So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 888: Not moved, nor owed you (8)

Xiang Yi chuckled lightly, took out the phone from his pocket, and sent a message to Ji Chicheng, "Ji Chicheng, you owe me a favor, and I will help you fix your little lover. "

After reading the content of Xiang Yiqing's text message, Ji Chicheng's mouth curled up, and he replied: "Did you really ask Lu Youtian to bring her a lawsuit?"

Xiang Yiqing immediately came back, "Yeah, how do you thank me? Let's say it to you."

"I think that woman Xin Xiaoxiao would definitely be willing to agree."

"Daddy, where's Mommy?"

Ji Chicheng was replying to Xiang Yiqing's message, and he reached out and touched his arm, grabbing him and asking.

"Isn't it here just now?" Ji Chicheng looked around.

Ji Anning was not seen in the room, and the door of the ward was closed.

"Anning?" he shouted.

No one responded to him, he got up, walked to the bathroom door, looked inside, and got a clear view.

There is no figure of Ji Anning.


On the bed, one after another stretched out their hands and couldn't touch anyone, and became anxious. Ji Chicheng hurried over and grabbed the little girl's hand, "I'm here."

The gauze on the little girl's eyes will take two days to be taken apart. Her world has been dark these days, so she feels very insecure, and she can't be without people for a moment.

Ji Chicheng bent down and sat down beside them, and picked up a storybook on the bedside table. "Mom may be out shopping, I will tell you a story."

Turning over the first page of the story book, he began to read.

"Pang Xiaozhu has two older brothers. They grow up day by day and start to build their own homes. Big brother Big Fat picked up a bunch of wooden sticks and built a small wooden house. Er Fat brought some rocks..."

He turned page by page, speaking very deeply.

"Daddy, I want my younger siblings."

The little girl suddenly spoke, she clutched Ji Chicheng's arm tightly.

Ji Chicheng's voice stopped, he was shocked, and looked at them. Although he couldn't see her bright eyes, he could still feel how long and hopeful she was.

This is not the first time she has mentioned this to him. She hopes to have younger brothers and sisters to play with her.

Take care of your younger siblings as you would those Barbie dolls.

Ji Chicheng smiled and asked, "Is it okay for mom and dad to hurt each other?"

Pouting one after another, "I want my brother and sister to call my sister."

"Be good." Ji Chicheng pursed his lips, and took the little girl into his arms.

People are often like this sometimes. In the eyes of outsiders, he is like a king, omnipotent.

But who knows, he doesn't even try to have a baby, he can't ask for it.

Ji Chicheng will hold each other tightly, full of guilt.

In this matter, he was destined to fail her, destined to let her grow up alone like other only children.


Knowing that Ji Chicheng hadn't eaten dinner at this time, Ji Anning silently went downstairs and bought him some food and some fruit by the way.

When I came out, there was still Xiahong in the sky, and after a while, the sky was completely dark.

The patients who went out for a walk were also supported and pushed back to the ward.

"Little dragon, beware."

Ji Anning went up the steps, and a nervous reminder from a woman came from behind. Before she could react, a teenage boy suddenly fell behind her and fell beside her.

She instinctively reached out to help, but it was still a step late.

The little guy fell on the steps, and she looked so painful.