So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 933: Meet the rival again (6)

Xiang Yiqing snorted coldly, "Hong Chen should not dare to accept you."

Who dares to accept her so much.

After speaking, he lowered his head and continued to eat noodles. Now he just wants to finish eating quickly and leave.

Xin Xiaoxiao suddenly thought of something and looked up at her again and said, "Doctor Xiang, we were together last night. If my aunt doesn't come next month, don't deny it."


Xiang Yiqing just stuffed the noodles in his mouth, and it all sprayed out and sprayed back into his bowl.

He couldn’t eat anymore. He threw his chopsticks on the table and looked at Xin Xiaoxiao solemnly, "Xin Xiaoxiao, let me say it again. I was on duty in the consulting room last night, but I borrowed the dormitory to sleep you, and I didn’t step on it. Go into that dormitory, understand?"

After speaking, he got up, put his hands in the pockets of his white coat, and turned to leave.

Seeing Xiang Yiqing was about to leave, Xin Xiaoxiao immediately got up, rushed over, hugged Xiang Yiqing from behind, "Brother Xiang, don't be angry, don't be angry, I was wrong."

This **** girl!

Xiang Yiqing blushed for a moment. He looked at Xin Xiaoxiao sideways, gritted his teeth, and yelled at her in a low voice, "Xin Xiaoxiao, let go."

They are now in the noodle restaurant next to Fengming Hospital. Although it is not a meal now, many people from their hospital eat noodles here.

This behavior, the impact is too bad.

Xin Xiaoxiao didn't let it go, "I will let you eat the noodles with me."

"Don't let it go?" Xiang Yiqing was really angry. He pushed Xin Xiaoxiao's hand away, turned and glared at her, "Don't follow me."


Suddenly, behind him came a familiar voice calling him.

Xiang Yiqing's back stiffened and his expression froze.

"Who?" Xin Xiaoxiao poked her head out and looked behind Xiang Yiqing, a gentle and dignified woman, smiling and walking towards them.

Wearing a light blue windbreaker with mid-sleeves, looking forward to the bright light, a few white silks can be seen, no make-up on his face, and very pale skin.

The woman's footsteps were getting closer and Xiang Yiqing bit the bullet and turned around.

"Mom?" he called out in a puzzled tone.

Madam Xiang glanced over her son's face with a smile, without stopping, she immediately looked at Xin Xiaoxiao who was hiding behind her.

I looked her up and down carefully, then looked at Xiang Yiqing and said, "I heard the head nurse say that you have found a young girlfriend. I still don't believe it, it seems to be true."

Xiang Yiqing shook his head quickly, "No, this is the sea..."


Before Xiang Yiqing finished explaining, Xin Xiaoxiao jumped out and called Madam Xiang sweetly.

At this time, she pretended to be well-behaved, with a pair of black and bright eyes, and her eyes were extremely sincere.

Madam Xiang looked at her again, and was more satisfied. She pursed her lips and smiled ambiguously: "I've slept together, and still call Auntie?"

Xiang Yiqing frowned, "Mom, who did you listen to? I have nothing to do with this girl."

Just after he finished explaining here, Xin Xiaoxiao yawned again, stretched his hands to his back, rubbed his waist, and vomited: "The bed in your dormitory is too hard. Change to a Simmons cushion. My back still hurts."

Xiang Yiqing: "..."

I really want to strangle her!

Mrs. Xiang looked at her son’s green face and couldn’t help but laugh. She said, “I’ll talk to Lao Xiang today and replace all the cushions in the staff dormitory.”

Xiang Yiqing didn't want to explain anymore. He always felt that those who were clear were self-cleaning, and those who were turbulent were turbid, but the explanation was a bit of a suspicion that there was no silver.