So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 889: Not moved, nor owe you (9)

"Get up quickly." Ji Anning quickly bent over and helped the child up.

"thanks, thanks."

The boy's parents also came, helped him, repeatedly thanked Ji Anning, and then helped the boy to leave.

"Mom, I want to go home, not watching."

The boy clutched his mother's hand tightly, and his tone was more or less distressed and sad.

Soon after, I heard his mother's reprimand, "Don't be discouraged. Mom will definitely heal your eyes. It doesn't matter how much you spend. Mom will be well when you are better."

In this world, there are very few mothers who will give up their children...

Is she too unlucky?

At this point, the elevator was very crowded, Ji Anning leaned against the elevator wall, thinking absently.


The elevator stopped, the door opened, and many people got out of the elevator. Ji Anning recovered and saw that the elevator was empty, thinking that she was also there. When the elevator door was about to close, she immediately rushed out.

Look around, it seems wrong, not on the floor of the ward.

She looked at the floor signs above the elevator, and it was only twelfth floor, and there were only four floors to arrive.

Really confused!

Annoyed for a while, she stretched out her hand to push the elevator and glanced at it. Several elevators were far away from her.

Forget it, let's climb the stairs, anyway, the fourth floor.

Ji Anning thought, found the top of the stairs and climbed up layer by layer.

"Sister Zhang, Sister Zhang..."

When she reached the fifth floor, a familiar voice suddenly came from outside the door of the stairs. Her heart trembled and her footsteps stopped.

"Sister Zhang..."

Familiar voices shouted loudly, becoming more and more anxious.

Ji Anning stretched out his hand, grabbed the stair railing, and gradually turned his head to the closed stairwell door.

She couldn't help raising her foot, walked over, reached out her hand to grasp the door handle, and gently opened the door.

"Sister Zhang!"

The sound came from the left. She gradually walked out of the stairwell, looked in the direction of the sound, and saw the familiar figure lying on the door frame, her eyes wrapped in gauze, and her head turned anxiously.

A hand stretched out the door, waving wildly.

Ji Anning's heart couldn't help but tremble, holding the bag in one hand, and supporting the wall with the other, walking slowly...slowly towards that side.

As we get closer, the pace gets slower and slower.

"Where did this Zhang's wife go? No one answered for a long time."

No one responded after shouting a lot, Yang Yufang muttered depressed, and turned around to go back to the ward.

"Mrs. Ji, is there anything wrong with you?"

At this moment, a nurse came over, ran past Ji Anning in a hurry, and supported Yang Yufang.

Yang Yufang said: "I'm looking for my wife Zhang, I want to drink."

"I will pour it for you."

As the nurse said, she helped Yang Yufang into the ward.

The door of the ward was not closed, Ji Anning followed to the door, leaned on the door frame, and visited inside.

The nurse helped Yang Yufang to sit on the hospital bed, then took the cup and walked to the drinking fountain to see that there was no water in the drinking fountain.

Yang Yufang's urging sound came from behind, "Is it all right? I'm dying of thirst."

Maybe it was because she called Auntie Zhang and she hadn't responded until now, plus her eyes were invisible and she was anxious.

The nurse frowned, gave Yang Yufang a horizontal look, turned and walked toward the bathroom with the cup.

Ji Anning quickly drew back and avoided the nurse's sight. Then, she vaguely heard the sound of water rushing from the bathroom.