So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 890: Not moved, nor owed to you (10)

"The water is poured."

The nurse came out of the bathroom, took a glass of water, and walked towards Yang Yufang.

Don't think about it, you know it's tap water.

This kind of behavior, Ji Anning thought, even if it was someone else, he couldn't stand it.

She did not make a sound, approached the ward, bent down and put the bag in her hand on the ground, and took out a bottle of mineral water from it. She was thirsty and bought and drank while waiting for the meal. Took away the cup in her hand.


Ji Anning appeared suddenly, startled the nurse. The nurse stared at her and just made a sound in her mouth. Ji Anning gave her a warning look and forced her to stop.

Then he glanced at her coldly, without saying a word, walked to the coffee table, in front of the nurse, poured the water in the cup into the trash can.

The nurse knew that she must have seen her enter the bathroom to get the tap water, and bowed her head in fear.

"I said, how did you pour water until now?"

Yang Yufang urged impatiently, reached out his hand to touch a pillow and smashed it out. By coincidence, it happened to hit the nurse.

Ji Anning has never seen such a tantrum Yang Yufang.

In the memory, when grandpa was still alive, she was always wronged, and occasionally argued with Lin Yanqin, but she never dared to yell.

It's like someone who has no temper at all.

Now she slowly understands that she is not lack of temper, she is not lack of personality, all she does forbearance, is for her dream of being superior.

Ji Anning poured half a bottle of mineral water into the cup, holding it with both hands, walking to Yang Yufang in a complex mood.

Bend down slightly and put the water glass to her hand.

Yang Yufang touched the cup with her hand, immediately caught it, and then drank it with gulps.

She looked really thirsty. After drinking, she raised the cup and handed it to Ji Anning. By the way, she reprimanded: "You little nurse, don't you know how to add some hot water to me?"

Oh, really picky.

Looking at Yang Yufang's superior appearance, Ji Anning sneered in her heart, took the cup, and put it on the bedside table.

Her gaze swept around the ward. Although it was also an independent ward, it was far from the other one.

She didn't live in the VIP ward on the 16th floor. It was definitely not because of the money. It should be because the ward above was gone.

Not planning to stay, Ji Anning turned around.

"Miss Anning."

Coincidentally, it happened that Mrs. Zhang came back from outside, carrying a supermarket shopping bag in her hand.

Seeing Ji Anning, her old man was surprised.


Yang Yufang suddenly realized something and stretched out his hand to grab Ji Anning, "Anning, are you Anning?"

She was very excited.

Ji Anning instinctively shook off her hand and stepped back a few steps.

"Tranquility, tranquility."

Yang Yufang stood up, fumbled forward with both hands, staggering.

"Second lady."

Sister Zhang hurriedly put down the bag in her hand and ran to Yang Yufang to support her.

Then she turned and looked at Ji Anning with a frown, wondering if she could understand her behavior and the hatred she showed towards Yang Yufang.

Ji Anning did not speak, stepped back, turned and ran, bent over at the door, lifted her bag, and ran out of the room.

He ran back to the wards one after another.

Pushing the door open, she heard Ji Chicheng's voice for reading stories, gentle and patient.