So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 940: Let him fall in love with you (3)

He didn't understand a bit, and he didn't understand why Ji Chicheng didn't continue to object.

Ji Chicheng walked to the floor-to-ceiling window with heavy steps and looked into the distance. He did not answer Wu Tezhu's doubts.

Wu Qingsong, who followed them in, closed the door of the office. Seeing his father's doubts, he stepped forward and explained: "Charr is now the largest shareholder in JC except for the young master and Miss Mingyue. He has a little right to speak. No, then other shareholders will definitely weigh it in their hearts."

After a pause, he said again: "That Chaerfu is an enemy country and holds the lifeblood of country Y's economy. He used Ji Jingfeng at three times the price and successfully acquired nearly 10% of JC's shares. There is nothing that money can’t buy. It can’t be done. There is only one reason. The number is not attractive enough. If it is more attractive? If he speculates about the dictatorship of the young master, the military will be more easily shaken. ."

After listening to his son's analysis, Wu Tezhu suddenly realized, "I understand."

He looked at Ji Chicheng again, and there was a trace of distress in his muddy eyes.

How difficult and hard it is to manage a company as big as J.C. He thinks no one understands better than him.

At this time, Ji Chicheng was thinking in his heart that he really didn't misunderstand the person, and at the same time, he was fortunate to have captured such a talent as Wu Qingsong.

Wu Tezhu suddenly thought of something, then looked at Ji Chicheng and said, "Little Master, there is one more thing, I just prepared to tell you."

Ji Chicheng gave him a look and motioned him to continue.

"At the hospital, Miss An Ning was besieged by reporters."

Before Ji Chicheng had any reaction, Wu Tezhu immediately said again: "But don't worry, Master Qi happened to go, and used a trick to adjust the tiger away from the mountain to relieve Miss An Ning, and it is all right now."

Hearing this, Ji Chicheng breathed a sigh of relief without a trace, and then asked, "Isn't she upstairs?"

Wu Te helped: "It is said that the second wife was blocked by reporters when he went downstairs. The hospital's support was not strong. Miss An Ning was..."

He was not hungry for sure why Ji Anning went downstairs to relieve Yang Yufang, and he didn't know how to express it.

Ji Chicheng interrupted Wu Te's helpless speech, "I see."

Then he ordered: "Tell Auntie Zhang to stop her going downstairs."

Since it was ordered by Sister Zhang, she must be the second wife, Wu Tezhu thought, nodded, "Okay."


Char and Korea walked out of the revolving door of J.C. The sun was shining bright outside.

Korea looked at Char with admiration and said, "Uncle, you are so amazing."

Charl smiled at her, and then seriously reminded her, "Don’t be happy too early, that kid will always make people different surprises. You are not her opponent. Here, you have to listen to me. , Remember not to be smart."

Korea nodded, "I understand."

It was finally time to get close to Ji Chicheng, she couldn't restrain her excitement, and the light of excitement in her eyes flickered.

Char took Korea’s performance in his eyes and solemnly reminded her: “Excellent people are always easy to be favored by others. Uncle admits that Ji Chicheng is a rare talent. Uncle doesn’t think it shameful to win love with a sword. But my uncle doesn’t approve of you using any despicable means. If he has the ability, let him empathize not to fall in love with you."

Falling in love, these two words undoubtedly grabbed Korea's heart again, and she nodded happily, "Well, but please uncle to help me with this matter."