So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 883: Not moved, nor owe you (3)

In the blink of an eye, the elevator reached the first floor and the door opened.

A familiar figure stood at the door, and Ji Mingyue was taken aback, "Jing Feng, why are you here at the company so late?"

There was a hint of suspiciousness in her tone.

"Sister and uncle are here." Ji Jingfeng greeted them first, then smiled and said to Ji Mingyue: "Suddenly I remember that there is still something to be done. It's very tricky."

After speaking, he asked again: "Sister, didn't you go back when you got off work? Why did you come back again?"

Ji Mingyue smiled and said: "I was planning to go home, but suddenly I wanted to go to the hospital to see a lot of people. It just so happened that your uncle was also there, so I came back with him."

Upon hearing this, Ji Jingfeng glanced at Ji Chicheng with a smile.

However, Ji Chicheng didn't even despise the friendly appearance on the surface, coldly, not looking at him.

A hint of hatred flashed across Ji Jingfeng's eyes, but the smile on his face remained unchanged, "Sister-in-law and uncle, let's go and see them. I have been too busy these two days. I will take the time to take Jiaqi to see them."

Ji Mingyue pursed her lips and smiled. By the way, she cared and said, "Don't stay up late because you are young, go back and rest early."

Ji Jingfeng nodded, "Don't worry, sister, I won't make it too late."

Then he lifted his foot into the elevator and passed Ji Chicheng and Ji Mingyue.

When the elevator door closed, Ji Mingyue turned her head. Now facing Ji Jingfeng, her mood is very complicated.

"Hey, it's in our parents anyway, if he can only do it for Ji's family."


Ji Jingfeng felt sorry for Ji Mingyue and Ji Chicheng at the company so late.

When did their relationship come together?

Suddenly he felt very insecure.

The elevator door opened, and Ji Jingfeng quickly walked to his office. After entering the office, he went straight to his safe and opened the safe door.

He took out the thick pile of documents inside, and went over them one by one. Looking at Ji Mingyue's signature and official seal under the equity transfer book, his heart was put down.

Anyway, the shares are in his hands, regardless of who is good with her, who she is inclined to, and who she trusts.

For him, it was a waste of chess, respecting her, but just a scene.

Ji Jingfeng locked the door of the safe, got up and walked to his desk, pulled the chair away and sat down.

'Tuk tuk tuk'

There was a knock on the door suddenly, as if he had expected it.

"Come in."

He raised his head and responded, the door opened, and a middle-aged man came in, "Mr. Ji."

Ji Jingfeng looked at the coming man and asked, "How is Xin Hailong's case?"

The man replied: "The news from them seems to be asking for Lu Youtian, the biggest figure in Kyoto."

Ji Jingfeng sneered and didn't take it seriously. "Lu Youtian didn't mean that he could invite him if he had money."

The middle-aged man who came in was very worried. He said, "But a few years ago, the director of Fengming Hospital Xiang asked Lu Youtian for the case. Lu Youtian's son used to be alumni of Xiang Yiqing abroad, and he had a good relationship. "

Hearing this, the smile on Ji Jingfeng's face disappeared, "You mean Ji Chicheng asked Xiang Yiqing to help Lu Youtian?"

He narrowed his eyes, held a pen tightly in his hand, gritted his teeth, "Isn't he not nosy?"

The middle-aged man said: "He doesn't care, it is Xin Hailong's daughter who seems to have an unusual relationship with Xiang Yiqing, and she suddenly went very close."