So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 942: Unexpectedly, you are like this Xiang Yiqing (2)

Then what is the expression of understanding, it is obviously ambiguous.

Forget it, it is not something, why did he explain?

Xiang Yiqing smiled at his aunt, did not speak any more, entered the dormitory, and the aunt helped him close the door.

He walked to the bed and sat down, and put the chain his aunt gave him on the small bedside table, then lay on the bed, holding the phone, frowning, and curling his mouth.

They talk about millions of comments at every turn, but he has never seen it, so does he need a Weibo?

So does he need a Weibo?

Xiang Yiqing thought about it and decided to apply for a Weibo account. He first downloaded a Weibo software and then filled in the information. After entering Weibo, he was about to scan Weibo. He turned over and faced the wall.

what is that?

There is a row of words written in red paint on the wall.

"Brother Xiang, it turns out that you like bullet **** and small snowflake patterns. I didn't expect you to be like Xiang Yiqing...Hahaha..."

Xiang Yiqing's handsome face was brushed black like the bottom of a pot, this **** girl! ! !

He gritted his teeth, turned over, and reached out to open the drawer of the bedside table, which contained his underwear and socks, as expected, there were underwear with snowflake patterns.

This is a spare. He doesn't remember how long it has not been worn. If she doesn't say it, he has forgotten it.

How can there be such shameless girls in the world?


Xiang Yiqing's face turned black and red. He simply closed the drawer and turned to continue to scan Weibo. He inadvertently swept the line left by Xin Xiaoxiao, and he reached out angrily to wipe it.

Although the words were blurred, the red ones couldn't be erased on the wall, and it made him all red.

What is this?

He frowned, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed it. There seemed to be such a faint fragrance, and he suddenly thought that this should be lipstick.

Thinking about it, he glanced at the red on the wall with a disgusting look. The wall was so good that she was ruined like this.

What a scourge!

Cursing Xin Xiaoxiao in his heart, Xiang Yiqing began to study Weibo.

He wasn't behind, but he didn't have any interest in these things, and he was very busy himself. He felt that the Internet would make people playful, so he didn't get it.

The application was only the last step. After success, he logged in, studied for a while, and probably mastered some functions.

The Weibo square was full of news about Ji Chicheng and Ji Anning, and he flipped through them.


Qi Helian played wildly with her all morning, had lunch, and even refused to let him go, dragged him to play checkers with her.

They chatted twice, and Ji Anning sat aside and watched, from time to time helping out.


Suddenly, Qi Helian received a WeChat alert from his mobile phone. He glanced at it and it was sent by Xiang Yiqing.

He stretched his hand to open the screen and clicked on WeChat.

"I signed up for Weibo, and every day, come to follow me and let Ji Chicheng follow me. I don't know his Weibo number.


Seeing the content sent by Xiang Yiqing, Qi Helian laughed.

They raised their heads and looked at him doubtfully, "What is Dad laughing at?"

"The old man of your Uncle Xiang~ man has opened Weibo."

Qi Helian turned the screen of the phone at one after another and gave her a look.

On the side, Ji Anning had a black face, stretched out his hand to blow **** Qi Helian's back, and berated him: "Qi Helian, what are you talking about in front of the child?"

"What is the old place~male? What is Weibo?"