So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 891: Dad said it hurts to have a brother (1)

She couldn't help her eyes getting hot, and she speeded up and broke into Ji Chicheng's sight, her eyes flushed.

When Ji Chicheng saw it, his voice stopped abruptly.

"Mom is back, I'll carry things for her." He put down the story book in his hand, said hello to them, quickly got up, and greeted Ji Anning.

Ji Anning loosened the bag in his hand, reached out and hugged the man's waist, buried his face in his chest.

Ji Chicheng raised his hand to hug her, "What's the matter?"

"I'm not touched, I don't owe her." Ji Anning sniffed, then drilled into Ji Chicheng's arms, his tone choked a little, "Why would she do this?"

"The moment she gave birth to me, she knew I was a girl, she must have been disappointed, she must have died of despair."

Ji Chicheng knew that Ji Anning must have seen Yang Yufang.

He lowered his head, looked at her distressedly, and said with a chuckle: "Fortunately you are a girl, otherwise I am really **** now."

He said and stroked her head.

Ji Anning burst into laughter, stretched out his hand and gently punched Ji Chicheng's shoulder a few times, "Hate, hate, hate."

A rare humor, but also a serious humor.


Suddenly called her.

"One after another."

Ji Anning quickly withdrew from Ji Chicheng's arms and walked towards the bed.

After walking a few steps, remembering something, she turned to Ji Chicheng and said, "In that bag, you can take out the food you bought for you."

Walked to the bed, bent over to sit down, grabbed a hand of the little girl, put it to her mouth and kissed.

They rolled over, hugged her, and read Xiaozui'er, "Dad said it hurts to give birth to a brother, and he hurts too, is it true?"


What did the father and daughter talk about while she was away?

Ji Anning was thinking about how to answer, and suddenly raised her little face, and said distressedly: "He wants to put his brother in your stomach, he wants to cut your stomach, it must be very painful, I don't want younger brothers and sisters. "

Ji Anning: "..."

Fuck! Is this how he teaches his children?

She glared at the man who had just sat on the sofa and took the lunch box out of the bag. She gritted her teeth and warned him, "You must finish eating. If I don’t finish eating, I’ll take the rest to feed the dog. Let you use the same thing as the dog. One bowl, one dinner!"

Ji Chicheng: "..."


'boom! ’

"Oh, you hate it, don't touch it."

"Just touch it."

In the luxurious private room, the woman is sitting on the man's lap, and the two are flirting and swearing ambiguously.

The door of the box was suddenly kicked open from the outside, and both of them were startled, especially the woman sitting on the man's lap, whose face was pale with fright.

They looked at the door for the first time, and the kicker was already at the table.

"Yang Danning, what is your style?"

With a cold face, Yang Danning held up a glass of water on the table and poured it on the man glaring at him, "Ji Jingfeng, you dare to threaten me."

Ji Jingfeng was thrown into flames, pushed the woman away from him, stood up, touched the water glass in front of him, and slammed it directly at Yang Danning, "Ji Chicheng dares to threaten you, why don't I dare? You bitch."

Yang Danning escaped, and the cup flew past her ear, fell to the ground, and broke.

Then she was standing again and raised her eyebrows at Ji Jingfeng coldly, "What are you? A nightclub woman, what do you compare with Ji Chicheng?"