So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 939: Let him fall in love with you (2)

Ji Anning suddenly understood, her eyes gleaming moved.

Qi Helian, Qi Helian, your great kindness, I really can't finish it.


Early in the morning, the entire J.C building seemed to be shrouded in thick haze.

Up and down, the atmosphere was lifeless.

Ji Chicheng stood tall and straight at the door of the top management office, with a cold face, looking at the woman who was walking towards him with a slight smile.

Wu Tezhu stood aside, not daring to gnaw, and the other staff in the Directors' Office even buried their heads in their positions, not even daring to move their eyelids.

"Mr. Ji, we meet again." The woman walked to Ji Chicheng and stretched out her right hand gracefully.

A white shirt, a black hip skirt, and stockings outline her legs to be extraordinarily slender and perfect, and her white hands to nails are all smooth and flawless.

It has been days and nights that I haven’t closed my eyes much. Ji Chicheng didn’t want to waste too much time, looking at the woman’s smiling face, straight to the point, "Miss Korea, JC doesn’t plan to hire you as a foreign employee, let alone release Char. People come in."

He was blatantly targeting Char.

Korea was not affected by his attitude, the smile on his face remained unchanged, Ji Chicheng did not reach out to shake her hand, nor did she feel embarrassed, so she naturally withdrew her hand.

Looking at Ji Chicheng, "Mr. Ji, I have the ability to cooperate with you and let J.C develop in a stronger direction."

Ji Chicheng raised the corner of his mouth coldly, "Miss Korea overestimates herself. I don't have a gentleman's demeanor who doesn't like women."

As he said, he turned his face slightly, and ordered Wu Te assistant beside him: "Call security to come up."

Without waiting for Special Assistant Wu to respond, a familiar voice that disgusted Ji Chicheng suddenly came from outside the door.

"I own 10% of J.C. It's not too much to arrange a position for my niece in J.C."

Charl, wearing a white shirt and taking his two bodyguards, walked in grandiosely.

With deep blue eyes, he entered the door and stared at Ji Chi-cheng. No matter what Ji Chi-cheng’s attitude is, he said to himself, “The next board of directors, remember to inform me. If I can’t come to participate, my niece Korea can represent I will be the master and give any advice."

However, this time, he didn't wait for Ji Chicheng to go violently as he did before.

But very serious, very serious, and even a little tough.


"No J.C shareholder has the right to interfere in J.C's personnel management, and no one can make an exception."

Ji Chicheng raised his chin slightly, his attitude was also very tough.

The cold air was filled with the smell of war and gun smoke, which became stronger and stronger.

The whole atmosphere was so depressing that people couldn't breathe. Everyone didn't dare to watch, so they could only listen with their ears up.

Charl smiled coldly, "Young man, don't be too arrogant, Korea has entered J.C through the normal procedure, you have no reason to fire her."

Speaking of his long legs, he suddenly took a step, approaching Ji Chicheng, leaning to his ear, and the corners of his mouth curled up gloomily, "Ji Mingyue has just taken office and you will replace him. You are so dictatorial, I don't mind giving you more. One reason for making headlines."

Ji Chicheng's hands clenched his fists tightly.

Without saying any **** for tat, he turned back to the office, but his eyes were still so firm.

"Little Master?"

Wu Tezhu followed Ji Chicheng into the office and looked at him puzzled.

This Korea is from Char, and putting it into the company is a time bomb.