So You Have Loved Me Too

Chapter 882: Not moved, nor owed you (2)

Ji Chicheng raised an eyebrow at her expressionlessly, "Do you think I will always help you manage this place?"

Ji Mingyue frowned, unable to control his temper, and raised her voice, "Ji Chicheng, what do you mean by this? What do you mean by helping me manage? Isn't this your company?"

"I never regarded him as mine. Judging from the old man's share allocation, he is more inclined to you." After finishing talking, Ji Chicheng searched Ji Mingyue again, turned around, and continued to walk towards the window.

When he reached the large French window, he put his hands in his trouser pockets.

The posture is straight.

Ji Mingyue exploded in anger behind him, "Don't fart, say such unscrupulous things, since childhood, dad can tell whoever fools dad loves most."

"So, why would he let me manage such a big company, isn't it tired?"

Ji Chicheng turned around and gave Ji Mingyue a blank eye that made people feel very awkward.

Ji Mingyue: "..."

Looking at the dark circles under Ji Chicheng's eyes, Ji Mingyue endured for a long time before taking back the curse.

She said: "I will accompany you tonight, you can go home and sleep."

"Okay, I'll take you there." Ji Chicheng nodded and answered very readily.

She turned around, walked to the hanger, stretched out her hand to take off her suit, and then walked behind Ji Mingyue and pushed her.

Ji Mingyue said: "I will ask the assistant to see me off. Go back."

Seeing his exhausted spirit, she really felt distressed.

"I see you off."

Ji Chicheng insisted on sending Ji Mingyue off and pushed her to the door.


Ji Mingyue snorted coldly, "Actually you want to pick up Ji Anning."

Ji Chicheng smiled, "The only time you are smart, so stop here, don't say the following."

Ji Mingyue's face was green, she turned and smashed the water glass in her hand at Ji Chicheng.

Ji Chicheng just tilted his head instinctively, and the cup flew over from his right, fell behind him, and broke.

Then he pushed her, and continued to walk outside the door, still expressionless, "Next time, don't throw anything casually.

Even if he didn't hide, the cup couldn't hit him.

If Ji Mingyue really wants to hit, he can't hide, nor can he hide.

Ji Chicheng's tone, how did Ji Mingyue feel awkward? She was so angry that she glared at him: "You don't even want our Ji family's property because of Ji Anning?"

She has a firm tone, and Ji Chicheng does not deny it, "I can earn a lot in the industry, but Ji Anning has only one."

He was destined to fail one company and Anning, but in this world, nothing could make him fail Ji Anning.

Ji Mingyue scolded angrily, "Shameless, how could Dad give birth to a son like you, shameful."

After being scolded, Ji Chicheng was not angry at all, instead he nodded and admitted, "It's shameless, but I just want Ji Anning."

He always refused to coax her, not even a nice sentence. Ji Mingyue couldn’t understand the attitude that I am the king of heaven and I am afraid of whom I am afraid of, "Go away, I don’t want you to push me, don’t follow me. together."

After scolding, she rolled the wheelchair with both hands to speed up.

Ji Chicheng kept up with her speed, "You have had fine lines on the corners of your eyes during this time."


The two brothers and sisters quarreled all the way from the office into the elevator. This was probably the time they had grown up and talked the most.