So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 937: Meet the rival again (ten)

Without waiting for them to ask questions, Ji Anning said loudly: "No, I am not her daughter, we are not a mother-daughter relationship."

"Then why the second lady keeps not explaining?"

The reporters turned to look at Yang Yufang again.

Everyone evacuated automatically and circled the city in a big circle, enclosing Ji Anning and Yang Yufang inside so that they could see each other.

There is a distance of three or four meters.

The camera lens is facing both of them.

"Second Madam, now Miss Anning is coming out to clarify your relationship, can you say something?"

Yang Yufang looked embarrassed. She looked at Ji Anning, her eyes turned red immediately, and tears rolled down in her eyes a few times.

His mouth was open, his lips trembled, his throat seemed to be choked, and he couldn't make a sound.

Or maybe they don't know how to answer, and don't want to admit Ji Anning's clarification.

"Second lady, everyone is paying attention to this matter now, can you tell us about it?"

"Is what Miss Anning said true? Are you not a mother-daughter relationship?"

"Some netizens compare your photo with Miss An Ning's photo. The similarity is very high."

The reporters threw Yang Yufang one question after another, forcing her to face and forcing her to answer.

"You said, we have nothing to do, now there is no relationship at all. Tell them."

Seeing Yang Yufang's reluctance to speak, Ji Anning was about to collapse first, and she roared at her.

They are not related, but they are not related.

She would rather they have nothing to do with each other.

"Miss Anning, is it because you and Shao Ji are together, so you dare not admit your blood relationship?"

"Some people say that making Qianjin blind in one eye is because of your blood relationship with Ji Shao. Is it true?"

The questions asked by reporters became more and more straightforward, and the malicious and moral condemnation became more and more obvious.

Ji Anning looked at the camera coldly, "Does this have anything to do with you? What is my relationship with him, does it have anything to do with you?"

The reporter said: "Miss Anning, you are a public figure, and it is normal for you to receive public attention."

"Okay." Ji Anning nodded and sneered, "I will spend with you today, you can ask."

After speaking, she looked at Yang Yufang again, "Aren't you leaving?"

The cold voice, without the slightest emotion.

"Anning, you can go back." Yang Yufang was worried about Ji Anning and refused to leave.

Ji Anning raised her voice again, "How do I have to do with you?"

Feeling extremely irritable, she reached out her hand and wiped her hair, winking at Auntie Zhang who was standing behind Yang Yufang.

Sister Zhang immediately realized that she stepped forward and took Yang Yufang's arm, "Second Madam, you go first, Miss Anning has seen such a scene, you can leave it to her to handle it."

While persuading, she dragged Yang Yufang away from the crowd.

When the reporter saw that Yang Yufang was leaving, he should pay attention to her again.

"Second Madam..."

Ji Anning said loudly: "Aren't you going to ask, come and ask me, I will answer you one by one."

Her words, like bait, successfully lured the reporters and let Yang Yufang go.

"You dragged me away, what about Anning?"

Yang Yufang refused to leave, but Zhang's wife, who had been doing housework for a long time, was stronger than her, and she couldn't help her.

She can only get angry.

After walking a long way, Zhang's sister-in-law explained to Yang Yufang, "Can't you see that Miss An Ning wants you to go first? Only after you go can she deal with those reporters safely."