So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 931: Meet the rival again (4)

There are too many hot news in the past two days, and the news is not covered. The hot search list changes every ten minutes.

However, the exchanges are all related to Ji Chicheng and the Ji family.

The hottest among them is the relationship between Ji Ji Chicheng and Ji Anning, which has always occupied the top spot.

A message from an unknown website ranked first. The author determined that Ji Chicheng and Ji Anning were relatives and nephews, and also exposed the paternity test of Ji Anning and Yang Yufang.

Also, all the scandals that Ji Anning had passed on were picked up one by one, with pictures attached.

It is said that she has slept with how many directors, it is all light. It is said that she was raised by the perverted Char who likes to play SM for two years and made Char's toy for two years.

In just half a day, there have been millions of curses, and all kinds of vulgar curses are unsightly.

Qi Helian sat under the big parasol, holding the mobile phone, turning down one by one, his face was gloomy, and the blue veins on the back of his hand were bulging.

All the actors are ready, waiting for him to start, time has passed, no one dares to rush him.

But it’s not the same thing everyone has been waiting here. The director wearing glasses, after careful consideration, courageously approached Qi Helian, and asked him in a tactful tone: "Shao Qi, are you ready to shoot? "

"Shoot your sister, get out!"

Qi Helian happened to see a long comment that he couldn't look directly at Ji Anning. He was furious and smashed his phone on the director.

Then got up.

Today is a costume drama. He is acting as an emperor. He is wearing a golden dragon robe and an emperor crown on his head. His thick eyeliner deepens his coquettishness and hostility.

Her bloodthirsty red lips were pursed coldly.

A perfect interpretation of a generation of tyrants.

The director was hit in the chest, painful, but he just bared his teeth and dared not gnaw again.

Qi Helian's assistant immediately went over, picked up Qi Helian's mobile phone and held it in his hand, not daring to give it to Qi Helian at this time.

The scene was suddenly silent, and they dared not even discuss Qi Helian's atrocities.

At this moment, Qi Helian’s manager came back after the call, and whispered something in Qi Helian’s ear.

Qi Helian's expression became colder again, everyone took a deep breath, and then held their breath.

Qi Helian did not speak, and walked towards his nanny car.

When he walked far away, his assistant smiled and said to the director: "Director Jia, Shao Qi is not in the state today, you should catch up with the progress first."

Although the director was full of dissatisfaction and resentment, he still had to give his assistant an expression of what he could do otherwise.

Who calls him Qi Helian?

In the nanny car, Qi Helian gave the agent Mickey a look.

Mitch immediately reported: "Several brands endorsed by Ms. An Ning, and the brand that she has just filmed but has not yet been on, is already looking for a lawyer and has sent a lawyer's letter to Ms. An Ning."

"Including several luxury endorsements she received in Country Y. The contract states that during the period of validity of the contract, there must be no harm to Miss An Ning's reputation."

In this case, it is expected that the artist will take over, and most contracts will have this clause, and the artist's image cannot be damaged.

Qi Helian sat on the soft leather seat with his cheeks resting on the back of his hand, frowned and thought for a while, and asked, "What's the total valuation?"

Mickey replied: "All the contracts signed are three times the liquidated damages, and the total amount is less than 100 million."