lakers defense, after landing, Shawn used the pick and roll and Nash wanted to have a classic cooperation.

Nash breaks, Shawn follows, Nash passes and dunks.

It\'s a classic suns tactic.

But this time, Nash\'s pass was blocked by Pau Gasol because he didn\'t open the space at all, and the two of the Lakers grabbed the pass directly.

Instead, the Lakers seized the opportunity and scored two more points in the Jifeng fast break!"The result of the Sun Trading Marion is also the fundamental reason why the sun lost its courage. In retrospect, both Marion and Xiaosi can eat cakes, and they can also pull enough space for each other. But now, without Marion\'s involvement, the boy has to face two or even more people\'s bags, because you Dior can\'t replace Marion, he is the same place Banliu, passing it to him is meaningless, so Nash is still that Nash, and Xiaosi is still Xiaosi. Although he is much older, his power is still there, but without Marion, the sun is no longer the sun. " Yu Jia said with emotion.

The Suns\' tactics undoubtedly failed, and the suspense of the game was over. The focus of the game after that was on Ji Feng to see if he could continue to score 30 points.

After all, Kobe got his first 30 + game of the season with a landmark jump shot at the beginning of the fourth quarter.

And Ji Feng didn\'t let people wait too long. At 6:31, Ji Feng received Fisher\'s point ball on the right side, swung and threw two long points. This ball expanded the difference to 24 points, and it was also Ji Feng\'s 31st point of the game!

After Ji Feng sent out two assists, and then was replaced by Zen master, his personal data stay at 31 points, 12 assists and 11 rebounds!

"Congratulations to Jifeng, who won the fourth triple double of this season, and also three consecutive triple doubles. Moreover, Jifeng\'s triple doubles are not ordinary. These three matches are all 30 + triple doubles." Yu Jia said.

"Jifeng, this is the level of the League to get three double improved more than one level." Zhang said with a smile.

"Yes, it is. This is also the season peak 8 consecutive 30 + games this season, is also the season peak personal new record." Yu Jia said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!