So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 887: Not moved, nor owed to you (7)

When it should be soft, it is soft, when it should be hard, it is hard, when it is supposed to be stupid, and when it is dark, it is angry.

There is also a spirit of dog skin plaster that makes people break down.

No wonder Ji Chicheng would take care of her nostalgia, and it is probably impossible, so he pushed her to him.

Mom, Ji Chicheng, you wait for Lao Tzu, and you must find a chance to wear your shoes in front of Ji Anning!

Xiang Yiqing stared at Xin Xiaoxiao, his thoughts fluttered, and then withdrew, and then solemnly said to Xin Xiaoxiao: "You have called you, and your purpose has been achieved. Go back now and stop bothering me."

Xin Xiaoxiao blinked with a sincere expression, "I am not such an ungrateful person."

Xiang Yiqing frowned, "Please don't repay me."

"Then..." Xin Xiaoxiao pouted, "Then if you have anything to ask me for help in the future, just scream, I will definitely go through fire and water..."

I really don't want to listen to those function words, especially when they are spoken in her mouth. Xiang Yiqing feels extremely empty. He waved his hand and interrupted her, "Let's go."

"Yeah." Xin Xiaoxiao nodded, and then said with a conscientious concern about Xiang Yiqing, "Doctor Xiang, go to bed early. There is nothing for you to see here. Don't stay up late."

After that she turned and left.

Looking at her lanky figure, Xiang Yiqing suddenly felt a little pitiful, and asked, "Do you live near here?"

Xin Xiaoxiao stopped, turned to look at him and replied: "It's the Greentown Hotel next to here, just a few steps away."

Xiang Yiqing knew the hotel, he thought for a while, and walked towards Xin Xiaoxiao, "Let's go."

"What are you doing?" Xin Xiaoxiao looked at Xiang Yiqing suspiciously.

Xiang Yiqing said: "This area is a suburb."

It means insecure.

Of course Xin Xiaoxiao is not stupid. Knowing that Xiang Yiqing is going to send her off, she hurriedly followed in his footsteps, "You are much better than Ji Chicheng, both in character and demeanor."

Xiang Yi heard the words lightly and stared at her with interest, "Do you like him?"

He thought badly, if Ji Anning was given such a rival, then Ji Chicheng's life would be very colorful.

Xin Xiaoxiao ‘cut’, "He is the father of the child, why should I like him?"

She cluttered her cheeks again, "It's not that no one likes me, why do you abuse yourself."

Xiang Yiqing was a little surprised by Xin Xiaoxiao's words. He turned his head and stared at her amusedly with innocence, "It's the first time I've seen you so much."

"But he is really handsome. There was a time when I really wanted to be a stepmother for his child."

Xin Xiaoxiao said, glanced at Xiang Yiqing's face, and grinned again, "Of course, that's because I didn't know you, so I wouldn't think he is handsome if I know you."

Really meet the windshield...

Xiang Yiqing ignored Xin Xiaoxiao and walked in front of her. The hotel was in front, and the lobby of the hotel could be seen at a glance. He stopped and said, "Here."

Xin Xiaoxiao walked to Xiang Yiqing's face, and suddenly became shy, "You do me a big favor, if you want me to promise me, I won't resist."


Xiang Yiqing was speechless, turned around, put his hands in the pockets of his white coat, and speeded up his pace to leave.

Xin Xiaoxiao's magical laughter came from behind.


This girl, did she forget that her father is still in the police station, is it likely that she will go to jail?