So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 941: Unexpectedly you are such a Xiang Yiqing (1)

Korea's firm eyes were praised by Char, "If a person is not ambitious, he is destined to not succeed. You have it."

As he said, he stretched out his hand and patted Korea's shoulder gently, encouraging her to say: "I will return home today. I will keep in touch with you. Uncle will give you a chance and do it well."

His car stopped under the steps, and the driver and assistant waited respectfully outside the door.

After speaking, he lifted his feet down the steps.

Korea watched Char walk towards his car and raised his chin triumphantly.

Ji Anning, I'm working with Ji Chicheng now, and I get the moon first near the water tower, and with the help of my uncle, I don't believe I can't get Ji Chicheng.

That good man, only a good woman like her deserves to be possessed, so she must get it.


The news that Qi Helian forcedly kissed the young nurse in the hospital successfully squeezed the headlines about the relationship between Ji Chicheng and Ji Anning, and became the number one in the hot search.

Of course, a large part is the role of his popularity, and another part is the role of his public relations team.

This incident is the heart of nurses in various hospitals.

"Ah... I really think that nurse is me."

"Being kissed by Helian will save me a year of life. I am willing."

"If you don't get to know Qi Helian, what's the meaning of my life."

"The same nurse, why is God so unfair?"

After eating and coming out of the cafeteria, the few nurses in front of them all took their mobile phones, watching the news of the young nurses from Qi Helian's Eye Hospital, and they were idiots with Qi Helian.

Envy, envy, complaining...weeping.

Xiang Yiqing put his hands in the pockets of his white coat and followed behind them, unable to understand their words and actions.

He frowned and quickened his pace.

When he was almost behind the female nurses, someone spotted him.

"Doctor Xiang."

Just now, the idiot who was guilty of Qi Helian, now seeing Xiang Yiqing, he showed admiring eyes.

Xiang Yiqing nodded his head with an ‘um’, and glanced at their mobile phone screen, "Where to watch the news?"

It's rare that he took the initiative to speak to them, and a little nurse immediately replied: "Check Weibo."


‘Are you living in outer space? ’

Suddenly Xin Xiaoxiao's words of despising him echoed in his ears, and his brows became even higher.

Following what the little nurses had said, Xiang Yiqing didn't listen anymore, and unknowingly walked in front of them.

During the lunch break, he went straight back to his dormitory.

At the door, the aunt who was just cleaning the dormitory came out from inside, Xiang Yiqing nodded to her politely, and walked past her.

The aunt suddenly called to him, "Doctor Xiang, your little girlfriend dropped this. I found it at the door of your dormitory. It should be hers."

As the aunt said, she took out a rose gold necklace from her pocket and showed it to Xiang Yi.

Xiang Yi glanced at it lightly. It was a small Chanel necklace. After recollecting it, it seemed that such a chain had appeared on Xin Xiaoxiao's neck.

It should be hers.

Thinking about it, he reached out and took the chain from his aunt and thanked him.

Then I thought of something, stopped again, opened his mouth and looked at the aunt, "She..."

The aunt was puzzled, "What's the matter?"

Xiang Yiqing explained seriously: "She is not my girlfriend."

Auntie was shocked, then smiled and nodded, "Oh, I understand."