So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 938: Let him fall in love with you (1)

"Is it true?" Yang Yufang was dubious, looking back, still looking uneasy.

While talking, Sister Zhang was about to drag Yang Yufang to the entrance of the hospital building.

It happened that the shiny black car stopped at the door, the door opened and a tall figure came down.

"My young master, you wear glasses anyway, here are all reporters now."

Qi Helian got out of the car without covering up, and the agent followed behind to remind him with fear.

Qi Helian ignored him, raised his head, glanced at the three words in the inpatient department, and then raised his foot to get up the steps, Yu Guang glanced to the left inadvertently.

Seeing Yang Yufang walking by, he stopped and turned his head to look over.

Yang Yufang's gaze also happened to look at him.

"Oh, isn't that Young Master Qi?"

Aunt Zhang also saw Qi Helian and said in Yang Yufang's ear in surprise.

This is the ophthalmology hospital. Qi Helian came here to see them in all likelihood. Yang Yufang thought, speeding up his pace and walking towards Qi Helian.

"Shao Qi, you can help us calm down."

She has always followed Ji Anning’s news, and Qi Helian often protects Ji Anning in public.

So it must be useful to ask him for help.

Qi Helian's expression changed, and he asked nervously, "What's wrong with Anning?"

Aunt Zhang said: "Miss An Ning is now surrounded by a group of reporters. She went to rescue the second wife. Now she stays there by herself, surrounded by the group of reporters like an interrogation."

As she spoke, she changed her finger to the direction they had just come.

Qi Helian flew down the steps and ran in the direction of Ji Anning.

Suddenly a few young nurses in light blue nurse uniforms came to face him, a sharp light flashed in Qi Helian's narrow eyes, and when he passed the nurses, he suddenly reached out and grabbed. Hold the arm of a nurse.

With the other hand around the nurse's waist, he lowered his head and kissed the nurse's face.


The nurse who was kissed, and several of her companions were all taken aback by Qi Helian's sudden behavior.

Shocked in surprise.

"What's your name?" Mickey ran over and yelled at the nurses.

Then he said: "Hurry up and tell the group of reporters that Qi Helian is here, the little nurse in the hospital kissing you."

After speaking, he glanced at Qi Helian with deep, helpless and distressed eyes.

For the sake of Miss Anning, he was really crazy. He didn't care about any image or gossip.

Only then did the nurses react from their consternation, and found that it was Qi Helian who kissed their colleague, and began to scream again.

"Wow, Qi Helian."

"Ahhhh, it turned out to be Qi Helian, why didn't I kiss him?"

"Wuli Helian."

Bewitched by Mickey's words, the two little nurses rushed toward the reporters excitedly.

Mickey: "..."


"Qi Helian was kissing a nurse in the hospital."

Ji Anning only heard these words, and then the group of reporters who besieged her vanished in a blink of an eye.

The onlookers who were eating melon disappeared in minutes, and ran in the direction of the inpatient department.

She breathed a sigh of relief, but also curious.

Is Qi Helian here?

Kissing a nurse?

It seems that Qi Helian has played with a lot of women, but he has never been ambiguous with any woman in public, not even Wan Yueer.

Now I am with a nurse, and a nurse in this hospital, at this time...