So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 932: See the rival again (5) ask for monthly pass

It's almost hundreds of millions. Hearing such a huge number, Qi Helian laughed instead, "Oh, that girl is already so expensive."

Mickey: "..."

What's the boss's expression? Is it gloating? Doesn't the boss like Miss Anning? Isn't the boss Ji Shao's good friends?

Qi Helian noticed Mickey's confused and puzzled expression, and raised his eyebrows coldly and asked him: "Are you worried that Ji Chicheng can't pay 100 million?"

Mickey shook his head, "No..."

Of course not, how could Shao Ji couldn't afford to pay a mere 100 million.

Ah...a hundred million, does that number hurt?

But he finally understood that money is not important to them, what matters is reputation.

He even questioned the character of the boss just now!

Mickey confessed in his heart for a second, and quickly returned to the topic, "The Scarlet Night and the micro-movie starring Miss Anning are also offline in the VIP theaters of major websites."

"There will be a day when they regret it." Qi Helian snorted coldly, and told Mickey: "The X brand shampoo endorsement gave me a push."

Mickey nodded, "Okay."

He was not surprised.

Originally, it was because Ji Anning endorsed that brand of women's shampoo, their boss accepted the men's series.

Now Ji Anning’s ads will not go online, and the boss will definitely not shoot again.

However, if Brand X knows the reason why their boss does not shoot, it is estimated that the thighs will be swollen, and the boss only shoots favorite scripts. For so many years, except for a few insulting luxury advertisements, it is a public service advertisement.

If it weren't for Miss An Ning, he wouldn't be the X brand.

Then Qi Helian said again: "Book me a plane ticket to return to the sea city, I want to go to the hospital."

When I heard about going to the hospital, Mickey became nervous, "Master, where are you sick? What's wrong?"

As Qi Helian took off his dragon robe, he said, "I'll go see my goddess and our family's little public judge."

Goddess and Gongju!

Mickey understood immediately and laughed, "I see."


"Wow, Qi Helian is really a friend. He directly supported Ji Anning and Ji Chicheng on Weibo."

"He is not afraid of losing followers."

"Yes, why should he be afraid of losing followers?"

Xiang Yiqing looked at the girl who was sitting opposite her, eating noodles and talking to herself on the phone.

I want to buckle the bowl of noodles in front of her on her head.

"Look, look, Qi Helian has posted a message to support a good brother."

Suddenly, Xin Xiaoxiao raised her head to look at Xiang Yiqing, and showed him her mobile phone screen, "Look, it's only half an hour, almost 100,000 comments, why are you still indifferent."

Xiang Yi glanced at Xin Xiaoxiao's phone screen, then rolled her eyes, "I don't have Weibo."

After speaking, he lowered his head, took a chopstick noodle, and stuffed it into his mouth.

When Xin Xiaoxiao heard him say that there is no Weibo, she couldn't believe it, "Are you living in outer space?"

The young people of this era don’t even have a Weibo software that understands social dynamics. What can she say?

Besides saying that he was Out, she didn't know what else she could say.

Xiang Yiqing ignored Xin Xiaoxiao's surprised expression and glanced at her disgustingly, "After eating this, you can leave."

He has been entangled for a day, and he will really do it if he doesn't leave.

Hearing Xiang Yi chasing her lightly, Xin Xiaoxiao immediately pouted, showing a pitiful look, "I'm running away from home now. You chased me away. Didn't you force me to fall into that kind of feasting occasion."